Faculty/Research Works

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Items included in this collection represent the diverse products generated by the academic and creative labor of UPRM's faculty members. These may include textual documents (research articles, books, book chapters, technical reports, etc.), conference presentations outside of UPRM, research posters, and other products such as maps, graphics, or computer code. To learn more about what works can be submitted to this collection, visit https://libguides.uprm.edu/repositorioUPRM/facultad


Recent Submissions

  • Publication
    El Piche de la Batata Cylas formicarius
    (Agricultural Experiment Station, 2022-05-15) Giraldo, Martha C.; Almodóvar, Wanda; Martínez-Cales, Edda; College of Agricultural Sciences; Department of Crops and Agro-Environmental Sciences
    Esta es una publicación que describe el insecto plaga en batata en Puerto Rico, Cylas formicarius.
  • Publication
    Mitos y Realidades sobre la Industria Lechera en Puerto Rico
    (Medios Educativos e Información, Servicio de Extensión Agrícola, Universidad de Puerto Rico, 2019-05) Martínez Loarte, Enrique; Pagán Riestra, Suzika; College of Agricultural Sciences; Other
    Publicación donde se aclaran algunos mitos existentes sobre la leche fresca y ganadería de leche en Puerto Rico.
  • Publication
    El desinfectante y el sellador durante el ordeño: ¡Úsalos correctamente!
    (2020-04) Pagán Riestra, Suzika; College of Agricultural Sciences; Other
    Opúsculo educativo sobre el uso de desinfectante y sellador durante el proceso de ordeño.
  • Publication
    Cercas eléctricas para la ganadería
    (2021-09) Pagán Riestra, Suzika; College of Agricultural Sciences; Other
    Opúsculo sobre componentes de un sistema de cerca eléctrica.
  • Publication
    (Agricultural Experiment Station, 2022-06-13) Feliciano, Merari; Giraldo, Martha C.; Almodóvar, Wanda; Cortés, Mildred; College of Agricultural Sciences; Department of Crops and Agro-Environmental Sciences
    Este boletín explica las recomendaciones para el manejo de la roya del ñame ante la reciente identificación de este hongo en Puerto Rico.
  • Publication
    Digital Archives as Decolonial Practice
    (Florida Digital Humanities Consortium (FLDH), 2023-09-29) Boyles, Christina; Chansky, Ricia Anne; Morales Benítez, José J.; University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez; Michigan State University; College of Arts and Sciences - Art; Academic Affairs; College of Arts and Letters (Michigan State University); Department of English; General Library; Department of Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures (Michigan State University)
    Traditional academic research often relies on the violence of extraction—the taking of people, resources, goods, and ideas from the marginalized in order to serve the needs of those in power. Community-engaged research requires academics to reject extractive forms of knowledge acquisition and relegate authority and control of project processes and outcomes to the participating community members. The collaboration between the Oral History Lab (OHL) at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez (UPRM) and the Archivo de Respuestas Emergencias de Puerto Rico (AREPR)—which includes teams at Michigan State University and UPR Río Piedras—has afforded us the opportunity to re-vision digital archives as spaces for communities to self-narrate their lived experiences with disaster and survival. Our proposed webinar traces the lines of community archiving as decolonial practice through our linked projects, including aspects of archives and pedagogy, access to archives, community archives, and collaborative archiving strategies. Our working model leads to the creation of archival collections shaped by the community and characterized by a high degree of accessibility and immediate relevance, which can serve as tools for transformation by preserving and disseminating the perspectives, lived experiences, and work of individuals and community organizations who do not traditionally have access to public discourses. This presentation includes discussion of: (a) The relevant courses at UPRM, which culminate in digitally archiving students’ oral history projects, a model that has demonstrated significant pedagogical value as it strengthens students’ sense of agency by placing them in the role of creators of new primary sources with enduring value while underscoring their connectivity to their home communities across the archipelago. (b) The OHL “Speaking into Silences” project—funded by a Digital Justice Development grant from the ACLS—which brings together four mutual aid organizations from across the Puerto Rican archipelago to create onsite digital archives with mirror collections housed in the UPRM repository. Each local site will develop a public-facing digital output that bridges to the larger archive, such as a geospatial map, playlist, or calendar. (c) How AREPR—a collaborative, multilingual oral history storytelling project funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation—utilizes methodologies grounded in community archiving and digital humanities to center community knowledges in active fieldwork; a process that both uplifts local experiences and has the potential to reshape the ways in which researchers envision their research projects as people-first, socially-conscious, and non-extractive.
