Plantas de cobertura y su efecto en la salud del suelo y rendimiento de batata y calabaza
Se realizaron dos experimentos en la Subestación Experimental Agrícola (EEA) de Isabela, Universidad de Puerto Rico en un suelo de la serie Coto. En el experimento 1 se evaluó el efecto de las leguminosas Crotalaria (Crotalaria juncea L.) cv. Tropic Sun, Caupí CB46 (Vigna unguiculada L.) y del Sorgo 9300 (Sorghum bicolor L.) en monocultivo y en asociación con sorgo. Para el experimento 2 se evaluó el efecto de las leguminosas Canavalia (Canavalia ensiformis L. DC), Mucuna (Mucuna pruriens L.) y un control (sin aplicación de fertilizantes). En ambos experimentos se evaluó la aportación de N en la biomasa, liberación de NH4+ y NO3- proveniente de la descomposición. Se establecieron las PC y a las ocho semanas se tomaron muestras para determinar su rendimiento de materia seca y para análisis de N y C. Se tomaron muestras de suelo a las 2, 4 y 6 semanas para determinar la concentración de NH4+ y NO3-. En el experimento 1 las coberturas se incorporaron al suelo, se sembraron batatas, y se determinó su rendimiento (Ipomea batata L.). A su vez, para el experimento 2 las PC se dejaron sobre la superficie del suelo y se sembraron las calabazas (Curcubita moschata L.). En el experimento 1 hubo diferencia significativa en la concentración de N, donde la mayor concentración fue de 31 g kg-1 en el Caupí. También, se encontró diferencias en concentración de NH4+ y NO3- entre las semanas con valores de 38, 15 y 32 y 33, 44 y 16 mg kg-1. No hubo diferencias significativas en el rendimiento de la batata (25,163 kg ha-1). En conclusión, la aportación de N fue mayor al asociar crotalaria + sorgo (36 kg ha-1). En el experimento 2 hubo diferencia significativa en la concentración de N, donde la mayor concentración fue de 36 kg ha-1 en la Mucuna. Se encontró diferencias en concentración de NH4+ y NO3- entre las semanas con valores de 32.7, 0.00 y 9.33 y 3.50, 5.83 y 35.0 mg kg-1. Las concentraciones de N no afectaron los rendimientos de la calabaza (3,583 kg ha-1). En conclusión, la contribución de N fue mayor al utilizar mucuna (49 kg ha-1).
Two experiments were conducted at the Agricultural Experimental Sub-station of Isabela, University of Puerto Rico on a soil from the Coto series. In experiment 1 the effect of Crotalaria “Tropic sun” (Crotalaria juncea L.), and Cowpea CB46 (Vigna unguiculata L.) legumes, and the Sorghum 9300 (Sorghum bicolor L.) was evaluated in a monocrop and associated with sorghum. In experiment 2 the effect of the Canavalia (Canavalia ensiformis L. DC) and Mucuna (Mucuna pruriens L.) legumes and a control (without any fertilizer application) was evaluated. In both experiments the biomass N contribution, release of NH4+ and NO3- from decomposition was evaluated. The cover plants (CP) were established and at eight weeks, samples were taken to determine their dry matter yield (DMY), and for N and C analysis. Soil samples were taken at 2, 4 and 6 weeks to determine their NH4+ and NO3- concentration. In experiment 1the CP were incorporated into the soil, sweet potato was sowed, and the crop yield was determined (Ipomea batata L.). At the same time, for experiment 2 the CP were left on the soil surface using and pumpkin (Curcubita moschata L.) was planted. In experiment 1 a significant difference was found in the concentration of N, where the highest concentration was 31 g kg-1 in the Cowpea. Also, differences were found in NH4+ and NO3- concentration between weeks with values of 38, 15 and 32 and 33, 44 and 16 mg kg-1. No significant differences were found in sweet potato yield (25,163 kg ha-1). In conclusion, the N contribution was higher when associating crotalaria + sorghum (36 kg ha-1). In experiment 2 a significant difference was found in the concentration of N, where the highest concentration was 36 kg ha-1 in Mucuna. Differences were found in NH4+ and NO3- concentration between weeks with values of 32.7, 0.00 and 9.33 and 3.50, 5.83 and 35.0 mg kg-1. The N concentrations did not affect pumpkin yields (3,583 kg ha-1). In conclusion, the N contribution was higher when using Mucuna (49 kg ha-1).
Two experiments were conducted at the Agricultural Experimental Sub-station of Isabela, University of Puerto Rico on a soil from the Coto series. In experiment 1 the effect of Crotalaria “Tropic sun” (Crotalaria juncea L.), and Cowpea CB46 (Vigna unguiculata L.) legumes, and the Sorghum 9300 (Sorghum bicolor L.) was evaluated in a monocrop and associated with sorghum. In experiment 2 the effect of the Canavalia (Canavalia ensiformis L. DC) and Mucuna (Mucuna pruriens L.) legumes and a control (without any fertilizer application) was evaluated. In both experiments the biomass N contribution, release of NH4+ and NO3- from decomposition was evaluated. The cover plants (CP) were established and at eight weeks, samples were taken to determine their dry matter yield (DMY), and for N and C analysis. Soil samples were taken at 2, 4 and 6 weeks to determine their NH4+ and NO3- concentration. In experiment 1the CP were incorporated into the soil, sweet potato was sowed, and the crop yield was determined (Ipomea batata L.). At the same time, for experiment 2 the CP were left on the soil surface using and pumpkin (Curcubita moschata L.) was planted. In experiment 1 a significant difference was found in the concentration of N, where the highest concentration was 31 g kg-1 in the Cowpea. Also, differences were found in NH4+ and NO3- concentration between weeks with values of 38, 15 and 32 and 33, 44 and 16 mg kg-1. No significant differences were found in sweet potato yield (25,163 kg ha-1). In conclusion, the N contribution was higher when associating crotalaria + sorghum (36 kg ha-1). In experiment 2 a significant difference was found in the concentration of N, where the highest concentration was 36 kg ha-1 in Mucuna. Differences were found in NH4+ and NO3- concentration between weeks with values of 32.7, 0.00 and 9.33 and 3.50, 5.83 and 35.0 mg kg-1. The N concentrations did not affect pumpkin yields (3,583 kg ha-1). In conclusion, the N contribution was higher when using Mucuna (49 kg ha-1).
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Leguminosas, Legumes, cover plants, N contribution, Plantas de cobertura, Legumes, Aportación de N, N contribution