Adaptabilidad y desempeño del cañamo industrial (<i>Cannabis sativa</i> L.) y cuantificación de los principales cannabinoides
Álvarez Beauchamp, Michelle Haydee
Álvarez Beauchamp, Michelle Haydee
En tres estudios, dos de invernadero y uno de campo, se evaluaron variedades de cáñamo para determinar su germinación, parámetros de crecimiento y producción de inflorescencia y el contenido de cannabinoides. Las variedades evaluadas fueron Abicus, Adams, ACDC x Otto II, Berry Blossom, Cherry Blossom, Cherry Wine, Delta Berry, Dutch, Wild Berry y Wife #5. La germinación de las variedades Adams y Dutch, bajo condiciones de invernadero y luz natural se observó a los cuatro días después de la siembra. Las plántulas mostraron poco desarrollo y la florecida comenzó a la cuarta semana, con el brote de la floración estaminada antes que la pistiladas. El porciento de flores pistiladas en ambas variedades fue de 38%. Los resultados indicaron la necesidad de un periodo de luz mayor de 12 horas para evitar la floración temprana.
En un segundo estudio bajo condiciones de invernadero y un periodo de luz artificial de 18 horas, se evaluaron 2 variedades feminizadas (Berry Blossom y Wife #5) y 2 no feminizadas (Adams y Dutch), 2 sustratos (Composta Alzamora y Sustrato Comercial) y 2 fertilizantes (Bioflora 6-6-5 y Sol-U-Gro 12-48-8). Se utilizó un diseño experimental de bloque, completamente aleatorio (DBCA) con diseño factorial triple. Los parámetros evaluados fueron la altura (cm), ancho de la copa (cm) y concentración de clorofila en hojas (µmol m-2). Durante el experimento las plantas en el sustrato Alzamora mostraron mayor altura, ancho de copa y contenido de clorofila que las del sustrato comercial. No se observaron difrencias significativas atribuibles a los fertilizantes.
En el tercer estudio se evaluaron 10 variedades bajo condiciones de invernadero y 8 bajo condiciones de campo en la Subestación Experimental Agrícola de Lajas. Se evaluó parámetros de crecimiento, porciento de germinación y florecida. Las variedades de mayor producción fueron ACDC x Otto II, Cherry Wine, Delta Berry y Dutch. El rango de producción fluctuo en 16 a 223 g/planta de peso fresco y 9 a 61 g/planta de peso seco en las plantas del campo. Para las plantas del invernadero el rango de producción de 37 a 122 g/ planta de peso fresco y 13 a 40 g/planta en peso seco.
Las variedades Adams y Dutch mostraron mejor rendimiento en el invernadero que en el campo. Bajo condiciones de campo el porcentaje de flores pistiladas fue: Adams, 50%; Cherry Blossom, 100%; Cherry Wine, 67%; Dutch, 50%; DB 47%, WB 37.5%.
Bajo condiciones de invernadero y campo pudimos identificar varios insectos que atacan el cultivo de cáñamo. Entre estos observamos varios tipos del orden Hemiptera familia Cicadellidae como Hortensia similis conocido como Walker.; Xyphon sagittifera (Uhler). Chlorotettix sp. prob cognitus Caldwell. También detectamos una chinche perteneciente a la familia Pentatomidae Oebalus ypsilongriseus (DeGeer). Semanalmente se aplicó aceite de Neem para el control de los saltones en las plantas. En algunas plantas en el campo con floración estaminadas se encontraron larvas de Spodoptera frugiperda, alimentándose de las cápsulas florales.
El contenido de THC, CBD, CBN y terpenos en la inflorescencia de las 10 variedades se determinó mediante HPLC y GC-FID. Las variedades ACDC x Otto II, Cherry Blossom, Cherry Wine, Delta Berry, Dutch y Wild Berry mostraron contenido de THC menor de 0.3%. Las variedades Abicus, Adams, Berry Blossom y Wife #5 mostraron niveles de THC sobre 0.3%, lo que no cumple con el contenido establecido por ley para el cáñamo. Las crotomatografias de GC-FID detectaron alrededor de 14 terpenos en las variedades. Los terpenos encontrados a mayor concentración en las fueron Beta-pineno, geraniol y limoneno. Las variedades con alto contenido de THC mostraron valores mas altos de Beta-pineno pero la cantidad de muestras es muy baja para establecer una buena correlación. Se realizaron correlaciones de los terpenos y los diferentes cannabinoides, encontrando valores desde 0.0001 hasta 0.6923. Las correlaciones mas altas se observaron entre beta-Eudesmol y CBD (0.6271) y entre Geraniol y CBN (0.6923).
