Power system operational reserves requirements with significant renewable generation in puerto rico

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Figueroa Acevedo, Armando L.
Embargoed Until
Irizarry Rivera, Agustín A.
College of Engineering
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Degree Level
The integration of utility-scale solar and wind energy generation into an electrical power network introduces new operational and economical challenges. When local atmospheric conditions deteriorates, such as when cloud covers and extended periods of raining takes place, the power grid can be subjected to strong active power ramp events that online generation units may not be able to support and manage. As a result, regulation (1-minute), load following (10-minute), and inter hour (60-minute) ramping requirements will increase, specially in an non- interconnected power system. Characterizing the variability of solar and wind ramp events in Puerto Rico, and its effect on the power system capability to adapt, is the main scope of this investigation. By synthesizing solar radiation and wind speed data sets, a one year renewable energy (RE) time series was re-created by means of Markov Chain processes. The spatial-temporal characteristics of solar and wind energy ramp events in the island were evaluated and the impact of these events on the actual load following and inter hour requirements was quantified for the 12%, 15% and 20% RE penetration scenarios. Finally, the cost of generation using solar and wind power in PR was estimated. Results have shown that these scenarios are achievable if new technical requirements are included in Power Purchase and Operation Agreements (PPOA).

La generación de energía eléctrica con fuentes renovables presenta nuevos retos en la operación y manejo de un sistema eléctrico. Cuando ocurren eventos atmosféricos locales, tales como cubiertas de nubes y periodos extendidos de lluvia, la red eléctrica puede estar sujeta a rampas de gran intensidad que generadores convencionales no son capaces de manejar. Como resultado de esto, los requisitos de regulación (1 minuto), seguimiento de carga (10-minutos), y desbalance (60-minutos) aumentarán, especialmente en un sistema de potencia no interconectado. Lacaracterización espacial y temporal de la variabilidad de los recursos renovables en Puerto Rico es el objetivo principal de esta investigación. Utilizando las cadenas de Markov, se recreó una serie temporal de energía renovable en la isla. Los requisitos de seguimiento de carga y desbalance fueron calculados para tres futuros escenarios degeneración renovable:12%,15%y20%.Finalmente, se estimó el costo de la energía solar y eólica en PR. Los resultados demuestran que estos escenarios son alcanzables, si se incluyen nuevos requisitos técnicos en los acuerdos de compra y venta de energía (PPOA).
Figueroa Acevedo, A. L. (2013). Power system operational reserves requirements with significant renewable generation in puerto rico [Thesis]. Retrieved from