Análisis y reconstrucción del decaimiento hadrónico j J/ψ→ K+K−π+π−π0
Mendoza Gómez, Iveth M.
Mendoza Gómez, Iveth M.
Se determinó la razón de producción para el decaimiento hadrónico J/ψ→ K+K−π+π−π0 y se realizó una comparación con los valores obtenidos en un análisis previo basado en una muestra de 3 millones de eventos de ψ(2S) para el modo exclusivo ψ(2S)→ J/ψ + π+π− encontrando que se aumentó la precisión de esta medici ́on. El presente análisis está basado además en una muestra de 24.45 millones de eventos de ψ(2S) registrados con el detector CLEO-c correspondientes al data set 42. Adicionalmente se presenta el análisis correspondiente a los estados asociados J/ψ→ ηφ y ωK+K− encontrando el valor para su razón de producción.
The Branching Ratio of production for the hadronic decay J/ψ → K+K−π+π−π0 was determined and a comparison was made with previously obtained values for a sample of 3 million events of ψ(2S)for the exclusive mode ψ(2S) → J/ψ → K+K−π+π−π0, finding that the precision of this measurement improved. The current analysis is based on a sample of 24.45 million events of ψ(2S) registred by the CLEO-c detector, corresponding to dataset 42. In addition, we present the analysis corresponding to the associated states J/ψ → ηφ and J/ψ → ωK+K− the value for their branching ratio.
The Branching Ratio of production for the hadronic decay J/ψ → K+K−π+π−π0 was determined and a comparison was made with previously obtained values for a sample of 3 million events of ψ(2S)for the exclusive mode ψ(2S) → J/ψ → K+K−π+π−π0, finding that the precision of this measurement improved. The current analysis is based on a sample of 24.45 million events of ψ(2S) registred by the CLEO-c detector, corresponding to dataset 42. In addition, we present the analysis corresponding to the associated states J/ψ → ηφ and J/ψ → ωK+K− the value for their branching ratio.