Efecto de la utilización de inóculos microbianos sobre las características fermentativas, estabilidad aeróbica, consumo voluntario y digestibilidad de la materia seca y nutrientes de ensilaje de maíz
El forraje es la principal fuente de alimentación y de gran importancia económica para rumiantes en ambientes tropicales como Puerto Rico. El uso de ensilaje se ha estudiado extensamente en ambientes templados pero hay menos información sobre su producción y uso en el trópico. Este estudio constó de dos partes, en la primera se evaluó los efectos de la adición de dos inóculos microbianos comerciales, uno a base de bacterias productoras de ácido láctico (BPAL) homofermentativas (THO) y el otro una combinación de éstas con heterofermentativas (THH), además de un tratamiento control sin inoculación (TCN), sobre las características fermentativas de maíz tropical en micro-silos y la estabilidad aeróbica (EA) del ensilaje resultante. En la segunda parte se evaluó un tratamiento (THTF) con la adición de BPAL de ambos tipos contra un control (TCRL) sin tal adición, tocante a los efectos sobre las características fermentativas de maíz ensilado en bolsas plásticas y la EA del ensilaje. Se incorporó cada ensilaje en combinación con heno de gramíneas tropicales (HGT) en proporción 50:50 en base seca (BS) y harina de soya en dietas para ovinos, cuyo consumo voluntario (CV) y digestibilidad se determinó. Las características fermentativas se determinaron en muestras por triplicado, tomadas a diferentes largos de fermentación, que se analizaron para pH, concentración de ácidos orgánicos y NH3. Para evaluar la EA se monitoreó los cambios de pH y temperatura del ensilaje frecuentemente durante la exposición al aire por 5 días. En la prueba in vivo se utilizó 10 ovinos adultos alojados en jaulas metabólicas y la técnica de recolección fecal total en un diseño reversible. Se ofreció diariamente una cantidad de dieta BS equivalente a 3 % de peso vivo (PV) animal, En el experimento 1, no se encontró diferencias significativas entre tratamientos en ninguno de los criterios de características fermentativas incluidas. Numéricamente el THO mostró en promedio el menor pH (4.23) y el mayor contenido porcentual de ácido láctico (AL) (2.18), seguido respectivamente por THH (4.28 y 2.11) y TCN (4.32 y 1.94). Referente a los indicadores de EA tampoco difirieron significativamente los tratamientos, pero hubo una diferencia en pH promedio del ensilaje expuesto, favorable a THO (5.30 vs 5.43 valor común en ambos THH y TCN); y una tendencia (P<0.15) en temperatura promedio (ºC) favorable a THH (29.61 vs 30.26 en THO y 30.28 en TCN). En el experimento 2, el ensilaje de THTF dio mejores resultados que el control durante la fermentación, tanto en pH promedio (4.58 vs. 4.92, P<0.01) como en contenido porcentual de AL más alto (1.64 % vs 1.29, P<0.06) y de ácido propiónico (AP) más bajo (0.05 vs 0.10; P<0.04). El THTF demostró eficiencia para mejorar la EA relativo al control al lograr valores promedios más bajos (P<0.05) en pH (5.33 vs 6.65) y temperatura (32.06 vs 34.16 ºC) en el ensilaje expuesto al aire. En la prueba con los ovinos la dieta control resultó en mayor (P<0.05) consumo de HGT y de forraje total, pero el ensilaje con adición de inóculo fue consumido en mayor cantidad, aunque por un margen de solo 8 g de materia seca (MS) por día. La digestibilidad de materia seca (DMS) y la digestibilidad de fibra detergente neutro (DFDN) no difirió entre tratamientos, pero la digestibilidad de proteína bruta (DPB) favoreció (P<0.05) la dieta con ensilaje de maíz inoculado. En general, el uso de los inóculos de BPAL en ensilaje de maíz tropical no resultó en grandes diferencias relativo a ensilaje no inoculado en las variables dependientes bajo estudio referentes a características fermentativas, EA y valor nutritivo al incorporarse en dietas para ovinos, si bien se detectó ciertos efectos beneficiosos de pequeña magnitud. No obstante existe mucha variabilidad por lo que las conclusiones presentes son tentativas y pendientes verificación por estudios adicionales.
