Factorización incompleta IC (ℓ,τ,m) por bloques para matrices generadas por métodos "Local Discontinuos Galerkin"
Theran Suárez, Carlos A.
Theran Suárez, Carlos A.
En este trabajo se presenta una factorización incompleta de Cholesky por bloques LLT . Esta factorización es discutida como una técnica de precondicionamiento, la cual mejora el condicionamiento espectral de la matriz, lo que implica una disminución en el número de iteraciones requeridas para la convergencia de métodos iterativos como lo es el método del Gradiente Conjugado Precondicionado (PCG). Para la construcción del precondicionador se considera una técnica de niveles propuesta en [18] la cual calcula la estructura de elementos no cero del precondicionador, este proceso es conocido como fase simbólica. Uno de los problemas que genera la construcción de un precondicionador para grandes sistemas lineales es la gran cantidad de memoria que se requiere para el almacenamiento de L. Para controlar el consumo de memoria, se usa dos parámetros: el parámetro umbral τ y el parámetro de memoria m, los cuales permiten retener elementos no ceros del factor L. Una versión por bloque de estas técnicas es propuesta para matrices simétricas definidas positivas generadas por el método Local Discontinuous Galerkin.
This work presents a incomplete Cholesky factorization by blocks LLT . This factorization is discussed as a preconditioning technique which improves the spectral condition of the matrix. This provides a reduction of the number of iterations required for the convergence of iterative methods such as the preconditioned conjugated gradient method. For the construction of the preconditioner a proposed technique of levels is considered in [18] which the structure of non zero elements of the preconditioner are calculated, this process is known as the symbolic phase. One of the issues created by the construction of a preconditioner for large lineal systems is the amount of memory required for the storage of L. To be able to control the memory uptake two parameters are used: the threshold parameter τ and the memory parameter m, which allow the elimination of none zero elements of the L factor. A block version of these techniques is proposed for symmetric positive definite matrices generated by the Local Discontinuous Galerkin method.
This work presents a incomplete Cholesky factorization by blocks LLT . This factorization is discussed as a preconditioning technique which improves the spectral condition of the matrix. This provides a reduction of the number of iterations required for the convergence of iterative methods such as the preconditioned conjugated gradient method. For the construction of the preconditioner a proposed technique of levels is considered in [18] which the structure of non zero elements of the preconditioner are calculated, this process is known as the symbolic phase. One of the issues created by the construction of a preconditioner for large lineal systems is the amount of memory required for the storage of L. To be able to control the memory uptake two parameters are used: the threshold parameter τ and the memory parameter m, which allow the elimination of none zero elements of the L factor. A block version of these techniques is proposed for symmetric positive definite matrices generated by the Local Discontinuous Galerkin method.