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Preparing for systemic reform: What can Puerto Rico learn from teacher-focused policies in the United States and Finland?

Segarra-Soto, Héctor A.
This study utilized a case study methodology to describe, analyze, and compare teacher- focused State policies in Connecticut, Finland, and Puerto Rico. These policies were categorized according to the teacher professional lifecycle, and include incentives for recruitment into the profession, teacher preparation program entry requirements, and induction and professional development requirements established by policy. Contextual information pertaining to additional socioeconomic variables was provided. The final chapter explores the similarities and differences in all three cases, and presents policy suggestions that may be enacted by Puerto Rican policymakers to strengthen the island’s education system. Results show that, despite significant socioeconomic differences, Puerto Rico’s state-level policies have attempted to address key elements that characterize Connecticut and Finland’s systems. These may be developed further by increasing teacher preparation program selectivity, establishing a multi-tier licensing system tied to professional growth and classroom initiatives, and establishing a centrally coordinated, mandatory induction program based on peer mentorship.
Este proyecto de investigación utiliza como metodología el estudio de caso para describir, analizar, y comparar las políticas educativas enfocadas en el magisterio en Connecticut, Finlandia y Puerto Rico. Las políticas se categorizan según el ciclo de vida profesional del maestro e incluyen incentivos de reclutamiento, selectividad de programas de preparación de maestros y requisitos de inducción y desarrollo profesional. Se provee información contextual sobre variables socioeconómicas, se exploran similitudes y diferencias entre los casos, y se presentan sugerencias de política pública para que Puerto Rico fortalezca su sistema educativo. A pesar de que existen diferencias socioeconómicas significativas, las políticas puertorriqueñas a nivel estatal han intentado atender elementos similares a Connecticut y Finlandia. Continuar desarrollándolos requiere el aumento en selectividad de programas de preparación de maestros, establecer un sistema de certificación multi-nivel atado al crecimiento profesional y ejecutorias, y desarrollar un programa de inducción basado en la mentoría de pares.
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Research Projects
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Career development, Puerto Rico education, Training of teachers, Educational policies
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