Caracterización química y mineralógica de tres perfiles de suelo de la isla de Vieques
Medina Pérez, Mariela
Medina Pérez, Mariela
La química del suelo se define como la parte de la ciencia del suelo concerniente a la constitución química, a las propiedades y a las reacciones químicas de los suelos. Dentro de las propiedades químicas de los suelos se encuentra el pH, el contenido de materia orgánica, contenido de macro y micronutrimentos y la capacidad de intercambio catiónico. Son todas estas propiedades las que median la fertilidad de un suelo y su capacidad agrícola. La mineralogía se enfoca principalmente en los minerales de arcilla, los cuales influencian la mayoría de las propiedades químicas, físicas o biológicas del suelo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar las propiedades físicas, químicas y mineralógicas de tres perfiles de suelo de la isla de Vieques e inferir sobre el potencial agrícola y otros usos. Se seleccionaron tres series de suelo de mayor importancia agrícola en Vieques y se realizaron calicatas en Finca La Esperanza (Coamo-Molisol), Finca Martineau (Descalabrado-Molisol) y Finca Puerto Real (Vieques-Inceptisol). La textura predominante en los perfiles de suelo fue arcillosa, franco arcillosa, franco arcillo arenosa y arcillo arenosa. La estabilidad de agregados fluctuó de 54% a 88%, siendo los Molisoles (Coamo y Desscalabrado) los suelos con mayor porcentaje de estabilidad de agregados. Los valores de pH para los tres perfiles se mantuvieron en el rango de 6.4 a 8.8 (Coamo 8.2-8.8) (Vieques 6.9-7.7) (Descalabrado 6.4-7.0). El contenido de materia orgánica determinado por el método de oxidación húmeda Walkley-Black fluctuó desde 0% a 3.45%, siendo 0% el contenido de materia orgánica en el subsuelo. El contenido de cationes básicos fue alto para los tres perfiles. El área específica (superficial) de la fracción arcilla fluctuó en el rango de 44.8 m2/g a 351.09 m2/g (Coamo 157.81-351.09) (Vieques 44.28-192.5) (Descalabrado 248.22-313.97). La mineralogía del suelo de la fracción arcilla se determinó mediante difracción de rayos X. Los tres perfiles evaluados tenían una mineralogía similar que consistía de caolinita, cuarzo, gibsita, goetita, hematita, magnetita, montmorilionita, ilita y albita. Basado en las evaluaciones de campo y los análisis de laboratorio, las tres series de suelo tienen potencial para el desarrollo agrícola, sin embargo la poca profundidad de las series Descalabrado y Vieques es un factor limitante. La mayor limitación para el desarrollo agrícola en Vieques es la poca disponibilidad de agua para riego.
Soil chemistry is defined as the part of soil science concerning the chemical composition, properties and chemical reactions of soils. Among the chemical properties of soils are the pH, organic matter content, macro and micronutrients and cation exchange capacity. All these properties define soil fertility and its agricultural capacity. Mineralogy focuses primarily on clay minerals, which influence most of the chemical, physical and biological properties of the soil. The objective of this work was to analyze the physical, chemical and mineralogical properties of three soil profiles in the Island of Vieques in order to determine their agricultural potential and other uses. Three soil series were selected based on their extension and agricultural value. Soil pits were made at Finca La Esperanza (Coamo-Molisol), Finca Martineau (Descalabrado Molisol) and Finca Puerto Real (Vieques-Inceptisol). The predominant textures in the soil profiles were clay, clay loam, sandy clay loam, and sandy clay. The stability of aggregates fluctuated from 54% to 88%, with Molisols (Coamo and Desscalabrado) being the soils with the highest percentage of aggregates stability. The pH values for the three profiles remained in the range of 6.4 to 8.8 (Coamo 8.2-8.8) (Vieques 6.9-7.7) (Descalabrado 6.4-7.0). The organic matter content determined by the Walkley-Black wet oxidation method ranged from 0% to 3.45%, with 0% being the organic matter content in the subsoil. The basic cation content was high for all three profiles. The specific surface area of the clay fraction fluctuated in the range of 44.8 m2/g to 351.1 m2/g (Coamo 157.8-351.1) (Vieques 44.3-192.5) (Decalabrado 248.2-314.0). The mineralogy of the clay fraction was determined by X-ray diffraction. The three profiles evaluated had a similar mineralogy consisting of kaolinite, quartz, gibbsite, goethite, hematite, magnetite, montmorillonite, illite, and albite. Based on field and laboratory analyzes, it was concluded that the three soils have potential for agricultural production although shallowness of Descalabrado and Vieques series is a limitation to overcome. However, the lack of water resources for irrigation is the most the limiting factor for agricultural production in Vieques.
Soil chemistry is defined as the part of soil science concerning the chemical composition, properties and chemical reactions of soils. Among the chemical properties of soils are the pH, organic matter content, macro and micronutrients and cation exchange capacity. All these properties define soil fertility and its agricultural capacity. Mineralogy focuses primarily on clay minerals, which influence most of the chemical, physical and biological properties of the soil. The objective of this work was to analyze the physical, chemical and mineralogical properties of three soil profiles in the Island of Vieques in order to determine their agricultural potential and other uses. Three soil series were selected based on their extension and agricultural value. Soil pits were made at Finca La Esperanza (Coamo-Molisol), Finca Martineau (Descalabrado Molisol) and Finca Puerto Real (Vieques-Inceptisol). The predominant textures in the soil profiles were clay, clay loam, sandy clay loam, and sandy clay. The stability of aggregates fluctuated from 54% to 88%, with Molisols (Coamo and Desscalabrado) being the soils with the highest percentage of aggregates stability. The pH values for the three profiles remained in the range of 6.4 to 8.8 (Coamo 8.2-8.8) (Vieques 6.9-7.7) (Descalabrado 6.4-7.0). The organic matter content determined by the Walkley-Black wet oxidation method ranged from 0% to 3.45%, with 0% being the organic matter content in the subsoil. The basic cation content was high for all three profiles. The specific surface area of the clay fraction fluctuated in the range of 44.8 m2/g to 351.1 m2/g (Coamo 157.8-351.1) (Vieques 44.3-192.5) (Decalabrado 248.2-314.0). The mineralogy of the clay fraction was determined by X-ray diffraction. The three profiles evaluated had a similar mineralogy consisting of kaolinite, quartz, gibbsite, goethite, hematite, magnetite, montmorillonite, illite, and albite. Based on field and laboratory analyzes, it was concluded that the three soils have potential for agricultural production although shallowness of Descalabrado and Vieques series is a limitation to overcome. However, the lack of water resources for irrigation is the most the limiting factor for agricultural production in Vieques.
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Vieques, Puerto Rico, Mineralogy, Suelos, Mineralogía