Efecto del periodo de días en alimentación para alcanzar el peso al sacrificio sobre características productivas, rendimiento de la canal y cortes, calidad de la carne y parámetros de la salud de ovinos criollos alimentados con raciones totales
Efecto del periodo de días en alimentación para alcanzar el peso al sacrificio sobre características productivas, rendimiento de la canal y cortes, calidad de la carne y parámetros de la salud de ovinos criollos alimentados con raciones totales
Bayne Hernández, Alana G.
Embargoed Until
Rodríguez-Carías, Abner A.
College of Agricultural Sciences
Department of Food Science and Technology
Degree Level
Se comparó el efecto del periodo de días en alimentación (DIA) para alcanzar el peso al sacrificio y el peso final a la matanza sobre características productivas, rendimiento de la canal caliente y fría, y rendimiento de cortes primarios y al detal de corderos criollos alimentados en confinamiento con raciones totales (RT). La calidad de la carne incluyendo el perfil de ácidos grasos también fue determinada. La RT conteniendo 70% de alimento concentrado y 30% heno de gramíneas tropicales fue ofrecida al 4.5% del peso vivo del cordero en base seca hasta lograr el peso al sacrificio preestablecido de 20 a 25 kg (PS1) o de 45 a 50 kg (PS2). Se determinó los DIA para lograr el PS1 y PS2. Tres jaulas con 4 ovinos criollos de 5 a 7 meses se utilizaron como unidades experimentales durante el periodo de DIA para alcanzar el PS1 y dos animales por jaula durante los DIA para alcanzar el PS2. En cada periodo de DIA se cuantifico el consumo voluntario (CV) por jaula de los corderos. Para determinar la ganancia en peso diaria (GPD) por animal y la conversión alimenticia por jaula los corderos se pesaron semanalmente. Al obtener el PSI y PS2 6 corderos de cada peso se sacrificaron en un matadero comercial para determinar el rendimiento de la canal caliente (RCC) y fría (RCF), y el rendimiento de cortes primarios y al detal con relación al peso de la canal fría. Los cortes primarios evaluados fueron nuca (N), costilla 1-5/pernil delantero (CPD), costillas 6-12 (C), lomo (L) y pernil trasero (PT). Los cortes al detal incluyeron chuleta de hombro (CH), chuleta francesa (CF), costillas (CT), osobuco (O), pernil trasero (PTT) y fricase (F). Muestras del Longissimus dorsi se obtuvieron de cada canal para determinar la calidad de la carne evidenciada por pH, terneza, color, contenido de nutrientes y el perfil de ácidos grados en el músculo. Los datos se analizaron utilizando un diseño completamente aleatorizado con dos tratamientos (DIA) y tres repeticiones (jaula) para las características productivas CV y CA y seis repeticiones (animal) para las demás variables evaluadas. Los DIA de los corderos criollos alimentados con RT para alcanzar el PS1 y PS2 fue de 42 y 128, respectivamente. El CV de la materia seca por jaula con relación al peso vivo de los animales y la GPD por cordero fue similar (P= 0.05) para ambos periodos de DIA, sin embargo, la CA fue menor (P<0.05) en corderos al PS1 que PS2. Sacrificar corderos al PS2 resulto en mayor (P<0.05) RCC y RCF que aquellos sacrificados a un menor peso. El rendimiento de los cortes primarios CPD, L, y PT y el de los cortes al detal CH, CT, O y PT fue mayor (P<0.05) en corderos con PS2 que PSI. Los criterios de calidad de carne, color y terneza fueron similares (P=0.05) para ambos pesos al sacrificio. El contenido de proteína fue mayor (P<0.05) en carne de corderos de PS1 que PS2, peso el contenido de grasa bruta y lípidos totales fue menor. El contenido de ácidos grasos poliinsaturados n-3 y n-6 fue mayor (P<0.05) en la carne de cordero con PS1 que PS2, pero la relación N-6/N-3 fue menor (P<0.05). Diferencias en el contenido de ácidos grasos individuales debido al periodo de DIA y peso al sacrificio también se observaron. En conclusión, el periodo de DIA para alcanzar el peso al sacrificio y el peso final a la matanza tiene un efecto sobre las características productivas, rendimiento de la canal y cortes y la calidad de la carne del cordero criollo alimentado en confinamiento con RT. Debido al mayor RCC y RCF y cortes primarios y al detal de corderos sacrificados a un mayor peso comparado con animales más livianos sin afectar negativamente la calidad de la carne es nuestra recomendación el sacrifico del cordero criollo entre 46 a 50 kg de peso vivo.