  • Publication
    Percepciones de docentes de la Universidad de PuertoRico, Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez sobre elrepositorio institucional yconsideraciones para promover el depósito de sus obras investigativas
    (Acceso: Revista Puertorriqueña de Bibliotecología y Documentación, 2023-08-01) Morales Benítez, José J.; Alvarez, Jaquelina E.; University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez; Academic Affairs; General Library
    El repositorio institucional de la Universidad de Puerto Rico en Mayagüez (UPRM), conocido como Scholar@UPRM, comenzó a operar en el 2017. Desde su creación, se ha visto gran crecimiento en el contenido de la plataforma. Actualmente, Scholar@UPRM es la fuente principal para acceder a las tesis, disertaciones e informes de proyecto producidos por estudiantes graduados del recinto. Sin embargo, el repositorio no ha tenido el mismo éxito en cuanto a recopilar la labor investigativa de la facultad, ya que son muy pocos los docentes que han depositado sus trabajos académicos en la plataforma. Este estudio investiga cuáles son las percepciones de los docentes de UPRM sobre el repositorio y qué factores han evitado que Scholar@UPRM tenga mayor acogida entre la facultad del recinto como plataforma propicia para el depósito y diseminación de sus obras investigativas. Se aborda también el beneficio que puede representar el repositorio para UPRM al dar amplia visibilidad a la labor investigativa realizada en el recinto. Se utilizó un cuestionario para recopilar las opiniones y perspectivas de los docentes de UPRM sobre diversos aspectos relacionados al repositorio. Los resultados señalan que para incrementar el depósito de obras por parte de los docentes es necesario tomar medidas como promocionar el repositorio institucional de manera más efectiva, ofrecer orientaciones sobre el proceso de depósito y sobre temas de derechos de autor, considerar la implementación de un modelo de depósito mediado y comunicar a los docentes los beneficios de depositar en términos que apelen a ellos.
  • Publication
    The Oral History Lab @UPRM
    (2023-10-21) Chansky, Ricia Anne; Denesiuk, Marci; Morales Benítez, José J.; University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez; College of Arts and Sciences - Art; Academic Affairs; Department of English; General Library
    This poster provides an introduction to the Oral History Lab of the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, detailing its objectives and work.
  • Publication
    The Oral History Lab @UPRM: Decolonial Practice On, Across, & Beyond Campus
    (2023-10-20) Chansky, Ricia Anne; Denesiuk, Marci; Morales Benítez, José J.; University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez; College of Arts and Sciences - Art; Academic Affairs; Department of English; General Library
    In September 2017, Hurricane María made landfall in the Puerto Rican archipelago, triggering floods and mudslides, washing out roads, destroying homes, farms, and businesses, causing the largest blackout in US history, knocking out communications, leading to food, water, and gasoline shortages, and ultimately causing thousands of deaths. Just weeks after the hurricane, faculty at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez began a bilingual, mass-listening project that placed hundreds of undergraduate students in their home communities to record the stories that mattered most to them told by the people most important to them. Trained in antiracist and decolonial methodologies as well as trauma-informed approaches, students and faculty have recorded almost 500 oral histories to date that are focused on the stratified disasters of hurricanes, an ongoing earthquake swarm, COVID-19, a worsening economic crisis, and the complicated relationship between Puerto Rico and the US. The panel includes three presentations, each one dedicated respectively to: (1) The oral history courses that we have developed on the UPRM campus for undergraduate students, ones that serve as general education courses on a campus in which the majority of matriculated students self-identify as English as a second language speakers; (2) The training and mentorship program that we have developed for community partners across the Puerto Rican archipelago to support them through the development, archiving, and dissemination of their own oral history projects; and (3) The oral history digital archive @UPRM—and its bilingual metadata scheme—as both a means of teaching students and community partners how to reposition their perceptions of themselves as knowledge producers and a repository established to aid global research. The three presentations on this panel articulate some the ways in which multiple on-campus assets and off-campus community organizations can collaborate on oral history for social justice projects. Furthermore, these presentations theorize oral history as a decolonial pedagogical model that undermines traditional, counterproductive divisions between both academic discipline and on- and off-campus communities as they work to record, archive, and disseminate essential stories of climate disaster and community ingenuity.
