Termografía infrarroja en muestras de leche y componentes de la máquina de ordeño como herramienta para la detección de mastitis sub-clínica en ganado lechero
Almeida-Montenegro, Abel D.
Almeida-Montenegro, Abel D.
La mastitis es la enfermedad más importante en los hatos lecheros mundialmente. En Puerto Rico, las pérdidas económicas asociadas a esta se han estimado en $765,393 anuales. Durante la respuesta inflamatoria, ocurre un aumento en el flujo de sangre, resultando en un aumento en la temperatura del cuarto mastítico. Este cambio en temperatura podría ser detectado utilizando termografía infrarroja (TIR) y utilizarse como indicador del estado de salud de la glándula mamaria. El presente estudio evaluó la TIR como herramienta de detección de mastitis sub-clínica durante el proceso del ordeño en muestras de leche (TIRM) y tubos cortos de la unidad de ordeño (TIRT). En adición, se determinó el grado de asociación entre la TIR y el recuento de células somáticas (RCS) agrupado por patógeno. El estudio se llevó a cabo en una vaquería comercial en Lajas, Puerto Rico. Para determinar la asociación entre la TIR del cuarto mamario y el grado de mastitis, cada cuarto fue categorizado según su RCS en bajo (< 200 x 103 cél.ml-1), intermedio (≥ 200 x 103 a ≤ 750 x 103 cél.ml-1) y alto (> 750 x 103 cél.ml-1). La TIRM (n = 127 cuartos) y TIRT (n = 129 cuartos) fueron colectados durante la rutina de ordeño. Muestras escépticas de leche de los cuartos experimentales fueron tomadas para análisis bacteriológicos (n=94). Durante el periodo de estudio se determinó la temperatura ambiental, humedad relativa y temperatura rectal de los animales. No se encontraron diferencias en TIR según los diferentes niveles de RCS. El promedio ± error estándar de los grupos de RCS-bajo, RCS-intermedio y RCS-alto fueron 34.43±0.12, 34.53±0.23 y 34.66±0.51°C para TIRM y 33.42±0.20, 32.98±0.38, 33.57±0.28°C para TIRT, respectivamente. Sin embargo, una alta correlación se observó entre el RCS con TIRM y TIRT (r = 0.72; P = 0.004 y r = 0.84; P = 0.008, respectivamente). En conclusión, la TIRM y TIRT como herramienta de diagnóstico de mastitis fue limitada. Esto debido a influencias en variaciones de temperatura durante el ordeño (e.g., r =0.69; P < 0.0001 entre TIRT y hora de ordeño) y factores climáticos (e.g., r = 0.72; P < 0.0001 entre TIRT y temperatura ambiental). Sin embargo, la termografía resultó ser una herramienta prometedora para estimar el tipo de patógeno mastíticos según el RCS. Estos resultados sugieren que estudios futuros son requeridos para determinar la asociación entre la TIR, RCS y patógenos mastíticos.
Mastitis is the most important diseases in dairy herds worldwide. In Puerto Rico, the economic loses associated to mastitis were estimated in $765,393 annually. During the inflammatory response an increased in blood flow occurs, resulting in a temperature increment. This increase in temperature could be detected using infrared thermography (IRT) and used as a health status indicator of the mammary gland. The present study evaluated the use of IRT as a detection tool of sub-clinical mastitis during the milking process in milk samples (IRTMS) and the short milking tubes (IRTT). In addition, the association between IRT and somatic cell count (SCC) grouped by mastitic pathogens was evaluated. The study was conducted in a commercial dairy herd in Lajas, Puerto Rico. To determinate the association between infrared temperature of mammary quarters and mastitis grade, each quarter was categorized by SCC in low (< 200 x 103 cell.ml-1), intermediate (≥ 200 x 103 ≤ 750 x 103 cell.ml-1) and high (> 750 x 103 cell.ml-1). During the milking routine, IRTMS (n = 127 quarters) and IRTT (n = 129 quarters) were collected. Aseptic milk samples of experimental quarters were collected for bacteriological analysis (n=94). In addition, environmental temperature, relative humidity and rectal temperature of the animals were collected during the study. No differences in IRT according to SCC categories were found. Mean IRT ± standard error in low-, medium- and high-SCC were 34.43±0.12, 34.53±0.23 and 34.66±0.51°C for IRTMS and 33.42±0.20, 32.98±0.38 and 33.57±0.28°C for IRTT, respectively. However, a high correlation between SCC with IRTMS and IRTT grouped by pathogens were observed (r = 0.72; P = 0.004 and r = 0.84; P = 0.008, respectively). In conclusion, IRTMS and IRTT as a mastitic detection tool were limited. This was due to influences in temperature variations during the milking process (e.g., r = 0.69; P < 0.0001 between TIRT and milking time) and climatic factors (e.g., r = 0.72; P < 0.0001 between IRTT and environmental temperature). However, IRT resulted to be a promising tool to estimate the type of mastitic pathogen when grouped by SCC. These results suggest future studies are needed to determine the association between IRT, SCC and mastitic pathogens.
Mastitis is the most important diseases in dairy herds worldwide. In Puerto Rico, the economic loses associated to mastitis were estimated in $765,393 annually. During the inflammatory response an increased in blood flow occurs, resulting in a temperature increment. This increase in temperature could be detected using infrared thermography (IRT) and used as a health status indicator of the mammary gland. The present study evaluated the use of IRT as a detection tool of sub-clinical mastitis during the milking process in milk samples (IRTMS) and the short milking tubes (IRTT). In addition, the association between IRT and somatic cell count (SCC) grouped by mastitic pathogens was evaluated. The study was conducted in a commercial dairy herd in Lajas, Puerto Rico. To determinate the association between infrared temperature of mammary quarters and mastitis grade, each quarter was categorized by SCC in low (< 200 x 103 cell.ml-1), intermediate (≥ 200 x 103 ≤ 750 x 103 cell.ml-1) and high (> 750 x 103 cell.ml-1). During the milking routine, IRTMS (n = 127 quarters) and IRTT (n = 129 quarters) were collected. Aseptic milk samples of experimental quarters were collected for bacteriological analysis (n=94). In addition, environmental temperature, relative humidity and rectal temperature of the animals were collected during the study. No differences in IRT according to SCC categories were found. Mean IRT ± standard error in low-, medium- and high-SCC were 34.43±0.12, 34.53±0.23 and 34.66±0.51°C for IRTMS and 33.42±0.20, 32.98±0.38 and 33.57±0.28°C for IRTT, respectively. However, a high correlation between SCC with IRTMS and IRTT grouped by pathogens were observed (r = 0.72; P = 0.004 and r = 0.84; P = 0.008, respectively). In conclusion, IRTMS and IRTT as a mastitic detection tool were limited. This was due to influences in temperature variations during the milking process (e.g., r = 0.69; P < 0.0001 between TIRT and milking time) and climatic factors (e.g., r = 0.72; P < 0.0001 between IRTT and environmental temperature). However, IRT resulted to be a promising tool to estimate the type of mastitic pathogen when grouped by SCC. These results suggest future studies are needed to determine the association between IRT, SCC and mastitic pathogens.
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Maquina de ordeño, Ganado lechero, Mastitis