Utilización del suero de mantequilla y suero ácido para la elaboración del yogurt griego
El YG es un yogurt regular al cual se le remueve el suero. Es más costoso producirlo debido a su bajo rendimiento. El objetivo de esta investigación es sustituir la leche por SM y SA en su elaboración. Se realizaron 3 tratamientos YG-L (control), YG-SM y YG-SA, comparando la composición, pH, AT, WHC, textura, viscosidad, y vida útil. Se determinó la preferencia y referencia al control por un análisis sensorial. En el análisis proximal solo mostraron diferencias significativas respecto al control en cenizas y proteínas. Comparando la AT y WHC, no hubo diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos durante su almacenamiento 0, 15 y 28 días. En el pH hubo diferencias los días 15 y 28 entre el YG-SM y el control. La viscosidad mostró una diferencia significativa entre el YG-SM y YG-SA, pero no respecto al control. Para el largo de vida se realizó un análisis microbiológico determinando que su duración es un mes bajo condiciones adecuadas. También, hubo diferencias en el sensorial siendo el control el de mayor preferencia.
The GY is a regular yogurt by the removal of acid whey. Because of its low yield, it is more expensive to produce. The objective of this research is to substitute milk with Buttermilk and Acid whey on the yogurt elaboration. Three treatments were made GY-M (control), GY- Buttermilk and GY- Acid whey, comparing compositions, pH, AT, WHC, Texture, viscosity and shelf life. Control reference and preference were determined by a sensorial analysis. In the proximal analysis, only significative differences found in ashes and proteins regarding the control. Comparing the AT and WHC, there were no significative differences between the treatments throughout the storage time 0, 15 and 28 days. In the pH there were differences on days 15 and 28 between the GY- Buttermilk and the Control. The viscosity showed a significative difference between GY-Buttermilk and GY-Acid Whey, but not regarding the control. A microbiologic analysis was done determining its shelf life of a month in the adequate conditions. There were also differences in the sensorial being the control the mainly preference.
The GY is a regular yogurt by the removal of acid whey. Because of its low yield, it is more expensive to produce. The objective of this research is to substitute milk with Buttermilk and Acid whey on the yogurt elaboration. Three treatments were made GY-M (control), GY- Buttermilk and GY- Acid whey, comparing compositions, pH, AT, WHC, Texture, viscosity and shelf life. Control reference and preference were determined by a sensorial analysis. In the proximal analysis, only significative differences found in ashes and proteins regarding the control. Comparing the AT and WHC, there were no significative differences between the treatments throughout the storage time 0, 15 and 28 days. In the pH there were differences on days 15 and 28 between the GY- Buttermilk and the Control. The viscosity showed a significative difference between GY-Buttermilk and GY-Acid Whey, but not regarding the control. A microbiologic analysis was done determining its shelf life of a month in the adequate conditions. There were also differences in the sensorial being the control the mainly preference.
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Yogurt griego, Suero ácido, Suero de mantequilla, Análisis proximal, Análisis sensorial