Modelo numérico para flujo mixto: flujo presurizado/superficie libre
GarcÃa-Uribe, Federico
GarcÃa-Uribe, Federico
En esta investigación se desarrolló un modelo numérico de flujo mixto – (flujo presurizado/superficie libre) – aprovechando la similitud existente entre las ecuaciones de continuidad y momentum que gobiernan el flujo no-permanente en canales, conocidas como las ecuaciones de Saint Venant, y las que gobiernan el flujo transitorio en conductos a presión. Para resolver los fenómenos de flujo mixto, se usó un solo conjunto de ecuaciones, las de Saint Venant, sin importar si el flujo es libre o presurizado. Para ello, el modelo propuesto incorporó el concepto de la Ranura de Preissmann y la transición propuesta por León et al. (2007). Las ecuaciones de Saint Venant fueron resueltas utilizando el esquema numérico de MacCormack y las condiciones de frontera usando el Método de las CaracterÃsticas.
Inicialmente el modelo propuesto fue comparado numéricamente con otros esquemas matemáticos, y posteriormente fue comparado experimentalmente con un modelo fÃsico construido en el Laboratorio de
Experimentación de Mecánica de Fluidos del Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez de la Universidad de Puerto Rico.
Dentro de los resultados numéricos más importantes obtenidos se resalta que el modelo propuesto predijo la variación de la carga hidráulica para varias situaciones. Asimismo, la incorporación de la transición propuesta por León et al. (2007), en la Ranura de Preissmann fue de vital importancia para evitar inestabilidades en la simulación. En comparación con el modelo fÃsico, los valores determinados en el modelo numérico predijeron con exactitud los valores experimentales mientras el tubo se encuentre completamente presurizado. En las proximidades de flujo libre, el modelo numérico no predijo los
valores experimentales como se esperaba.
A numerical model of mixed flow (free-surface/pressurized flow) was developed. The model takes advantage of the existing similarity between the continuity and momentum equations which govern the unsteady open-channels flow, known as Saint-Venant equations, and those that governing the closedconduit transient flow. In order to solve the mixed flow, the proposed model used only one set of equations, the Saint-Venant equations, regardless of the flow state (free-surface or pressurized). The proposed model incorporates the Preissmann Slot concept and the transition proposed by León et al. (2007). The Saint-Venant equations were solved using the MacCormack scheme and the Method of Characteristics. Initially, the proposed model was compared mathematically with other numerical schemes, and then it was compared experimentally with a physical model built on the Experimentation Fluid Mechanics Laboratory in the University of Puerto at Mayaguez Campus. The results show that the proposed model numerically predicted the variation of the hydraulic head for several situations. Also, the incorporation of the proposed transition by León et al. (2007), in the Preissmann Slot was important to avoid instabilities in the simulation. In comparison with the physical model, the results obtained predicted with precision the experimental values while the pipe was completely pressurized. In proximities to the free flow, the proposed model did not predict the experimental values as expected.
A numerical model of mixed flow (free-surface/pressurized flow) was developed. The model takes advantage of the existing similarity between the continuity and momentum equations which govern the unsteady open-channels flow, known as Saint-Venant equations, and those that governing the closedconduit transient flow. In order to solve the mixed flow, the proposed model used only one set of equations, the Saint-Venant equations, regardless of the flow state (free-surface or pressurized). The proposed model incorporates the Preissmann Slot concept and the transition proposed by León et al. (2007). The Saint-Venant equations were solved using the MacCormack scheme and the Method of Characteristics. Initially, the proposed model was compared mathematically with other numerical schemes, and then it was compared experimentally with a physical model built on the Experimentation Fluid Mechanics Laboratory in the University of Puerto at Mayaguez Campus. The results show that the proposed model numerically predicted the variation of the hydraulic head for several situations. Also, the incorporation of the proposed transition by León et al. (2007), in the Preissmann Slot was important to avoid instabilities in the simulation. In comparison with the physical model, the results obtained predicted with precision the experimental values while the pipe was completely pressurized. In proximities to the free flow, the proposed model did not predict the experimental values as expected.
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Modelo númerico