Building a better princess writing ethnicity and the feminist’s hero’s journey
Martinez Vargas, Jenaira
Martinez Vargas, Jenaira
Desde la década de 1940, Disney ha presentado su propia versión del personaje de princesa, desde Blancanieves hasta Moana. A lo largo del tiempo, Disney ha mejorado la representación de sus princesas, haciéndolas más feministas. Sin embargo, estas cualidades feministas aparecieron porque Disney utilizó princesas étnicas como sujetos de prueba. Con el uso de la teoría del cine, la teoría del género y la teoría étnica que se centran en la versión de princesas de Disney Animation Studios para proporcionar un análisis detallado de los rasgos que se mejoraron, agregaron y eliminaron de las princesas a lo largo del tiempo. Llegando a una pieza creativa donde una mezcla de las características positivas que se utilizaron en las películas de princesas de Disney se combina con rasgos de personajes mejorados para hacer una mejor princesa.
Ever since the 1940s, Disney has been presenting a version of a princess character, from Snow White to Moana. Throughout the film eras Disney has improved the representation of their princesses, by making them more feminist inclined. However, these feministic qualities appeared because Disney utilized ethnic princesses as test subjects. With the use of film theory, gender theory, and ethnic theory focusing on Disney Animation Studios’ brand of princesses to provide a close analysis of what traits were improved, added and removed from princesses throughout time. Leading up to a creative piece where a mixture of the positive characteristics that were utilized in Disney princess films combine with improved character traits to make a better princess.
Ever since the 1940s, Disney has been presenting a version of a princess character, from Snow White to Moana. Throughout the film eras Disney has improved the representation of their princesses, by making them more feminist inclined. However, these feministic qualities appeared because Disney utilized ethnic princesses as test subjects. With the use of film theory, gender theory, and ethnic theory focusing on Disney Animation Studios’ brand of princesses to provide a close analysis of what traits were improved, added and removed from princesses throughout time. Leading up to a creative piece where a mixture of the positive characteristics that were utilized in Disney princess films combine with improved character traits to make a better princess.
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Research Projects
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Disney, Gender studies, Hybrid thesis, Feminism