El efecto de las perturbaciones ambientales, de violencia y salud sobre la acumulación de ganado y pollos en Haití
Etienne, Dukenson
Etienne, Dukenson
Las perturbaciones son definidas por el Banco Mundial como acontecimientos que pueden afectar el bienestar de las personas. El objetivo principal de este estudio busca evaluar estadísticamente el efecto de las perturbaciones ambientales, de violencia y salud sobre la acumulación de ganados y pollos en Haití. Se utilizó una muestra donde se incluyeron 2,642 personas de una encuesta de Mortalidad, Morbilidad y Uso de Servicios (EMMUS-VI, por sus siglas en francés) en 2016-2017. Se utilizaron modelos con datos de conteo tradicionales, incluidos el Poisson y el Binomial Negativo con efectos fijos para realizar los análisis. Este modelo econométrico controla los factores económicos y sociales asociados con la acumulación de ganado en diferentes hogares. Se obtuvieron resultados variados para cada perturbación (variables independientes) con respecto a la acumulación de ganados y pollos (variables dependientes). Dentro de los resultados significativos se observó que, para perturbaciones ambientales, a mayor cantidad de hectáreas agrícolas mayor la cantidad de cabras y vacas. En la variable de violencia familiar se redujo el número de cabras, y en la perturbación de salud disminuyó la cantidad de ovejas, entre otras observaciones. En general, esta investigación va a ayudar a poder determinar los factores claves que impactan la producción de ganados y pollos en Haití.
Shocks are defined by the World Bank as events that can affect people's well-being. The main objective of this study seeks to statistically evaluate the effect of environmental, violence and health shocks on the accumulation of cattle and chickens in Haiti. A sample of 2,642 people were included in a Mortality, Morbidity and Service Use (EMMUS-VI) survey in 2016-2017. Models with traditional counting data were used for the analyzes, including Poisson and the Negative Binomial with fixed effects models. This econometric model controls the economic and social factors associated with the accumulation of livestock in different households. Varied results were obtained for each shock (independent variables) with respect to the accumulation of cattle and chickens (dependent variables). Among the significant results, it was observed that for environmental disturbances, the greater the number of agricultural hectares, the greater the number of goats and cows. In family violence, the number of goats was reduced, and in the health shock the number of sheep decreased, among other observations. In general, this research will help determine the key factors that impact the production of cattle and chickens in Haiti.
Shocks are defined by the World Bank as events that can affect people's well-being. The main objective of this study seeks to statistically evaluate the effect of environmental, violence and health shocks on the accumulation of cattle and chickens in Haiti. A sample of 2,642 people were included in a Mortality, Morbidity and Service Use (EMMUS-VI) survey in 2016-2017. Models with traditional counting data were used for the analyzes, including Poisson and the Negative Binomial with fixed effects models. This econometric model controls the economic and social factors associated with the accumulation of livestock in different households. Varied results were obtained for each shock (independent variables) with respect to the accumulation of cattle and chickens (dependent variables). Among the significant results, it was observed that for environmental disturbances, the greater the number of agricultural hectares, the greater the number of goats and cows. In family violence, the number of goats was reduced, and in the health shock the number of sheep decreased, among other observations. In general, this research will help determine the key factors that impact the production of cattle and chickens in Haiti.
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Perturbaciones, Ganado, Clima, Haiti