The period of days on feed (DOF) to reach the slaughter weight and the body final weight on performance, hot and cold carcass yield and wholesale and retail cuts yield of native lambs fed in confinement with total rations (TR) was determined. Meat quality including fatty acid profile was also determined. The TR containing 70% concentrate and 30% tropical grass hay was offered at 4.5% of lamb body weigh on dry matter basis until reaching the pre-established slaughter weight of 20 to 25 kg (SW1) or 45 to 50kg (SW2). Feeding pens with four ‘five- to seven-month-old’ lambs were used as experimental units during the DOF period to reach SW1, and two animals per pen were used during the DOF period to reach SW2. During each DOF period, voluntary dry matter intake as % of animal weight (DMI) per pen was quantified. To determined individual lamb daily weight gain (ADG) animals were weighted weekly. Feed conversion (FC) was calculated per pen. When reaching the SW1 and SW2, 6 lambs per weight were slaughtered in a commercial abattoir to determined hot (HCY) and cold (CCY) carcass yield. Wholesale cuts (WSC); neck (N), shoulder (SL), ribs 5-12 (RIB), loin (LN) and leg (LG), and detail cuts (DTC); shoulder chops (SCH), fresh chops (FCH), ribs (RS), back leg (BL), shanks (SH), and stew (ST) yield were also determined. Meat quality given by pH, color, tenderness, and nutrient content, including fatty acid profile was evaluated in the Longissimus dorsi muscle samples. Data was analyzed using a completely randomized design with two treatments and three replicates for DMI and FC and with six replicated for the other measurements. DOF to reach SW 1 and SW2 were 42 and 128, respectively. DMI per pen and ADG per lamb were similar (P=0.05) for both DOF periods, but FC was lower (P<0.05) in lambs at SW1 than SW2. The HCY and CCY was higher (P<0.05) in lambs slaughtered at SW2 than SW1. Wholesale cuts yield, SL, LN, and LG and retail cuts SCH, RS, SH, and BL were also higher in lambs at SW1 than those slaughtered at SW2. On both DOF the criteria of color (L*, a*, and b*), and tenderness of the meat was similar. Crude protein was higher (P<0.05) in lambs slaughtered at SW1 as compared to SW2, but crude fat and total lipid content were higher (P<0.01). In lambs at SW1the polyunsaturated fatty acid content n3 and n-6 content was higher (P<0.05) than SW2 lambs, but the PUFA n-6/n-3 ratio was lower (P<0.05). Differences in individual fatty acid content due to DOF and SW were observed. In summary, performance, carcass, wholesale and retail cuts yield, the fatty acid composition of the Longissimus dorsi was affected by DOF and SW of lambs in confinement with total ratios. Due to the higher carcass, wholesale and retail cuts yield of lambs slaughtered at heavier weight without affecting meat quality, we recommend the slaughter of native lambs at 45- 50 kg.
The period of days on feed (DOF) to reach the slaughter weight and the body final weight on performance, hot and cold carcass yield and wholesale and retail cuts yield of native lambs fed in confinement with total rations (TR) was determined. Meat quality including fatty acid profile was also determined. The TR containing 70% concentrate and 30% tropical grass hay was offered at 4.5% of lamb body weigh on dry matter basis until reaching the pre-established slaughter weight of 20 to 25 kg (SW1) or 45 to 50kg (SW2). Feeding pens with four ‘five- to seven-month-old’ lambs were used as experimental units during the DOF period to reach SW1, and two animals per pen were used during the DOF period to reach SW2. During each DOF period, voluntary dry matter intake as % of animal weight (DMI) per pen was quantified. To determined individual lamb daily weight gain (ADG) animals were weighted weekly. Feed conversion (FC) was calculated per pen. When reaching the SW1 and SW2, 6 lambs per weight were slaughtered in a commercial abattoir to determined hot (HCY) and cold (CCY) carcass yield. Wholesale cuts (WSC); neck (N), shoulder (SL), ribs 5-12 (RIB), loin (LN) and leg (LG), and detail cuts (DTC); shoulder chops (SCH), fresh chops (FCH), ribs (RS), back leg (BL), shanks (SH), and stew (ST) yield were also determined. Meat quality given by pH, color, tenderness, and nutrient content, including fatty acid profile was evaluated in the Longissimus dorsi muscle samples. Data was analyzed using a completely randomized design with two treatments and three replicates for DMI and FC and with six replicated for the other measurements. DOF to reach SW 1 and SW2 were 42 and 128, respectively. DMI per pen and ADG per lamb were similar (P=0.05) for both DOF periods, but FC was lower (P<0.05) in lambs at SW1 than SW2. The HCY and CCY was higher (P<0.05) in lambs slaughtered at SW2 than SW1. Wholesale cuts yield, SL, LN, and LG and retail cuts SCH, RS, SH, and BL were also higher in lambs at SW1 than those slaughtered at SW2. On both DOF the criteria of color (L*, a*, and b*), and tenderness of the meat was similar. Crude protein was higher (P<0.05) in lambs slaughtered at SW1 as compared to SW2, but crude fat and total lipid content were higher (P<0.01). In lambs at SW1the polyunsaturated fatty acid content n3 and n-6 content was higher (P<0.05) than SW2 lambs, but the PUFA n-6/n-3 ratio was lower (P<0.05). Differences in individual fatty acid content due to DOF and SW were observed. In summary, performance, carcass, wholesale and retail cuts yield, the fatty acid composition of the Longissimus dorsi was affected by DOF and SW of lambs in confinement with total ratios. Due to the higher carcass, wholesale and retail cuts yield of lambs slaughtered at heavier weight without affecting meat quality, we recommend the slaughter of native lambs at 45- 50 kg.
Slaughter weight,
Meat quality
Slaughter weight,
Meat quality
Usage Rights
Persistent URL
Bayne Hernández, A. G. (2022). Efecto del periodo de días en alimentación para alcanzar el peso al sacrificio sobre características productivas, rendimiento de la canal y cortes, calidad de la carne y parámetros de la salud de ovinos criollos alimentados con raciones totales [Thesis]. Retrieved from