Language contact between Rincoeños and Americans in Rincón, Puerto Rico
La investigación en la cual esta tesis esta basada tomó lugar en Rincón, Puerto Rico. Esta investigación examina tres preguntas: 1) ¿Hay contacto de idiomas entre los rincoeños y los americanos en Rincón, Puerto Rico? 2) ¿Cuál/es es/son el/los resultado(s) de ese contacto de idiomas? 3) ¿Cuáles son los factores sociales y sicológicos que contribuyen al contacto de idiomas en Rincón, Puerto Rico? Para examinar estas preguntas, la investigadora contactó los participantes en un restaurante y entrevistó veinticuatro participantes, doce rincoeños y doce americanos. Para recolectar la información, se utilizó un itinerario para entrevistar y grabar sesenta y dos preguntas. El itinerario de la entrevista grabada incluyó preguntas sobre el uso de idioma en el trabajo, con los vecinos y con las amistades, actitudes hacia el inglés y el español así como actitudes hacia los americanos en Rincón y preguntas dirigidas a identidad. Se utilizó un cuestionario socio-demográfico. Los reultados indican que hay contacto de idiomas en Rincón. Para ambos grupos hubo dos resultados: la adquisición de un segundo idioma y aculturación. Los factores sociales y sicológicos examinados dentro del Modelo de Aculturación de Schumann (1978) contribuyeron al contacto de idiomas.
The research on which this thesis is based took place in Rincón, Puerto Rico. The research addressed three research questions: 1) Is there language contact between Spanish-speaking Rincoeños and English-speaking Americans in Rincón, 2) What is/are the outcome(s) of this language contact? 3) What are the social and psychological factors that contribute to language contact in Rincón? To address these questions, the researcher contacted participants through a restaurant/bar and interviewed two groups, 12 Americans and 12 Rincoeños, using a 62-item interview schedule and a socio-demographic questionnaire. The Interview Schedule included items on: socio-demographic information; language at work, with neighbors, and for friends and entertainment; attitudes towards English and Spanish; attitude towards Americans in Rincón, and identity. The results showed there was language contact in Rincón. For both groups, there were two outcomes: language acquisition and acculturation. Social and psychological factors examined within Schumann’s (1978) Acculturation Model contributed to language contact.
The research on which this thesis is based took place in Rincón, Puerto Rico. The research addressed three research questions: 1) Is there language contact between Spanish-speaking Rincoeños and English-speaking Americans in Rincón, 2) What is/are the outcome(s) of this language contact? 3) What are the social and psychological factors that contribute to language contact in Rincón? To address these questions, the researcher contacted participants through a restaurant/bar and interviewed two groups, 12 Americans and 12 Rincoeños, using a 62-item interview schedule and a socio-demographic questionnaire. The Interview Schedule included items on: socio-demographic information; language at work, with neighbors, and for friends and entertainment; attitudes towards English and Spanish; attitude towards Americans in Rincón, and identity. The results showed there was language contact in Rincón. For both groups, there were two outcomes: language acquisition and acculturation. Social and psychological factors examined within Schumann’s (1978) Acculturation Model contributed to language contact.
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Acculturation (Rincón, PR), ESOL, Spanish speakers--Puerto Rico--Rincón., English speakers--Puerto Rico--Rincón.