Evaluación de mezclas de arena y goma triturada como relleno de muros de contención
Celis-Leguizamo, Hebenly
Celis-Leguizamo, Hebenly
Esta tesis estudió una alternativa de reciclaje de neumáticos viejos en la forma de neumático triturado como material de relleno en muros de contención. Este material reciclado se considera costo efectivo y tiene ventajas como bajo peso unitario, buenas características de drenaje (para ciertas gradaciones) y beneficios ambientales debido a la reutilización de gran cantidad de este material de desecho. Esta tesis involucró un programa experimental diseñado para evaluar propiedades ingenieriles, de goma triturada y mezclas de goma y arena, requeridas para el diseño a corto y largo plazo de muros de contención. Una contribución importante de este trabajo es la evaluación de la compresibilidad a largo plazo de rellenos que contengan distintos porcentajes de goma triturada. Esta tesis también incluyó la evaluación de las presiones laterales generadas por estos tipos de rellenos en un muro prototipo. Los valores de las presiones medidas se compararon con teorías clásicas de empujes de tierras y se encontró que las teorías clásicas no son adecuadas para predecir presiones laterales de muros con rellenos compuestos por goma triturada.
This thesis studied an alternative for recycling old tires in the form of shredded tires used as backfill material for retaining walls. This recycling material is considered cost effective and has advantages such as its low unit weight, good drainage characteristics (for certain gradations), and environmental benefits related to the reuse of large quantities of this waste material. This thesis involved an experimental program designed to evaluate the engineering properties, of crumb rubber and mixtures of crumb rubber with sand, required for the short- and long-term design of retaining walls. An important contribution of this study is the assessment of the long-term compressibility of fill materials containing different percentages of shredded crumb rubber. This thesis also included experimentation with a prototype wall designed to measure lateral pressures generated by this type of backfill materials. The measured lateral pressures were compared with classical earth pressure theories and it was found that classical earth pressure theories were not suitable for prediction of lateral pressures generated by shredded tire backfills.
This thesis studied an alternative for recycling old tires in the form of shredded tires used as backfill material for retaining walls. This recycling material is considered cost effective and has advantages such as its low unit weight, good drainage characteristics (for certain gradations), and environmental benefits related to the reuse of large quantities of this waste material. This thesis involved an experimental program designed to evaluate the engineering properties, of crumb rubber and mixtures of crumb rubber with sand, required for the short- and long-term design of retaining walls. An important contribution of this study is the assessment of the long-term compressibility of fill materials containing different percentages of shredded crumb rubber. This thesis also included experimentation with a prototype wall designed to measure lateral pressures generated by this type of backfill materials. The measured lateral pressures were compared with classical earth pressure theories and it was found that classical earth pressure theories were not suitable for prediction of lateral pressures generated by shredded tire backfills.
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Research Projects
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Retaining walls