Selección de líneas de frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) que combinan resistencia al gorgojo común (Acanthoscelides obtectus Say) con resistencia a los virus BGYMV, BCMV y BCMNV
Durante el almacenamiento, la semilla de frijol puede sufrir considerables pérdidas económicas causadas por los gorgojos tales como el gorgojo común del frijol (Acanthoscelides obtectus) Say. Las pérdidas causadas por este insecto pueden ser cuantitativas, como resultado de un daño directo a la semilla o cualitativos tales como semilla contaminada con excrementos o partes del cuerpo del gorgojo. El Virus del Mosaico Dorado Amarillo (BGYMV), el Virus del Mosaico Común de Frijol (BCMV) y el Virus del Mosaico Común Necrótica de Frijol (BCMNV) se encuentran entre las enfermedades virales más graves de frijol, que tienen el potencial de causar pérdidas de hasta el 80% de la producción de frijol. El objetivo de esta investigación fue el desarrollo de líneas de frijol que combinan resistencia al gorgojo común del frijol y resistencia a los virus en tipos de semilla de frijol que tienen valor comercial. Se desarrolló varias poblaciones de cruzamientos dentro y entre los acervos genéticos Mesoamericana y Andino. Muestras de 10 semillas de cada línea de frijol se infestaron con 10 gorgojos adultos para detectar líneas de resistencia al gorgojo común de frijol. Las líneas que no mostraron o mostraron muy pocos daños a los gorgojos se evaluaron de nuevo para confirmar la reacción resistente. Los marcadores moleculares se utilizaron para la selección indirecta de genes asociados con resistencia a los gorgojos y resistencia a los virus. 35 líneas con resistencia al gorgojo se evaluaron en el invernadero con la cepa NL3 de BCMNV para identificar las plantas con resistencia al virus. Se identificaron líneas que combinaron resistencia a los gorgojos y resistencia a los virus en varios tipos de semillas comerciales. Los resultados sugieren la necesidad de identificar marcadores moleculares que son más eficaces para la selección indirecta de la resistencia a los gorgojos. Se utilizó una prueba de Chi-cuadrado para comparar los patrones de segregación entre las poblaciones para resistencia al gorgojo. Todas las poblaciones en la generación F4 mostraron el mismo patrón de segregación de resistencia y susceptibilidad ante A. obtectus. La baja frecuencia de líneas con altos niveles de resistencia a los gorgojos sugiere que el complejo locus APA no es el único factor asociado con la resistencia al gorgojo del frijol común.
During storage, bean seed can suffer considerable economic losses caused by bruchids such as the common bean weevil (Acanthoscelides obtectus) Say. The losses caused by this insect may be quantitative as the result of direct damage to the seed or qualitative such as seed contaminated by excreta or body parts of the weevil. Bean Golden Yellow Mosaic Virus (BGYMV), Bean Common Mosaic Virus (BCMV) and Bean Common Mosaic Necrosis Virus (BCMNV) are among the most severe viral diseases of beans, having the potential to cause losses up to 80% of bean production. The objective of this research was to develop bean lines that combine common bean weevil and virus resistance into commercial bean seed types. Several populations were developed in crosses between the Mesoamerican and Andean gene pools. Samples of 10 seeds of each bean line were infested with 10 adult weevils to screen lines for resistance to the common bean weevil. Lines that showed no or very little weevil damage were screened again to confirm the resistant reaction. Molecular markers were used for indirect selection for genes associated with weevil and virus resistance. 35 lines with weevil resistance were evaluated in the greenhouse with the NL3 strain of BCMNV to identify plants with resistance to the virus. Lines were identified that combine common bean weevil and virus resistance in commercial seed types. The results suggest the need to identify molecular markers that are more effective for indirect selection for resistance to weevils. A Chi-square test was used to compare patterns of segregation among populations for resistance to the common bean weevil. All of the F4 populations showed the same pattern of segregation for resistance and susceptibility to the common bean weevil. The low frequency of lines with high levels of resistance to weevils suggests that the complex APA locus is not the only factor associated with resistance to the common bean weevil.
During storage, bean seed can suffer considerable economic losses caused by bruchids such as the common bean weevil (Acanthoscelides obtectus) Say. The losses caused by this insect may be quantitative as the result of direct damage to the seed or qualitative such as seed contaminated by excreta or body parts of the weevil. Bean Golden Yellow Mosaic Virus (BGYMV), Bean Common Mosaic Virus (BCMV) and Bean Common Mosaic Necrosis Virus (BCMNV) are among the most severe viral diseases of beans, having the potential to cause losses up to 80% of bean production. The objective of this research was to develop bean lines that combine common bean weevil and virus resistance into commercial bean seed types. Several populations were developed in crosses between the Mesoamerican and Andean gene pools. Samples of 10 seeds of each bean line were infested with 10 adult weevils to screen lines for resistance to the common bean weevil. Lines that showed no or very little weevil damage were screened again to confirm the resistant reaction. Molecular markers were used for indirect selection for genes associated with weevil and virus resistance. 35 lines with weevil resistance were evaluated in the greenhouse with the NL3 strain of BCMNV to identify plants with resistance to the virus. Lines were identified that combine common bean weevil and virus resistance in commercial seed types. The results suggest the need to identify molecular markers that are more effective for indirect selection for resistance to weevils. A Chi-square test was used to compare patterns of segregation among populations for resistance to the common bean weevil. All of the F4 populations showed the same pattern of segregation for resistance and susceptibility to the common bean weevil. The low frequency of lines with high levels of resistance to weevils suggests that the complex APA locus is not the only factor associated with resistance to the common bean weevil.
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líneas de frijoles, Gorgojo común, BGYMV, BCMV, BCMNV