Calidad química del agua en vaquerías localizadas en el área oeste de Puerto Rico
Noriega Luciano, Sylvia S.
Noriega Luciano, Sylvia S.
Se realizó un sondeo tipo cuestionario sobre el recurso agua y un análisis descriptivo de la calidad química de la principal fuente de agua de bebida en vaquerías localizadas en tres regiones agrícolas y siete municipios en el área suroeste de Puerto Rico. Las preguntas del sondeo incluyeron 1) la fuente principal de agua de bebida para consumo animal en la vaquería, 2) la cantidad de animales que consumen agua de la fuente principal, 3) si se realiza un tratamiento o desinfección de la principal fuente de agua en los bebederos, 4) si en la vaquería tiene medidores de agua disponible o algún indicador del consumo individual de agua por el ganado, 5) la cantidad de bebederos en la finca que utilizan agua de la fuente principal, 6) la frecuencia en días de la limpieza de los bebederos y 7) el estado de los bebederos con relación a su limpieza. Muestras de la principal fuente de agua de bebida fueron colectados de cada vaquería durante cuatro épocas de año, invierno (febrero), primavera (mayo), verano (agosto) y otoño (noviembre) para determinar parámetros de calidad química. Se determino en cada muestra el pH, dureza, contenido de sólidos disueltos totales (SDT), minerales (Ca, P, Mg. K, Na, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn y Mo), nitratos, sulfatos, cloruro y fosfato. Entre las vaquerías participantes, 12 (75%) de utilizan agua de pozo, 2 (12.5%) la suplida por el estado, una (6.25%) utiliza agua de río y otra (6.25%) utiliza agua de un canal de riego. Al momento de realizar esta investigación, se obtuvo en promedio una población de 186 cabezas de ganado, con un rango de 60 a 400 animales. Solamente seis vaquerías utilizaron algún tipo de método de limpieza en los bebederos donde ofrecen el agua. La cantidad da bebederos promedio entre las 16 vaquerías participantes fue de 12 con un rango de uno hasta 25, y su frecuencia de limpieza fue desde una semana hasta un año. Excepto por el valor de pH que fue ligeramente mayor que el recomendado en el agua de bebida para ganado lechero, el agua de la agencia estatal cumple con todos los parámetros químicos de calidad de agua. En las vaquerías que utilizan agua de pozo como la fuente principal de agua de bebida para sus animales se observó un alto contenido de SDT, dureza, contenido de calcio y sodio, este último en concentraciones significativamente más altas. El contenido de cloruros, sulfatos y fosfatos también fue mayor en el agua de pozo que las otras tres fuentes, pero en concentraciones dentro del rango de valores recomendado. La concentración de otros minerales, excepto en algunos casos aislados, está dentro de los rangos recomendados independientemente de la fuente de agua. La concentración de sodio y potasio en el agua fue mayor durante las épocas de verano y primavera que en otoño e invierno. Sin embargo, en todas las épocas del año el contenido de SDT y sodio fue mayor en el agua de pozo que las otras tres fuentes.
A questionnaire-type survey and a chemical quality descriptive analysis on the main source of drinking water were conducted on dairy farms located in three agricultural regions and seven municipalities in the western area of Puerto Rico. The survey questions included: 1) the main source of drinking water for animal consumption, 2) the number of animals that consume water from that source, 3) if disinfection or any other treatment method was used in the water troughs that used water from that source, 4) If water meters were available to measure individual cattle water consumption, 5) the number of troughs on the premises that use water from the main source, 6) how frequently the troughs were cleaned (measured in days), and 7) the state of the troughs in relation to their cleanliness. Samples of the main source of drinking water were collected from each dairy farm during the four seasons of the year – winter (February), spring (May), summer (August) and autumn (November) – to determine their chemical quality parameters. The pH, hardness, content of total dissolved solids (TDS), minerals (Ca, P, Mg. K, Na, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, and Mo), nitrates, sulfates, chloride and phosphate were determined in each sample. Among the participating dairies, 12 (75%) use well water, 2 (12.5%) use water supplied by the state, one (6.25%) uses river water, and another one (6.25%) uses water from an irrigation canal. During the conducting period of this investigation, an average population of 186 heads of cattle was obtained in these dairy farms, ranging from 60 to 400 animals. Only six farms used some type of cleaning method for the water used for their cattle. The average number of troughs among the 16 participating dairies was 12, ranging from one to 25 troughs, and their cleaning frequency ranged from one week to one year. Except for the pH value that was slightly higher than recommended for dairy cattle drinking water, the state agency's water meets all chemical water quality parameters. In dairy farms that use well water as their main source of drinking water for their animals, high contents of TDS, hardness, calcium, and sodium contents were observed, the latter in significantly higher concentrations. The contents of chlorides, sulfates and phosphates were also higher in well water than the other three water sources, but always in concentrations within the recommended range of values. The concentration of the other minerals, excluding some isolated cases, is within the recommended ranges regardless of the water source. In general, the concentration of sodium and potassium in the water were higher during the summer and spring than in autumn and winter. However, throughout the whole year, the contents of TDS and sodium were higher in well water than in the other three sources.
A questionnaire-type survey and a chemical quality descriptive analysis on the main source of drinking water were conducted on dairy farms located in three agricultural regions and seven municipalities in the western area of Puerto Rico. The survey questions included: 1) the main source of drinking water for animal consumption, 2) the number of animals that consume water from that source, 3) if disinfection or any other treatment method was used in the water troughs that used water from that source, 4) If water meters were available to measure individual cattle water consumption, 5) the number of troughs on the premises that use water from the main source, 6) how frequently the troughs were cleaned (measured in days), and 7) the state of the troughs in relation to their cleanliness. Samples of the main source of drinking water were collected from each dairy farm during the four seasons of the year – winter (February), spring (May), summer (August) and autumn (November) – to determine their chemical quality parameters. The pH, hardness, content of total dissolved solids (TDS), minerals (Ca, P, Mg. K, Na, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, and Mo), nitrates, sulfates, chloride and phosphate were determined in each sample. Among the participating dairies, 12 (75%) use well water, 2 (12.5%) use water supplied by the state, one (6.25%) uses river water, and another one (6.25%) uses water from an irrigation canal. During the conducting period of this investigation, an average population of 186 heads of cattle was obtained in these dairy farms, ranging from 60 to 400 animals. Only six farms used some type of cleaning method for the water used for their cattle. The average number of troughs among the 16 participating dairies was 12, ranging from one to 25 troughs, and their cleaning frequency ranged from one week to one year. Except for the pH value that was slightly higher than recommended for dairy cattle drinking water, the state agency's water meets all chemical water quality parameters. In dairy farms that use well water as their main source of drinking water for their animals, high contents of TDS, hardness, calcium, and sodium contents were observed, the latter in significantly higher concentrations. The contents of chlorides, sulfates and phosphates were also higher in well water than the other three water sources, but always in concentrations within the recommended range of values. The concentration of the other minerals, excluding some isolated cases, is within the recommended ranges regardless of the water source. In general, the concentration of sodium and potassium in the water were higher during the summer and spring than in autumn and winter. However, throughout the whole year, the contents of TDS and sodium were higher in well water than in the other three sources.
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Ganado lechero, Calidad de agua, Sodio, Calidad química, Fuente de agua