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Efectos de la adicion de pigmentos a la dieta de gallinas ponedoras sobre su desempeƱo productivo y calidad del huevo

This study was conducted in order to determine the quantity of pigment required to obtain the egg-yolk tonality that appeals to the puertorrican consumer and to determine if the pigments added had an effect on production and egg quality. Data were collected during 37 production days on 120 NOVOgen Brown layer hens. During the egg analysis period, eggs were collected daily while the hens had between 20 and 26 weeks of age. For a 14 day period, all hens were given a pre-experimental diet which had no additional pigments. Once this pre-experimental stage was concluded, birds where distributed randomly into five treatments, with four replicates for each treatment. Each experimental treatment consisted of providing a basal diet with no additional pigment or to provide the same diet with two pigments (canthaxanthin or OroGlo), individually or in combination. The experimental treatments were: Treatment 1 (T): basal diet (no pigment added). Treatment 2 (A): basal diet with yellow pigment (OroGlo, 11 mg/kg) added; Treatment 3 (R): basal diet with red pigment (Canthaxanthin, 11 mg/kg) added; Treatment 4 (AR1): basal diet with both yellow and red pigments (11 mg/kg); and Treatment 5 (AR2): basal diet with both yellow and red (22 mg/kg) pigments added. Hen weights and feed intake were recorded weekly. Egg production was recorded daily and the eggs were kept under refrigeration for yolk color and albumin height measurements. At the end of the trial, a sensory panel analysis was conducted with 117 panelists, to evaluate yolk color and color preferences. All data obtained was statistically evaluated by analysis of variance and treatment means were compared with Tukeyā€™s Multiple Range Test. Pigment addition to the diets had no effect on hen weight, feed intake, egg weight, albumin height or internal quality indicators. Yolk color was significantly affected, especially with the addition of the red pigment. The results of the sensory panel evaluation showed that the Puerto Rican prefers intermediate yolk colors (yellow- redish).
La presente investigaciĆ³n se realizĆ³ con el propĆ³sito de determinar la cantidad de pigmento requerida para obtener el colorido y tonalidad de la yema del huevo que sea la mĆ”s atrayente al consumidor puertorriqueƱo y que el pigmento adicionado no afectara los indicadores de producciĆ³n y de la calidad interna del huevo. Se utilizaron 120 gallinas NOVOgen Brown que, por un perĆ­odo de 14 dĆ­as, recibieron una dieta pre-experimental que carecĆ­a de pigmentos adicionales a los contenidos en los ingredientes. Una vez concluida esta fase pre-experimental las gallinas se distribuyeron aleatoriamente en cinco tratamientos, con cuatro repeticiones por tratamiento. La unidad experimental fue una jaula con cinco gallinas. La recolecciĆ³n de datos se realizĆ³ durante un periodo de 37 dĆ­as, cuando las gallinas tenĆ­an entre 20 y 26 semanas de edad. Los tratamientos consistieron en proporcionar la dieta basal sin pigmento adicional o esta misma dieta con dos pigmentos adicionados (cantaxantina y OroGlo) ya sea en forma individual o en combinaciones de ambos. Los tratamientos experimentales se indica a continuaciĆ³n: T: dieta basal sin pigmento adicional; A: dieta basal con pigmento amarillo (OroGlo) adicionado a razĆ³n de 11 mg/kg de alimento; R: dieta basal con pigmento rojo (Cantaxantina) adicionado a razĆ³n de 11 mg/kg de alimento; AR1: dieta basal con pigmento amarillo (11 mg/kg) y pigmento rojo (11 mg/kg) adicionales; AR2: dieta basal con pigmento amarillo (22 mg/kg) y pigmento rojo (22 mg/kg) adicionales. Semanalmente se registrĆ³ el peso de las aves y el consumo de alimento. Los huevos producidos se recolectaron diariamente, se pesaron y se conservaron bajo refrigeraciĆ³n para evaluar el color de la yema y la altura de la clara. Finalmente, se realizĆ³ una prueba sensorial en la que 117 panelistas evaluaron la coloraciĆ³n de la yema e indicaron sus preferencias en una escala hedĆ³nica de nueve puntos. Los datos obtenidos fueron estadĆ­sticamente evaluados por anĆ”lisis de varianza y las medias de tratamientos fueron comparadas entre sĆ­ mediante la prueba de Tukey. La adiciĆ³n de pigmentos a la dieta no afectĆ³ el peso de las gallinas, la producciĆ³n de huevos, peso de los huevos, altura de la clara ni los estimadores de calidad interna. Hubo efectos significativos en coloraciĆ³n y tonalidad de las yemas atribuibles a la adiciĆ³n del pigmento rojo y los resultados del anĆ”lisis sensorial indican que el consumidor puertorriqueƱo prefiere colores intermedios (amarillo-rojizos) de la yema.
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Research Projects
Organizational Units
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Pigmentos, Dietas, Gallinas ponedoras
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