Estimado del máximo desplazamiento de entrepiso en edificios de hormigón armado para registros de aceleración derivados para Puerto Rico
A través de la historia de Puerto Rico sabemos que nos han afectado al menos 4 terremotos fuertes desde la colonización. El peligro sísmico para Puerto Rico aumenta de este a oeste. Aunque en general toda la Isla esta expuesta al peligro se espera que las áreas mas afectadas sean las del sur-oeste, debido a la cercanía de fallas sísmicas. Hoy día los daños que produciría un terremoto como los que han ocurrido en el pasado son mayores que nunca. Ya que la población y las estructuras son mucho mayores que antes. El estudio que se realizó en esta tesis, surge debido la gran preocupación de parte del
Comisionado de Seguros de Puerto Rico en poder establecer la Perdida Máxima probable ante el terremoto esperado. Por lo tanto, se realizó un estudio paramétrico el cual permita estimar con parámetros estructurales simples el máximo desplazamiento de entrepiso que edificios simétricos de hormigón armado puedan experimentar ante los registros de aceleración artificial creados para los principales pueblos de Puerto Rico.
Se seleccionaron una serie de edificios con diferente número de pisos, altura de entrepiso
y porciento de área de pared por dirección. Se crearon modelos tridimensionales los cuales fueron sometidos a los registros de aceleración y estos fueron analizados con el programa Sap 2000. Posteriormente se relacionaron los resultados para poder estimar el máximo desplazamiento de entrepiso.
Through the history of Puerto Rico we know that 4 strong earthquakes have affected us at least from the colonization. The seismic danger for Puerto Rico increases from west to east. Although in general the entire Island is exposed to the danger is expected that the most affected areas are those of the south-west, due to the proximity of seismic faults. Today the damages that an earthquake would produce like those that have occurred in the past are greater than ever. Since the population and the structures are much greater than before. The work in this thesis, arises due the concern from the Commissioner of Insurances of Puerto Rico in being able to establish the Maxima Probable Lost because the expected earthquake. Therefore, a parametric study was made which allows estimating with simple structural parameters the maximum drift that symmetrical reinforced concrete buildings can experiment due to the artificial ground motion record for the main cities of Rico Rico. A series of buildings were selected with different number of floors, height of floor and percentage of wall area. Three-dimensional models were created which were analyzed with the artificial ground motion record and these were analyzed with the program Sap 2000. Later the results were related to be able to estimate the maximum drift.
Through the history of Puerto Rico we know that 4 strong earthquakes have affected us at least from the colonization. The seismic danger for Puerto Rico increases from west to east. Although in general the entire Island is exposed to the danger is expected that the most affected areas are those of the south-west, due to the proximity of seismic faults. Today the damages that an earthquake would produce like those that have occurred in the past are greater than ever. Since the population and the structures are much greater than before. The work in this thesis, arises due the concern from the Commissioner of Insurances of Puerto Rico in being able to establish the Maxima Probable Lost because the expected earthquake. Therefore, a parametric study was made which allows estimating with simple structural parameters the maximum drift that symmetrical reinforced concrete buildings can experiment due to the artificial ground motion record for the main cities of Rico Rico. A series of buildings were selected with different number of floors, height of floor and percentage of wall area. Three-dimensional models were created which were analyzed with the artificial ground motion record and these were analyzed with the program Sap 2000. Later the results were related to be able to estimate the maximum drift.
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Concrete buildings