Percepción y conocimiento de los agentes agrícolas antes y después de participar de un adiestramiento sobre el uso de la aplicación Google Keep como herramienta para mantener registros de producción animal en Puerto Rico
Este estudio presenta la percepción y el conocimiento de Agentes Agrícolas del Servicio de Extensión Agrícola antes y después de participar de un adiestramiento sobre el uso de Google Keep como herramienta para mantener registros agrícolas. El adiestramiento de 90 minutos se ofreció de manera virtual y el mismo contó con varias demostraciones del uso de la aplicación. Se utilizó un cuestionario antes del adiestramiento y una semana después del adiestramiento para medir los objetivos del estudio. Se encontró que la mayoría de los participantes reconocen que este tipo de tecnología puede maximizar y agilizar las tareas agrícolas, sin embargo, algunos de ellos no las utilizan. Aquellos que si las han utilizado para realizar sus tareas como Agentes Agrícolas, afirman tener buena experiencia al utilizarlas. Los participantes obtuvieron en promedio una calificación de “C” en cuanto al conocimiento del uso de la aplicación Google Keep antes y después del adiestramiento, pese a que ninguno la había utilizado antes del adiestramiento. Así también, los Agentes Agrícolas que participaron reconocieron que Google Keep tiene varias funciones útiles para tareas agrícolas. Se recomienda que se continúe la tarea de capacitar a los Agentes Agrícolas con respecto al uso de herramientas tecnológicas, pues estos consideran que sí ayudan en las tareas agrícolas.
This study presents the perception and knowledge of Agricultural Agents of the Agricultural Extension Service before and after participating in a training on the use of Google Keep as a tool to maintain agricultural records. The 90-minute training was offered virtually and included several demonstrations of the use of the application. A questionnaire was used before the training and one week after the training to measure the objectives of the study. It was found that most of the participants recognized that this type of technology can maximize and speed up agricultural tasks, however, some of them do not use it. Those who have used them to perform their tasks as Agricultural Agents, claimed to have good experience using them. Participants averaged a "C" grade in knowledge of using the Google Keep app before and after training, even though none had used it before training. Likewise, the Agricultural Agents who participated recognized that Google Keep has several useful functions for agricultural tasks. It is recommended that the task of training Agricultural Agents regarding the use of technological tools be continued, since they consider that they do help in agricultural tasks.
This study presents the perception and knowledge of Agricultural Agents of the Agricultural Extension Service before and after participating in a training on the use of Google Keep as a tool to maintain agricultural records. The 90-minute training was offered virtually and included several demonstrations of the use of the application. A questionnaire was used before the training and one week after the training to measure the objectives of the study. It was found that most of the participants recognized that this type of technology can maximize and speed up agricultural tasks, however, some of them do not use it. Those who have used them to perform their tasks as Agricultural Agents, claimed to have good experience using them. Participants averaged a "C" grade in knowledge of using the Google Keep app before and after training, even though none had used it before training. Likewise, the Agricultural Agents who participated recognized that Google Keep has several useful functions for agricultural tasks. It is recommended that the task of training Agricultural Agents regarding the use of technological tools be continued, since they consider that they do help in agricultural tasks.
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Agentes agrícolas, Aplicaciones y plataformas, Innovación, Percepción y conocimiento, Google Keep