  • Publication
    Estrategias para hacer crecer un repositorio institucional: Identificación de desafíos y aprovechamiento de oportunidades de colaboración multidisciplinaria
    (2023-06) Morales Benítez, José J.; Alvarez, Jaquelina E.; Rodríguez, Grisell; University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez; Academic Affairs; General Library
    El repositorio institucional de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Mayagüez, llamado Scholar@UPRM, se estableció en el 2017. Uno de los objetivos principales es dar amplia visibilidad a la labor investigativa y creativa realizada en la institución. Durante el 2022, Scholar@UPRM recibió más de 139,700 visitas, evidenciando el gran valor de la plataforma. Un 91% de estas fue a la colección de tesis y disertaciones, haciendo del repositorio la fuente principal para acceder a dichos trabajos. No obstante, un desafío significativo ha sido recopilar los trabajos investigativos de docentes, siendo pocos los que han depositado sus obras. Igualmente, son escasos los trabajos de estudiantes subgraduados que figuran en el repositorio. Este cartel presenta iniciativas desarrolladas desde la biblioteca para fomentar el crecimiento de Scholar@UPRM. En el caso de los docentes, se realizó un estudio para identificar los factores que han inhibido a miembros de esta comunidad de depositar sus obras. El desconocimiento sobre la existencia y uso del repositorio, dudas sobre derechos de autor y cuestionamientos sobre el alcance de difusión que ofrece Scholar@UPRM fueron algunos factores identificados. Otra iniciativa consistió en establecer alianzas multidisciplinarias entre la biblioteca y docentes de las áreas de Inglés y Cine para crear el Laboratorio de Historia Oral, unidad dedicada a recopilar entrevistas de historia oral y producir documentales sobre temas que afectan a comunidades puertorriqueñas, como la inseguridad alimentaria y los desastres naturales. Estos productos se depositan en el repositorio para su diseminación y preservación.
  • Publication
    Surviving stratified disasters: Collaborative approach to collecting and preserving oral histories
    (Acceso: Revista Puertorriqueña de Bibliotecología y Documentación, 2022-06-07) Alvarez, Jaquelina E.; Morales Benítez, José J.; Chansky, Ricia Anne; University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez; Academic Affairs; College of Arts and Sciences - Art; General Library; Department of English
    Durante los últimos seis años, Puerto Rico ha sido sacudido por una oleada de desastres estratificados, múltiples catástrofes simultáneas que afectan a la población de maneras diferentes pero interrelacionadas. La implacable depresión económica provocó el establecimiento de una junta de control fiscal designada bajo la Ley PROMESA, lo que condujo a la imposición de duras medidas de austeridad. Además, los huracanes Irma y María causaron una devastación extrema en septiembre de 2017, a principios de 2019 se produjo el comienzo de un enjambre de terremotos que eventualmente se contaron por miles (incluido uno con una magnitud de 6,4 en la escala de Richter), y 2020 trajo el inicio de la Pandemia de COVID-19. La Universidad de Puerto Rico en Mayagüez (UPRM) no se ha librado ya que ha sido objeto de recortes presupuestarios extremos que han traído como consecuencia la eliminación de puestos docentes y el deterioro de la infraestructura y los servicios, con un aumento también de la precariedad estudiantil. El proyecto “Escuchando a Puerto Rico: La promesa de la historia oral en el campus y más allá” surge como respuesta a este escenario de desastres estratificados. El principal objetivo de este proyecto colaborativo, que reúne a la Biblioteca General, el Departamento de Inglés y el Programa de Cine del RUM, es la creación de un Laboratorio de Historia Oral (OHL). La OHL estará alojada en la Biblioteca General y será un espacio enfocado en la colección, preservación y amplia difusión de historias orales de todo el archipiélago puertorriqueño, particularmente, aquellas que tocan las experiencias de los miembros de la comunidad a medida que han navegado por los muchos desafíos de estos tiempos difíciles. Se mejorará la preservación, la administración y la visibilidad de los materiales a través de su depósito en el repositorio institucional en línea del RUM, Scholar@UPRM. La creación de la OHL es un ejemplo de cómo las bibliotecas académicas que enfrentan circunstancias precarias pueden forjar alianzas multidisciplinarias estratégicas con socios del campus para diseñar proyectos creativos que aborden directamente los eventos históricos locales y, al mismo tiempo, producir colecciones de fuentes primarias únicas para el beneficio de los investigadores dentro y fuera del campus.
