Variabilidad metabólica de dos corales masivos constructores de arrecifes 𝘖𝘳𝘣𝘪𝘤𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘢 𝘧𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘰𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘢 y 𝘚𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘢 𝘴𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘢 en el gradiente de profundidad en la Reserva Natural La Parguera, Lajas, Puerto Rico
Los arrecifes de coral son comunidades marinas complejas, altamente productivas y diversas. Los simbiontes que viven dentro del tejido del coral juegan un papel importante en el metabolismo de estos. Existe poca información sobre las tasas metabólicas basales y los cambios bajo diferentes condiciones ambientales o de estrés para los corales escleractinios. Los cambios en las tasas metabólicas permiten evaluar la respuesta de estos organismos. Ha habido varios intentos de medir las tasas basales y su respuesta a las condiciones ambientales usando diferentes métodos que eran logísticamente complejos y requerían mover o manipular el organismo de su hábitat, lo cual causa cambios en el nivel metabólico. Recientemente, se desarrolló un instrumento llamado CISME (Coral In Situ Metabolism) (CISME Instruments, LLC) para medir las tasas de respiración y fotosíntesis in situ el cual permite evaluar la salud metabólica de los corales individuales sin manipular las colonias. Los objetivos de este proyecto eran utilizar el CISME para evaluar la variabilidad metabólica a lo largo del gradiente de profundidad en dos importantes especies masivas formadoras de arrecifes, Orbicella faveolata y Siderastrea siderea, y cuán diferentes eran estas tasas entre las dos especies en la Reserva Natural La Parguera en Puerto Rico. Se realizaron tres mediciones repetidas con el CISME en cada una de las seis colonias de tamaño mediano de cada especie en cada uno de los tres intervalos de profundidad (0-5, 5-10, 15-20m). Los resultados mostraron una disminución significativa en las tasas metabólicas (respiración, fotosíntesis y calcificación) a lo largo del gradiente de profundidad en ambas especies (PERMANOVA, P < 0.05). Hubo una alta variabilidad intra e inter-colonia dentro de ambas especies y O. faveolata mostró tasas de respiración y fotosíntesis más altas en comparación con S. siderea. La tasa de calcificación también mostró una disminución con el gradiente de profundidad (pero no significativa) en ambas especies.
Coral reefs are complex, highly productive, and diverse marine communities. The symbionts that live within the coral tissue play an important role in coral metabolism. Little information exists on basal metabolic rates and changes under different environmental or stress conditions for scleractinian corals. Changes in metabolic rates allows the assessment of the response of these organisms. There have been several attempts to measure respiration, photosynthesis, and calcification basal rates, and their response to changing conditions using different methods were logistically complex and cumbersome, and required removing and manipulating the organism from its habitat, which inherently causes changes at the metabolic level. Recently, an instrument called CISME (Coral In Situ Metabolism) (Coral Instruments, LLC) was developed to measure respiration and photosynthesis rates in situ. It assesses the metabolic health of individual corals and other important benthic components of coral reefs without manipulation of colonies. The goals of this project were to use CISME to assess the depth-related metabolic variability within each of two important reef-building, massive species, Orbicella faveolata and Siderastrea siderea species, and how different these rates were between the two species in La Parguera Natural Reserve in Puerto Rico. Three replicate CISME measurements were done in each of six, medium size colonies of each species in each of three depth intervals (0-5, 5-10, 15-20m). Results showed a significant decrease in metabolic rates (respiration, photosynthesis, and calcification) along the depth gradient in both species (PERMANOVA, P < 0.05). There was high intra- and inter-colony variability within both species and, O. faveolata showed higher respiration and photosynthesis rates compared to S. siderea. The calcification rate also showed a decrease with the depth gradient (but not significant) in both species.
Coral reefs are complex, highly productive, and diverse marine communities. The symbionts that live within the coral tissue play an important role in coral metabolism. Little information exists on basal metabolic rates and changes under different environmental or stress conditions for scleractinian corals. Changes in metabolic rates allows the assessment of the response of these organisms. There have been several attempts to measure respiration, photosynthesis, and calcification basal rates, and their response to changing conditions using different methods were logistically complex and cumbersome, and required removing and manipulating the organism from its habitat, which inherently causes changes at the metabolic level. Recently, an instrument called CISME (Coral In Situ Metabolism) (Coral Instruments, LLC) was developed to measure respiration and photosynthesis rates in situ. It assesses the metabolic health of individual corals and other important benthic components of coral reefs without manipulation of colonies. The goals of this project were to use CISME to assess the depth-related metabolic variability within each of two important reef-building, massive species, Orbicella faveolata and Siderastrea siderea species, and how different these rates were between the two species in La Parguera Natural Reserve in Puerto Rico. Three replicate CISME measurements were done in each of six, medium size colonies of each species in each of three depth intervals (0-5, 5-10, 15-20m). Results showed a significant decrease in metabolic rates (respiration, photosynthesis, and calcification) along the depth gradient in both species (PERMANOVA, P < 0.05). There was high intra- and inter-colony variability within both species and, O. faveolata showed higher respiration and photosynthesis rates compared to S. siderea. The calcification rate also showed a decrease with the depth gradient (but not significant) in both species.
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Metabolismo de corales, CISME, Fotosíntesis bruta, Respiración oscura, Calcificación