Evaluación de propiedades físicas y mecánicas de algunos bambús tropicales cultivados en Mayagüez, Puerto Rico
Acevedo Acevedo, Pablo
Acevedo Acevedo, Pablo
La actual crisis ecológica y social que enfrentamos en el mundo exige adoptar enfoques alternativos que valoren la labor humana, la redistribución justa de los recursos y el bienestar con la Naturaleza. Desde el campo de la ingeniería estructural se puede avanzar hacia estos objetivos a través de la bioconstrucción, el cual entre muchos factores considera el uso y manejo responsable de los materiales locales y naturales. Dentro de este contexto, el bambú y su utilización tiene un gran potencial como fuente de tecnología apropiada para Puerto Rico.
El bambú leñoso es una grama gigante (familia poaceae) de rápido crecimiento con múltiples beneficios ecológicos y sociales. Dentro del sector de la construcción alternativa su material ha sido identificado por sus buenas capacidades mecánicas, sustentabilidad ambiental, alta renovabilidad en producción y socialmente resiliente, entre otras. Dada su naturaleza, múltiples factores (anatómicos, geográficos, geométricos y otros) afectan directamente su desarrollo creando variaciones en sus propiedades físicas y mecánicas. Por lo tanto, el estudio detallado de estas propiedades se convierte en un componente indispensable para el análisis y diseño estructural adecuado con bambú.
Estudios precedentes a las propiedades físicas y mecánicas del bambú en Puerto Rico se limitan a una investigación (Properties of Some Bamboos Cultivated in the Western Hemisphere, 1956). No obstante, las especies estudiadas y los métodos experimentales utilizados no satisfacen los factores de aplicabilidad constructiva con bambú y de comparación con investigaciones más contemporáneas. Por otro lado, esta tesis sigue un protocolo de prueba utilizando los requisitos del ISO-22157 1&2 y una selección de especie tomando en cuenta factores como el cumplimiento con maduración optima, disponibilidad y su potencial de uso para sistemas estructurales.
Las seis especies de bambús seleccionadas (Bambusa vulgaris, Bambusa tulda, Bambusa oldhamii, Dendrocalamus asper, Gigantochloa apus y Guadua angustifolia) fueron muestreadas de la colección de bambús tropicales del Tropical Agricultural Research Station (TARS-USDA), Mayagüez, Puerto Rico. Para las mismas se algunas propiedades físicas y mecánicas básicas incluyendo la densidad, contenido de humedad, el módulo de elasticidad, el esfuerzo último a compresión paralelo a la fibra, el esfuerzo último cortante paralelo a la fibra y el momento flector último. Además, se adjunta otros experimentos cortos enfocados en entender las influencias de factores físicos en el comportamiento mecánico del bambú y la evaluación en efectividad para ocho alternativas de soluciones preservantes.
El rango de valores promedios obtenidos, dentro de todas las especies, para esfuerzos últimos en muestras húmedas fue de: compresión paralelo a la fibra 4.84 - 8.09 ksi (33.40 - 55.79 MPa), cortante paralelo a la fibra 0.87 - 1.27 ksi (5.93 - 8.77 MPa), flexión 8.62 - 17.17 ksi (59.47 - 117.54 MPa) y módulo de elasticidad 2,361 - 3,644 ksi (16.28 - 25.48 GPa). La comparación directa de estos valores con los recolectados de otras investigaciones presentan patrones de cercanía o similitud. En general, esta tesis permitió el desarrollo de las instalaciones del Laboratorio de Materiales y Estructuras del Departamento de Ingeniería Civil y Agrimensura de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Mayagüez, para ejecutar pruebas mecánicas de bambú, brindado oportunidades a investigaciones futuras. Por otro lado, este trabajo también sirvió como foco de inspiración para el desarrollo de otras actividades como clases, talleres, charlas comunitarias y colaboraciones, entre otras, con la finalidad de promover la investigación y desarrollo sustentable del bambú, particularmente en Puerto Rico.
