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The daughters of Persephone: Defilement as a rite of passage in Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire

Ortiz, Lorainne
Persephone's abduction and descent to the Underworld is certainly a tragedy. However, this event impulses her to become queen of her own hell, turning the situation in her favor. In a similar way, contemporary popular culture texts, such as A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin and its television adaptation Game of Thrones by David Benioff and Dan Weiss, retell ancient classical myths through feminist lenses. In my Thesis, I analyze the narrative arc of Sansa Stark and Daenerys Targaryen’s trajectory by questioning the influence of the male gaze, the way storytellers use violence as a catalyst to agency for female characters, and whether female characters are celebrated or restrained for transgressing binaries established by a patriarchal society.
El secuestro y descenso al Inframundo de Perséfone en la mitología Griega es ciertamente una tragedia. No obstante, este evento la impulsa a convertirse en reina de su propio infierno, tornando la historia a su favor. En una forma similar, textos contemporáneos de la cultura popular, como Canción de Hielo y Fuego de George R. R. Martin y su adaptación televisiva Juego de Tronos de David Benioff y Dan Weiss, recuentan este clásico mito antiguo a través de lentes feministas. En mi Tesis, analizo el arco narrativo de la trayectoria de Sansa Stark y Daenerys Targaryen cuestionando la influencia de la mirada masculina, la forma en que los autores o productores usan violencia como el catalítico que las impulsa a tener agencia sobre sus vidas, y si los personajes femeninos que traspasan los binomios establecidos por la sociedad patriarcal son celebrados o restringidos.
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Persephone, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, Feminism, Mythology
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