Viabilidad de la independencia de la red en áreas residenciales de puerto rico
La situación energética es uno de los problemas más dialogados y controversiales a nivel mundial. La gran dependencia de los combustibles fósiles y todas las repercusiones que los mismos traen como consecuencia en nuestra estabilidad social, política, económica y ambiental son asuntos que deben ser tratados con responsabilidad y delicadeza. Lamentablemente Puerto Rico depende casi en un 99% de los combustibles fósiles, lo cual afecta directa o indirectamente a diversos sectores de nuestra sociedad y de nuestro entorno natural. Sería ideal que gestiones pertinentes fueran consideradas para lograr un verdadero cambio en nuestra política pública energética que promueva e incentive la utilización de fuentes de energía renovable como parte de un desarrollo sostenible para la Isla. En este trabajo se estudian y analizan aspectos técnicos, económicos y sociales para determinar cuan viable pueden ser algunas de las decisiones ya tomadas y por tomar en nuestra situación energética. Casa Pueblo es el modelo utilizado para demostrar que una voluntad determinada de un grupo de autogestión comunitaria en el pueblo de Adjuntas ha sido esencial en una transición energética junto a la colaboración educativa del Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez. Una evaluación en la situación de la política pública energética referente a nuestro sistema de potencia ha sido analizada desde una perspectiva ética y moral para determinar cuan sostenible ha sido y cuan sostenible se proyecta en un futuro a largo plazo. En esta época donde predominan temas como cambio climático y desarrollo sostenible es fundamental que la visión de los ingenieros sea una que resalte y se responsabilice con valores morales y éticos a la hora de evaluaciones para la toma de decisiones. Conceptos de la teoría de la ética han sido integrados para facilitar un marco que represente una base de excelencia en la profesión de la ingeniería.
The energy situation is one of the most talked about and controversial problems worldwide. The heavy reliance on fossil fuels and all the implications that they bring in our social, political, economic and environmental stability are issues that should be treated with responsibility and sensitivity. Unfortunately, Puerto Rico relies almost 99% of fossil fuels, which directly or indirectly affects various sectors of our society and of our natural environment. Ideally, appropriate steps should be considered to achieve a real change in our energy public policy in order to promote and encourage the use of renewable energy sources as part of sustainable development for the island. In this work, the technical, economic and social aspects are studied and analyzed to determine how feasible may be some of the decisions already taken and the ones to be made regarding our energy situation. Casa Pueblo is the model used to demonstrate that the determined will of a self-managed community group in the town of Adjuntas has been instrumental in the energy transition, along with the educational collaboration of the Mayagüez Campus of the University of Puerto Rico. An assessment of the situation of the energy public policy regarding our power system has been performed from an ethical and moral perspective to determine how sustainable it has been and how sustainable is the projected long term future. In these times where most issues like climate change and sustainable development predominate, it is essential that the vision of engineers be one that highlights and takes responsibility with moral and ethical values when evaluating for decision making. Ethics theory concepts have been integrated to provide a framework that represents a basis of excellence in the profession of engineering.
The energy situation is one of the most talked about and controversial problems worldwide. The heavy reliance on fossil fuels and all the implications that they bring in our social, political, economic and environmental stability are issues that should be treated with responsibility and sensitivity. Unfortunately, Puerto Rico relies almost 99% of fossil fuels, which directly or indirectly affects various sectors of our society and of our natural environment. Ideally, appropriate steps should be considered to achieve a real change in our energy public policy in order to promote and encourage the use of renewable energy sources as part of sustainable development for the island. In this work, the technical, economic and social aspects are studied and analyzed to determine how feasible may be some of the decisions already taken and the ones to be made regarding our energy situation. Casa Pueblo is the model used to demonstrate that the determined will of a self-managed community group in the town of Adjuntas has been instrumental in the energy transition, along with the educational collaboration of the Mayagüez Campus of the University of Puerto Rico. An assessment of the situation of the energy public policy regarding our power system has been performed from an ethical and moral perspective to determine how sustainable it has been and how sustainable is the projected long term future. In these times where most issues like climate change and sustainable development predominate, it is essential that the vision of engineers be one that highlights and takes responsibility with moral and ethical values when evaluating for decision making. Ethics theory concepts have been integrated to provide a framework that represents a basis of excellence in the profession of engineering.