Earthquake induced damage estimation for steel buildings in Puerto Rico

dc.contributor.advisor López-Rodríguez, Ricardo R. Cortés-Areizaga, Gustavo College of Engineering en_US
dc.contributor.committee Suárez Colche, Luis E.
dc.contributor.committee Saffar, Ali
dc.contributor.department Department of Civil Engineering en_US
dc.contributor.representative Cáceres Valencia, Pablo 2019-02-11T19:03:34Z 2019-02-11T19:03:34Z 2006
dc.description.abstract This work presents a method for estimating the expected damage caused by an earthquake on steel buildings in Puerto Rico. Since Puerto Rico is located between a series of tectonic faults, buildings could suffer the damages caused by a major earthquake. The objective of this research is to develop the information needed for insurance companies to estimate the earthquake damage of steel buildings in a simple and practical way. Steel buildings typically found in Puerto Rico have been analyzed. The response of these buildings to many acceleration time histories have been recorded. With these recorded data, fragility curves which indicate the probability of a damage state to occur were created. A cost per square foot has been assigned to each damage state. This cost is then multiplied by the probability of damage for each damage state and the final expected cost for the total damage is obtained. en_US
dc.description.abstract Este trabajo presenta un método para estimar los daños causados por terremotos a estructuras de acero. Puerto Rico se encuentra rodeado de fallas tectónicas lo que hace que las estructuras estén propensas a sufrir los daños ocasionados por un terremoto. Nuestro objetivo es desarrollar la información necesaria para que las compañías de seguros puedan estimar el daño causado por un terremoto a estructuras de acero de una forma sencilla y práctica. Se investigaron estructuras típicas de acero construidas en Puerto Rico. Además, se consideró su respuesta a diferentes registros de aceleración. Con esto se han tomado los datos estadísticos y se han creado curvas que muestran la probabilidad de que algún estado de daño ocurra en la estructura. A cada estado de daño se le asigna un costo por pie cuadrado, el que luego será multiplicado por la probabilidad obtenida de las curvas para cada estado de daño y finalmente se obtiene el costo de daños para la estructura. en_US
dc.description.graduationYear 2006 en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.rights.holder (c) 2006 Gustavo Cortés-Areizaga en_US
dc.rights.license All rights reserved en_US
dc.subject Earthquake damage estimation en_US
dc.subject.lcsh Building, Iron and steel--Earthquake effects--Puerto Rico en_US
dc.title Earthquake induced damage estimation for steel buildings in Puerto Rico en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US
dspace.entity.type Publication Civil Engineering en_US M.S. en_US
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