  • Publication
    Forging future access to memory: Library contributions to a multi-disciplinary oral history project​
    (2023-03-16) Morales Benítez, José J.; Alvarez, Jaquelina E. ; Chansky​, Ricia Anne; University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez; Academic Affairs; College of Arts and Sciences - Art; General Library; Department of English
    Over the last six years, Puerto Rico has been shaken by a surge of stratified disasters-multiple overlapping catastrophes that affect the population in different but interrelated ways. Unrelenting economic depression provoked the establishment of a fiscal control board appointed under the PROMESA Act, which led to the imposition of harsh austerity measures. In September 2017, hurricanes Irma and María struck, causing extreme devastation. Furthermore, late 2019 saw the onset of a swarm of earthquakes which generated widespread displacement and structural damage, and 2020 brought the COVID-19 pandemic. As recently as September 2022, Hurricane Fiona made landfall in Puerto Rico, causing extreme flooding and damages to an already weakened infrastructure and leaving thousands without power or running water for weeks. Our university has not been spared, as it has been subject to severe budget cuts causing the elimination of faculty positions and deterioration of infrastructure and services, with student precarity on the rise. In response to this scenario of stratified disasters, the university library, in tandem with the English Department and Film Program, have initiated a collaborative project involving the creation of an oral history laboratory (OHL). The OHL, which will be housed in the library, will be a space dedicated to the collection, preservation, and broad dissemination of oral histories from around the Puerto Rican archipelago, particularly those that capture the experiences of community members as they have navigated the many challenges of these difficult times. The creation of the OHL shows how academic libraries, especially those serving communities facing precarious circumstances, can forge alliances and design creative projects to address local events and produce unique primary source collections. The digital oral history collections generated by the OHL are a significant contribution to the historical record, as they augment the visibility of narratives and perspectives coming from sectors of the population whose voices have been historically underrepresented or silenced. In the context of overarching problems like climate change and economic precarity, this work has a potent social justice component, as it highlights the experiences of those who, due to deeply entrenched social inequities and government neglect, are forced to endure the most severe aspects of the recent wave of calamities that has battered the Puerto Rican archipelago. The methodology used in developing the OHL is fundamental to the work, as the narrative transactions conducted through oral history interviews contribute an intersectional lens that encourages approaches to historical study that are more informed by personal human experience, thus cultivating empathy and solidarity. Additionally, oral history practice has the ability to resituate those disempowered by tragedy through the act of storytelling, where the narrator is positioned as the agential protagonist, an act more and more relevant in the face of Puerto Rico’s ever-growing list of cultural traumas. This session will present the groundbreaking methodological approach employed for the creation of the OHL and its digital humanities collections, and presents an example of how libraries can develop strategic multidisciplinary alliances for projects that promote social justice and equity in their home communities.
  • Publication
    El Trípido de la Flor del Frijol
    (Agricultural Experiment Station, 2023-03-14) Cabrera Asencio, Irma; Estévez de Jensen, Consuelo; University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez; College of Agricultural Sciences; Department of Crops and Agro-Environmental Sciences
    Megalurothrips usitatus es conocido como el trípido de la flor del frijol o el “asian bean thrips” es una plaga invasiva y fue recientemente reportado en Puerto Rico por la Clínica de Diagnóstico de la Estación Experimental Agrícola de Juana Díaz, UPRM. Esta plaga es muy agresiva que afectas el rendimiento de las Fabáceae.
  • Publication
    Palm, Risa I. and Michael E. Hodgson. Natural Hazards in Puerto Rico: Attitudes, Experience and Behavior of Homeowners. Boulder, Colorado: Program on Environment and Behavior, Institute of Behavioral Science, Monograph #55, 1993. 131 pp
    (Centro de Publicaciones Académicas, Facultad de Artes y Ciencias, Universidad de Puerto Rico en Mayagüez, 1994) Gutiérrez Sánchez, Jaime; University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez; Department of Social Sciences; Plaza, Julio
  • Publication
    Premiación al profesional de la enfermería: Su significado e importancia
    (Centro de Publicaciones Académicas, Facultad de Artes y Ciencias, Universidad de Puerto Rico en Mayagüez, 1994) Martínez, Delia; University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez; Department of Nursing; Plaza, Julio
  • Publication
    El concepto computacional de la mente
    (Centro de Publicaciones Académicas, Facultad de Artes y Ciencias, Universidad de Puerto Rico en Mayagüez, 1994) Sánchez, Halley D.; University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez; Department of Humanities; Plaza, Julio
  • Publication
    En torno al alma ensayística de Eugenio María de Hostos
    (Centro de Publicaciones Académicas, Facultad de Artes y Ciencias, Universidad de Puerto Rico en Mayagüez, 1994) Fernández Valledor, Roberto; University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez; Department of Hispanic Studies; Plaza, Julio
  • Publication
    La novela histórica y la mujer caribeña
    (Centro de Publicaciones Académicas, Facultad de Artes y Ciencias, Universidad de Puerto Rico en Mayagüez, 1994) Rodríguez, Linda María; University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez; Department of English; Plaza, Julio
  • Publication
    Colón y sus carabelas en la ruta del oro
    (Centro de Publicaciones Académicas, Facultad de Artes y Ciencias, Universidad de Puerto Rico en Mayagüez, 1994) Ruano, Argimiro; University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez; Department of Humanities; Plaza, Julio
  • Publication
    Americanidad y antillanía en Hostos: Hacia una desmitificación del prócer
    (Centro de Publicaciones Académicas, Facultad de Artes y Ciencias, Universidad de Puerto Rico en Mayagüez, 1994) Morales Nieves, Alfredo; University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez; Department of Hispanic Studies; Plaza, Julio