Spatio-temporal changes of the herpetofaunal communities in Mount Resaca and Luis Peña Cay National Wildlife Refuges at Culebra Island, Puerto Rico
La isla de Culebra, como parte del Banco Geográfico de Puerto Rico, ha sido un lugar el cual se han rezagado los estudios científicos. Estudios como el de Grant (1931) han servido de base para el presente trabajo. Los recursos de Culebra han sido perturbados desde principios del siglo 20 hasta los 1970’s. Desde ese entonces (1970’s), la reserva natural ha sido administrada por el Servicio Federal de Pesca y Vida Silvestre de los Estados Unidos. El propósito de este trabajo es actualizar el listado de especies de anfibios y reptiles, cómo también examinar como los cambios espaciales y temporales afectan la diversidad y la abundancia de la herpetofauna en esta isla. En este estudio, un total de 20 especies de 10 familias diferentes fueron detectadas, de las cuales Eleutherodactylus coqui y Eleutherodactylus cochranae fueron nuevos registros para Monte Resaca. Mientras, que Anolis pulchellus fue un registro nuevo para el Cayo de Luis Peña. En general, Monte Resaca tiene una mayor riqueza con 10 especies, entre reptiles y anfibios, que el Cayo de Luis Peña estas diferencias en los índices de Shannon-Wiener, Simpson y Margalef fueron estadísticamente significativas. Factores abióticos, tales como la temperatura y la humedad, tuvieron una participación en la abundancia de esta comunidad como también los factores bióticos, tales como la vegetación y la presencia de otras especies.
Culebra Island, as part of the Puerto Rican Bank, is a place that a lack of scientific studies. Studies such as Grant’s (1931) have provided the basis for this work. The island terrestrial resources have been disturbed since the early 20th century until the 1970s. Since then (1970’s), the natural reserve has been managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The purpose of this research is to update the species list as well as to examine how spatial and temporal changes affect the diversity and abundance of the herpetofauna on this island. In this study, 20 different species from 10 families were identified. Two new records for Mount Resaca were Eleutherodactylus coqui and Eleutherodactylus cochranae. Meanwhile Anolis pulchellus was a new report for the Luis Peña Cay. In general, Mount Resaca has greater richness than the Luis Peña Cay, with a total of 10 amphibian and reptile species, and these differences in Shannon Wiener, Simpson’s Index and Margalef’s index were statistically significant. Abiotic factors such as temperature and humidity had a share in the abundance of this community, as well as biotic factors such as vegetation and the presence of other species.
Culebra Island, as part of the Puerto Rican Bank, is a place that a lack of scientific studies. Studies such as Grant’s (1931) have provided the basis for this work. The island terrestrial resources have been disturbed since the early 20th century until the 1970s. Since then (1970’s), the natural reserve has been managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The purpose of this research is to update the species list as well as to examine how spatial and temporal changes affect the diversity and abundance of the herpetofauna on this island. In this study, 20 different species from 10 families were identified. Two new records for Mount Resaca were Eleutherodactylus coqui and Eleutherodactylus cochranae. Meanwhile Anolis pulchellus was a new report for the Luis Peña Cay. In general, Mount Resaca has greater richness than the Luis Peña Cay, with a total of 10 amphibian and reptile species, and these differences in Shannon Wiener, Simpson’s Index and Margalef’s index were statistically significant. Abiotic factors such as temperature and humidity had a share in the abundance of this community, as well as biotic factors such as vegetation and the presence of other species.
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Culebra Island, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Eleutherodactylus coqui and Eleutherodactylus cochranae, Anolis pulchellus