Flipped Classroom: An alternative teaching method for introductory statistics courses
Román-Traverso, Yareliz
Román-Traverso, Yareliz
From a passive student to an active student. From a teacher-centered education to a student-centered education. The inverted class or flipped classroom is a new teaching method in which, in one of its versions, technology is used to change the direct instruction outside the classroom. In our study the lessons are taught online outside of class through videos, and class time is used in activities that promote
a deeper exploration of the topics. These activities give us the opportunity to teach students not only the formulas but the concepts, interpretations and the most useful and important technological tools in statistics. An experiment with two introductory courses in statistics at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayag uez was carried out to determine the effect of a partially flipped classroom on the academic
achievement and the attitude towards statistics of the students. In this work, the experiences and results of the implementation of the flipped classroom in our study will be presented.
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Research Projects
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Flipped classroom, Statistics