Las decisiones que los individuos deben tomar ante la llegada de eventos atmosféricos como los huracanes pueden hacer la diferencia en si sobreviven o no. En condiciones de falta de información, estrés e incertidumbre, la toma de decisiones puede volverse no solo abrumadora sino peligrosa. En este trabajo, desarrollamos una herramienta de apoyo para ayudar a guiar la toma de decisiones de las personas durante un desastre por huracán. El trabajo se desarrolló en dos etapas. Primero, una evaluación de los sentimientos de las personas hacia el huracán María, un evento meteorológico desastroso que devastó la isla de Puerto Rico en septiembre de 2017. En segundo lugar, proponemos la herramienta: una adaptación del modelo de inventario clásico para representar el bienestar de las personas en función de su toma de decisiones durante una emergencia por huracán. La primera contribución de este trabajo es el conocimiento descubierto a partir del análisis de la encuesta. El segundo es el desarrollo de un enfoque novedoso para diseñar una herramienta para la toma de decisiones de los individuos durante emergencias.
The decisions that individuals have to make in the advent of atmospheric events such as hurricanes can make a difference in whether they survive or not. Under conditions of lack of information, stress, and uncertainty, decision-making can become not only daunting but dangerous. In this work, we develop a support tool to help guide individuals’ decision-making during a hurricane disaster. The work occurred in two stages. First, an assessment of individuals’ reactions towards Hurricane María, a disastrous weather event that devastated the island of Puerto Rico in September 2017. Secondly, we propose the tool: an adaptation of the classic inventory model to represent individuals’ wellness as a function of their decision-making during a hurricane emergency. The first contribution of this work is the knowledge discovered from the survey analysis. The second is the development of a novel approach to designing a tool for individual decision-making during emergencies.
The decisions that individuals have to make in the advent of atmospheric events such as hurricanes can make a difference in whether they survive or not. Under conditions of lack of information, stress, and uncertainty, decision-making can become not only daunting but dangerous. In this work, we develop a support tool to help guide individuals’ decision-making during a hurricane disaster. The work occurred in two stages. First, an assessment of individuals’ reactions towards Hurricane María, a disastrous weather event that devastated the island of Puerto Rico in September 2017. Secondly, we propose the tool: an adaptation of the classic inventory model to represent individuals’ wellness as a function of their decision-making during a hurricane emergency. The first contribution of this work is the knowledge discovered from the survey analysis. The second is the development of a novel approach to designing a tool for individual decision-making during emergencies.
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Hurricane Maria, Decision support, Well-being, Hurricane response behavior, Wellness during emergencies