The social and environmental crises that confront the world today demand alternative approaches for valuing human labor, redistributing wealth, and being in harmony with Nature. Within the field of structural engineering, these goals can be advanced by developing techniques of bioconstruction using locally available and responsibly managed natural materials. Bamboo has tremendous potential to serve as such an appropriate technology in Puerto Rico. Woody bamboo is a fast growing giant grass (poaceae family) with multiple ecological and social benefits. In the non conventional construction sector, this material has been identified for its good mechanical properties, environmental sustainability, high renewability, and social resilience, among others. Given its nature, many factors can influence bamboo development, causing variation of mechanical properties. Therefore, the reliable determination of its mechanical properties is indispensable if it is to be used in structural application. Data from mechanical and physical properties of bamboo grown in Puerto Rico is limited to just one study (Properties of Some Bamboos Cultivated in the Western Hemisphere, 1956) whose method are insufficient to establish their engineering properties. However, the experimental methods and species selected in that study are not applicable to bamboo construction, and its results are not comparable with contemporary mechanical studies. In contrast, in this thesis several test protocols were developed that follow the ISO - 22157 1 & 2 requirements and that take into account properties of the sample such as appropriate age, availability, and potential for use in structural systems. Six species (Bambusa vulgaris, Bambusa Tulda, Bambusa oldhamii, Dendrocalamus asper, Gigantochloa apus and Guadua angustifolia) were selected from the tropical bamboo collection at the Tropical Agricultural Research Station (TARSUSDA), in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico. Several basic physical and mechanical properties were determined, including density, moisture content, elastic modulus, ultimate stress under longitudinal (parallel to the fibers) compression, longitudinal shear strength, and ultimate bending moment. Additionally, short experiments where performed to understand the influence of several physical factors on bamboo mechanical behavior. Finally, several alternative methods of preservation where evaluated for their effectiveness. The range of values determined for maximum stress across the six species are as follows: compression 4.84 - 8.09 ksi (33.40 - 55.79 MPa), shear 0.87 - 1.27 ksi (5.93 - 8.77 MPa), bending 8.62 - 17.17 ksi (59.47 - 117.54 MPa) and modulus of elasticity 2,361 - 3,644 ksi (16.28 - 25.48 GPa). These values are similar to those determined for the same species in other studies. More broadly through this thesis the laboratory facilities in the Department of Civil Engineering and Surveying at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez, are now equipped to perform essential mechanical testing of bamboo. Finally, this thesis has inspired classes, community seminars, and other research projects that seek to develop bamboo in a responsible and sustainable manner, particularly in Puerto Rico.
The social and environmental crises that confront the world today demand alternative approaches for valuing human labor, redistributing wealth, and being in harmony with Nature. Within the field of structural engineering, these goals can be advanced by developing techniques of bioconstruction using locally available and responsibly managed natural materials. Bamboo has tremendous potential to serve as such an appropriate technology in Puerto Rico. Woody bamboo is a fast growing giant grass (poaceae family) with multiple ecological and social benefits. In the non conventional construction sector, this material has been identified for its good mechanical properties, environmental sustainability, high renewability, and social resilience, among others. Given its nature, many factors can influence bamboo development, causing variation of mechanical properties. Therefore, the reliable determination of its mechanical properties is indispensable if it is to be used in structural application. Data from mechanical and physical properties of bamboo grown in Puerto Rico is limited to just one study (Properties of Some Bamboos Cultivated in the Western Hemisphere, 1956) whose method are insufficient to establish their engineering properties. However, the experimental methods and species selected in that study are not applicable to bamboo construction, and its results are not comparable with contemporary mechanical studies. In contrast, in this thesis several test protocols were developed that follow the ISO - 22157 1 & 2 requirements and that take into account properties of the sample such as appropriate age, availability, and potential for use in structural systems. Six species (Bambusa vulgaris, Bambusa Tulda, Bambusa oldhamii, Dendrocalamus asper, Gigantochloa apus and Guadua angustifolia) were selected from the tropical bamboo collection at the Tropical Agricultural Research Station (TARSUSDA), in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico. Several basic physical and mechanical properties were determined, including density, moisture content, elastic modulus, ultimate stress under longitudinal (parallel to the fibers) compression, longitudinal shear strength, and ultimate bending moment. Additionally, short experiments where performed to understand the influence of several physical factors on bamboo mechanical behavior. Finally, several alternative methods of preservation where evaluated for their effectiveness. The range of values determined for maximum stress across the six species are as follows: compression 4.84 - 8.09 ksi (33.40 - 55.79 MPa), shear 0.87 - 1.27 ksi (5.93 - 8.77 MPa), bending 8.62 - 17.17 ksi (59.47 - 117.54 MPa) and modulus of elasticity 2,361 - 3,644 ksi (16.28 - 25.48 GPa). These values are similar to those determined for the same species in other studies. More broadly through this thesis the laboratory facilities in the Department of Civil Engineering and Surveying at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez, are now equipped to perform essential mechanical testing of bamboo. Finally, this thesis has inspired classes, community seminars, and other research projects that seek to develop bamboo in a responsible and sustainable manner, particularly in Puerto Rico.
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Research Projects
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Bambú, Bamboo-mechanical properties, Bamboo-physical properties