Forage, the main feed source, is of great economic importance in ruminant livestock operations in tropical environments such as Puerto Rico. Utilization of silage has been studied extensively in temperate environments however, less information is available about its production and use in tropical environments. This study consisted of two parts, the first evaluated the effects of adding two commercial microbial inoculants, one (treatment HOT) based on lactic producing acid bacteria (LAPB) of the homolactic type (HOB) and the other treatment (HHT) a combination of HOB with heterolactic bacteria (HHB), plus a control treatment without inoculation (CNT), on the fermentative characteristics of tropical maize in micro-silos and aerobic stability (AS) of the resulting silage. In the second part, a treatment (HTFT) based on the addition of both types of LAPB and a control without such addition (CRLT) were evaluated for their effects on the fermentation characteristics of maize silage produced in plastic bags and AS of the same. Each silage was combined 50:50 with tropical grass hay on a dry matter basis (DMB), and with soybean meal, in diets for sheep, in which voluntary intake and nutrient digestibility were determined. The fermentative characteristics were determined in triplicate samples taken at various lengths of fermentation, which were analyzed for pH, concentration of organic acids and NH3. To assess AS, changes in pH and temperature of the silages were monitored frequently during exposure to air for 5 days. The in vivo trial used 10 adult sheep housed in metabolic cages and the total fecal collection technique in a reversible design. The daily dietary offering was equivalent to 3% of animal live weight on a DMB. In Experiment 1, no significant differences were found among treatments in any of the fermentation characteristics studied. Treatment HOT showed the numerically lowest average pH (4.23) and the highest average percentage content of lactic acid (LA) (2.18), followed by HHT(4.28 and 2.11) and CNT (4.32 and 1.94), respectively. Also, regarding indicators of AS there were no significant differences among treatments, but numerically the average pH of exposed HOT silage was lower (5.30 vs 5.43, the common value in both HHT and CNT) and there was a trend (P <0.15) toward lower average temperature (ºC ) in favor of HHT (29.61 vs. 30.26 and 30.28 for HOT and CNT silages). In experiment 2, the HTFT silage gave better results than the control during fermentation both in average pH (4.58 vs. 4.92, P <0.01) and higher contents (%) of LA 1.64 vs 1.29 (P <0.06) and lower of propionic acid (0.05 vs 0.10, P <0.04). The HTFT showed efficacy for improving AS relative to the control with lower average values (P <0.05) in pH (5.33 vs 6.65) and temperature (32.06 vs. 34.16 °C) in silage exposed to air. In the trial with sheep, the CRLT diet resulted in higher (P <0.05) consumption of hay and total forage, but the inoculated silage was consumed in greater quantity although by a margin of only 8 g of dry matter (DM) / d. The digestibility of DM and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) did not differ between treatments, but crude protein digestibility was higher (P <0.05) for the diet including inoculated silage. In general, the use of LAPB inoculants in tropical maize silage did not result in large differences relative to non-inoculated silage in the dependent variables under study regarding fermentation characteristics, AS and nutritive value, when incorporated into diets for sheep, although certain small beneficial effects were detected. However, there is much variability involved and present conclusions are tentative pending further study.
Forage, the main feed source, is of great economic importance in ruminant livestock operations in tropical environments such as Puerto Rico. Utilization of silage has been studied extensively in temperate environments however, less information is available about its production and use in tropical environments. This study consisted of two parts, the first evaluated the effects of adding two commercial microbial inoculants, one (treatment HOT) based on lactic producing acid bacteria (LAPB) of the homolactic type (HOB) and the other treatment (HHT) a combination of HOB with heterolactic bacteria (HHB), plus a control treatment without inoculation (CNT), on the fermentative characteristics of tropical maize in micro-silos and aerobic stability (AS) of the resulting silage. In the second part, a treatment (HTFT) based on the addition of both types of LAPB and a control without such addition (CRLT) were evaluated for their effects on the fermentation characteristics of maize silage produced in plastic bags and AS of the same. Each silage was combined 50:50 with tropical grass hay on a dry matter basis (DMB), and with soybean meal, in diets for sheep, in which voluntary intake and nutrient digestibility were determined. The fermentative characteristics were determined in triplicate samples taken at various lengths of fermentation, which were analyzed for pH, concentration of organic acids and NH3. To assess AS, changes in pH and temperature of the silages were monitored frequently during exposure to air for 5 days. The in vivo trial used 10 adult sheep housed in metabolic cages and the total fecal collection technique in a reversible design. The daily dietary offering was equivalent to 3% of animal live weight on a DMB. In Experiment 1, no significant differences were found among treatments in any of the fermentation characteristics studied. Treatment HOT showed the numerically lowest average pH (4.23) and the highest average percentage content of lactic acid (LA) (2.18), followed by HHT(4.28 and 2.11) and CNT (4.32 and 1.94), respectively. Also, regarding indicators of AS there were no significant differences among treatments, but numerically the average pH of exposed HOT silage was lower (5.30 vs 5.43, the common value in both HHT and CNT) and there was a trend (P <0.15) toward lower average temperature (ºC ) in favor of HHT (29.61 vs. 30.26 and 30.28 for HOT and CNT silages). In experiment 2, the HTFT silage gave better results than the control during fermentation both in average pH (4.58 vs. 4.92, P <0.01) and higher contents (%) of LA 1.64 vs 1.29 (P <0.06) and lower of propionic acid (0.05 vs 0.10, P <0.04). The HTFT showed efficacy for improving AS relative to the control with lower average values (P <0.05) in pH (5.33 vs 6.65) and temperature (32.06 vs. 34.16 °C) in silage exposed to air. In the trial with sheep, the CRLT diet resulted in higher (P <0.05) consumption of hay and total forage, but the inoculated silage was consumed in greater quantity although by a margin of only 8 g of dry matter (DM) / d. The digestibility of DM and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) did not differ between treatments, but crude protein digestibility was higher (P <0.05) for the diet including inoculated silage. In general, the use of LAPB inoculants in tropical maize silage did not result in large differences relative to non-inoculated silage in the dependent variables under study regarding fermentation characteristics, AS and nutritive value, when incorporated into diets for sheep, although certain small beneficial effects were detected. However, there is much variability involved and present conclusions are tentative pending further study.
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Inóculos microbianos, Estabilidad aeróbica, Consumo voluntario