Aislamiento sísmico unidireccional por fricción aplicado a casas típicas de Puerto Rico como sistema alternativo de protección sísmica
Herrera Laverde, German Daniel
Herrera Laverde, German Daniel
El incremento de la actividad sísmica acompañado de sistemas modernos para la toma de datos ha permitido abordar más a fondo la problemática del riesgo sísmico generada por el movimiento de las placas tectónicas. La amenaza sísmica no constituye un riesgo si no está acompañada por edificaciones vulnerables. Por lo dicho anteriormente, es importante proyectar estructuras que tengan un adecuado sistema de absorción y disipación de energía que les permita permanecer estables durante y después de un evento sísmico. Este proyecto de investigación presenta un sistema alternativo de bajo costo de protección sísmica aplicado a estructuras residenciales de 1 piso en Puerto Rico. Se aplicó un sistema de aislamiento sísmico unidireccional para la dirección débil y para la otra un sistema de muros estructurales. El propósito principal del estudio de investigación más que centrarse en reforzar el lado débil, disminuir la fuerza transmitida a la super-estructura, controlar las derivas y los desplazamientos, fue disminuir las aceleraciones de entrepiso para que además de permitir conservar la integridad de los elementos estructurales, también la de los elementos no estructurales y los contenidos. La respuesta de la estructura fue analizada en términos de desplazamientos, cortantes y aceleraciones para condiciones en base fija y acondicionada con el sistema de aislamiento unidireccional mediante la demanda del espectro de diseño sísmico para Ponce propuesto tanto por el ASCE 7-16 como por el Programa de Movimiento Fuerte de Puerto Rico (PRSMP). Se construyó la curva de capacidad para ambas condiciones y se realizó un análisis no lineal tiempo-historia para observar el estado de la estructura cuando se vio sometida a los registros sísmicos espectro-compatibles para Ponce. Los resultados demostraron disminución de la respuesta hasta de 9 veces del cortante basal transmitido a la super-estructura y de 3 veces en términos de aceleraciones.
The increase in seismic activity accompanied by modern systems for data collection has made it possible to address in greater depth the problem of seismic risk generated by the movement of tectonic plates. The seismic hazard does not constitute a risk if it is not accompanied by vulnerable buildings, which is why it is important to design structures that have an adequate energy absorption and dissipation system that allows them to remain stable during and after a seismic event. This research project presents an alternative low-cost seismic protection system applied to 1-story residential structures in Puerto Rico. An unidirectional seismic isolation system was applied for the weak direction and structural walls for the other direction. The main purpose of the study, more than reinforcing the weak side by reducing the force transmitted to the superstructure and controlling drifts and displacements, was to reduce the floor accelerations in order to preserve the integrity of the structural elements as well as the integrity of the nonstructural elements and contents. The response of the structure was analyzed in terms of displacements, shears and accelerations for fixed base conditions and conditioned with the unidirectional isolation system using the demand of the seismic design spectrum for Ponce proposed by both ASCE 7-16 and the Puerto Rico Strong Motion Program (PRSMP), the capacity curve was constructed for both conditions and a nonlinear time-history analysis was performed to observe the state of the structure when subjected to the seismic spectro-compatible seismic records for Ponce. The results showed a decrease in the response of up to 9 times the basal shear transmitted to the superstructure and 3 times in terms of accelerations.
The increase in seismic activity accompanied by modern systems for data collection has made it possible to address in greater depth the problem of seismic risk generated by the movement of tectonic plates. The seismic hazard does not constitute a risk if it is not accompanied by vulnerable buildings, which is why it is important to design structures that have an adequate energy absorption and dissipation system that allows them to remain stable during and after a seismic event. This research project presents an alternative low-cost seismic protection system applied to 1-story residential structures in Puerto Rico. An unidirectional seismic isolation system was applied for the weak direction and structural walls for the other direction. The main purpose of the study, more than reinforcing the weak side by reducing the force transmitted to the superstructure and controlling drifts and displacements, was to reduce the floor accelerations in order to preserve the integrity of the structural elements as well as the integrity of the nonstructural elements and contents. The response of the structure was analyzed in terms of displacements, shears and accelerations for fixed base conditions and conditioned with the unidirectional isolation system using the demand of the seismic design spectrum for Ponce proposed by both ASCE 7-16 and the Puerto Rico Strong Motion Program (PRSMP), the capacity curve was constructed for both conditions and a nonlinear time-history analysis was performed to observe the state of the structure when subjected to the seismic spectro-compatible seismic records for Ponce. The results showed a decrease in the response of up to 9 times the basal shear transmitted to the superstructure and 3 times in terms of accelerations.
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aislamiento sísmico, aislamientos por fricción, ingenieria resiliente, ingenieria tradicional, análisis no lineal estático y dinámico, espectro de capacidad