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User performance analysis of a two-way left turn lane using a driving simulator

Garcia-Rosario, Ricardo
This research’s aim is to study the behavior of drivers when the cross-section of the roadway is modified to include a Two-Way Left Turn Lane (TWLTL). This research study used the UPRM driving simulator to collect driver data on a simulated road section with and without a TWLTL. Subjects’ behavior was analyzed by studying the effectiveness of the implementation of the TWLTL-modified cross-section, the impact of providing educational material to road users about the adequate operation of a TWLTL, and the impact of the width of the TWLTL and driveway density. From the analysis, it was found that there is less variability in the speed of those who drove the scenarios with the TWLTL when compared against driver behavior under the current scenario. An improvement in the proportion of correct driving maneuvers at the TWLTL increased from 50% to 83% when drivers received educational training on how to make a left turn to exit the main road. Also, there was also an improvement in the proportion of correct driving maneuvers from 22% to 72% when drivers received educational training when a vehicle stopped blocking part of the through lane. A statistically reduction in variance was found in drivers who receive educational training at the position at which they enter the TWLTL when compared to drivers who did not receive educational training. Also, drivers’ speed variance decreases significantly with the implementation of the TWLTL. On the contrary, the result of this thesis shown that the TWLTL width and access density do not have any effect on the driver’s speed. Nevertheless, it was found that the roadway density has a moderate effect at the moment at which the driver enter the TWLTL.
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Research Projects
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Two-Way Left Turn Lane, Driver Education, Driving Behavior, Road Safety, Driving Simulator
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