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Procedencia del ADN mitocondrial euroasiƔtico occidental en Puerto Rico

DĆ­az Zabala, HĆ©ctor J.
This study analyzed 102 mtDNA control region sequences with the objective of classifying them into sub-haplogroups and estimating their continental origin. Principal component analysis of the western Eurasian sub-haplogroups was conducted to compare with 46 Eurasian populations. A probabilistic analysis (Bayesian method) was used with the HVR-I sequences in order to estimate percentages for each continental origin. The results confirm the presence of non-European sub-haplogroups in the western Eurasian mtDNA portion of Puerto Ricans. It was also demonstrated that in a general context the western Eurasian component of Puerto Ricans is more similar to the northern populations of the Fertile Crescent and the Canarian population. The general estimation obtained in the probabilistic analysis of the sequences suggests a major continental component that comes from the Canary Islands. These results confirm that the western Eurasian mtDNA of Puerto Rico is composed by lineages of different geographical origins.
Este estudio analizoĢ 102 secuencias de la regioĢn control del ADNmt con el propoĢsito de clasificarlas en sub-haplogrupos y estimar su procedencia geograĢfica continental. En el estudio se realizaron varios anaĢlisis de componentes principales del ADNmt euroasiaĢtico occidental de Puerto Rico. TambieĢn se realizoĢ un anaĢlisis probabiliĢstico utilizando las secuencias HVR-I para estimar porcentajes de probabilidad de origen geograĢfico continental. Los resultados demuestran la presencia de sub- haplogrupos no europeos en el ADNmt euroasiaĢtico occidental de Puerto Rico. TambieĢn se demuestra que en teĢrminos generales el componente euroasiaĢtico occidental de la poblacioĢn de Puerto Rico se asemeja maĢs a las poblaciones del norte de la Media Luna FeĢrtil y a la poblacioĢn canaria. El estimado general obtenido en el anaĢlisis probabiliĢstico sugiere una mayor probabilidad de origen en las Islas Canarias. Estos resultados revelan que el ADNmt euroasiaĢtico occidental de Puerto Rico estaĢ compuesto por linajes de distintas procedencias geograĢficas.
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mtDNA control region sequences, Sub-haplogroups, Western Eurasian sub-haplogroups, Bayesian method, HVR-I sequences, Western Eurasian mtDNA portion of Puerto Ricans
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