EvaluaciĆ³n de bioestimulantes en dos clones de cacao (Theobrama cacao) creciendo en vivero para ser usados como patrones para injerto
Carrero AvilƩs, Kelvin
Carrero AvilƩs, Kelvin
Las investigaciones se realizaron en 2014 y 2015 en un vivero de MayagĆ¼ez, Puerto Rico, para evaluar el efecto de 9 biostimulantes disponibles comercialmente en el crecimiento de 2 clones de cacao recomendados como patrĆ³n para injerto. Las variables medidas fueron altura de planta, nĆŗmero de hojas expandidas, longitud del hipocotilo, concentraciĆ³n de nitrato en la savia, concentraciĆ³n de los valores de clorofila en las hojas expandidas, materia seca y fresca (hojas, tallos y raĆces) y diĆ”metro del tallo. En el experimento con cacao 'Amelonado' algunos bioestimulantes aceleraron el crecimiento del diĆ”metro del tallo antes que en las plantas de control. Con el cacao 'RIM 78', las plantas tratadas con pĆ©ptidos o con aminoĆ”cidos tenĆan mayores valores de SPAD que otras plantas y el diĆ”metro del tallo adecuado para el injerto se alcanzĆ³ antes que en las plantas de control. Estos resultados indican que algunos bioestimulantes podrĆan ser Ćŗtiles para acelerar el crecimiento de las plantas de cacao en viveros, pero el efecto parece depender del clon y de los factores ambientales.
Research was conducted in 2014 and 2015, in a nursery in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, to evaluate the effect of 9 commercially-available biostimulants on the growth of 2 cocoa clones recommended as rootstock for grafting. The variables measured were plant height, number of expanded leaves, hypocotyl length, nitrate concentration in sap, concentration of chlorophyll values in the expanded leaves, dry and fresh matter (leaves, stems, and roots), and diameter of the stem. In the experiment with cocoa 'Amelonado' some biostimulants accelerated stem diameter growth earlier than in control plants. With cocoa 'RIM 78', plants treated with peptides or with amino acids had higher SPAD values than other plants and stem diameter suitable for grafting was reached earlier than in control plants. These results indicate that some biostimulants might be useful to accelerate the growth of cocoa plants in nurseries, but the effect seems to depend on the clone and environmental factors.
Research was conducted in 2014 and 2015, in a nursery in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, to evaluate the effect of 9 commercially-available biostimulants on the growth of 2 cocoa clones recommended as rootstock for grafting. The variables measured were plant height, number of expanded leaves, hypocotyl length, nitrate concentration in sap, concentration of chlorophyll values in the expanded leaves, dry and fresh matter (leaves, stems, and roots), and diameter of the stem. In the experiment with cocoa 'Amelonado' some biostimulants accelerated stem diameter growth earlier than in control plants. With cocoa 'RIM 78', plants treated with peptides or with amino acids had higher SPAD values than other plants and stem diameter suitable for grafting was reached earlier than in control plants. These results indicate that some biostimulants might be useful to accelerate the growth of cocoa plants in nurseries, but the effect seems to depend on the clone and environmental factors.
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Bioestimulantes de cacao, Patrones de injerto, Theobroma cacao