Traslaciones y semigrupos C0 topológicamente mezclantes
Aparicio Cuello, Rafael A.
Aparicio Cuello, Rafael A.
En este trabajo caracterizamos las traslaciones bilaterales que son topológicamente mezclantes, damos una respuesta parcial al problema de caracterizar las traslaciones bilaterales T tal que I+T es hipercíclico, damos una condición suficiente para que un semigrupo C0 sea topológicamente mezclante y damos condiciones al generador infinitesimal de un semigrupo C0 para que el semigrupo C0 sea hipercíclico.
In this work we give a characterization of the topologically mixing bilateral weighted shifts, a partial answer to the problem of characterizing the bilateral shifts T such that I + T is hypercyclic, a sufficient conditions for the C0 semigroup for being topologically mixing, and a sufficient conditions on the infinitesimal generator of the C0 semigruop for being topologically mixing C0 semigroup.
In this work we give a characterization of the topologically mixing bilateral weighted shifts, a partial answer to the problem of characterizing the bilateral shifts T such that I + T is hypercyclic, a sufficient conditions for the C0 semigroup for being topologically mixing, and a sufficient conditions on the infinitesimal generator of the C0 semigruop for being topologically mixing C0 semigroup.
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Traslaciones bilaterales