Hemp varieties were evaluated for germination, growth, flower production, and cannabinoid content in two greenhouse studies and in a field study. The varieties evaluated were Abicus, Adams, ACDC x Otto II, Berry Blossom, Cherry Blossom, Cherry Wine, Delta Berry, Dutch, Wild Berry, and Wife #5. The germination of Adams and Dutch varieties, under greenhouse conditions and natural light was observed four days after sowing. Seedlings showed little development and flowering began in the fourth week, with the budding of the staminate flowers before the pistillate ones. The percentage of pistillate flowers in both varieties was 38%. The results indicated the need for a longer light period of 12 hours to avoid early flowering. Four hemp varieties, 2 feminized (Berry Blossom and Wife #5) and 2 non-feminized (Adams and Dutch) were evaluated in a second experiment under greenhouse conditions. An artifical light period of 18 hours was provided to prevent early flowering. The study included the evaluation of 2 substrates (Alzamora Compost and Commercial Substrate), and 2 fertilizers (Bioflora 6-6-5 and Sol-U-Gro 12-48-8). The experiment was a triple factorial, arranged in a completely randomized block design (DBCA). The parameters evaluated were plant height (cm), plant width (cm), and chlorophyll concentration in leaves (μmol m-2). Plants grown on Alzamora substrate showed greater height, width, and chlorophyll content than those on the commercial substrate. No significant differences attributable to fertilizers were observed. In the third study, 10 varieties were evaluated under greenhouse conditions and 8 under field conditions at the Lajas Agricultural Experimental Substation. The parameters evaluated were germination, plant growth, and flowering. The highest yielding varieties were ACDC, Cherry Wine, Delta Berry, and Dutch. for each variety. Flower yield under field conditions ranged from 16 to 223 g/plant fresh yield and 9 to 61 g/plant dry yield. For the greenhouse plants, production ranged from 37 to 122 g/plant fresh weight and 13 to 40 g/plant dry weight. The Adams and Dutch varieties showed better performance in the greenhouse than in the field. Under field conditions, the percentage of pistillate flowers was: Adams, 50%; Cherry Blossom, 100%; Cherry Wine, 67%; Dutch, 50%; DB 47%, WB 37.5%. Under greenhouse and field conditions, we identified several insects that attack the hemp crop. Among these we observed several types of the order Hemiptera family Cicadellidae such as Hortensia similis known as Walker; Xyphon sagittifera (Uhler). Chlorotettix sp. prob cognitus Caldwell. We also detected a bedbug belonging to the family Pentatomidae Oebalus ypsilongriseus (DeGeer). Neem oil was applied weekly to control leafhoppers on the plants. In some plants in the field with staminate flowering, Spodoptera frugiperda larvae were found feeding on the flower capsules. The content of THC, CBD, CBN, and terpenes in the inflorescence of the 10 varieties was performed by HPLC and GC-FID. The varieties ACDC x Otto II, Cherry Blossom, Cherry Wine, Delta Berry, Dutch, and Wild Berry showed a THC content of less than 0.3%. Abicus, Adams, Berry Blossom, and Wife #5 showed THC levels above 0.3%, which does not meet the legal THC content for hemp. GC-FID chromatography detected about 14 terpenes in the varieties. The terpenes found at the highest concentration in the varieties were Beta-pinene, geraniol, and limonene. The varieties with high THC content showed higher values of Beta-pinene but the number of samples is too low to establish a good correlation. Correlations of terpenes and the different cannabinoids were performed, finding values from 0.0001 to 0.6923. The highest correlations were observed between beta- Eudesmol and CBD (0.6271) and between Geraniol and CBN (0.6923).
Hemp varieties were evaluated for germination, growth, flower production, and cannabinoid content in two greenhouse studies and in a field study. The varieties evaluated were Abicus, Adams, ACDC x Otto II, Berry Blossom, Cherry Blossom, Cherry Wine, Delta Berry, Dutch, Wild Berry, and Wife #5. The germination of Adams and Dutch varieties, under greenhouse conditions and natural light was observed four days after sowing. Seedlings showed little development and flowering began in the fourth week, with the budding of the staminate flowers before the pistillate ones. The percentage of pistillate flowers in both varieties was 38%. The results indicated the need for a longer light period of 12 hours to avoid early flowering. Four hemp varieties, 2 feminized (Berry Blossom and Wife #5) and 2 non-feminized (Adams and Dutch) were evaluated in a second experiment under greenhouse conditions. An artifical light period of 18 hours was provided to prevent early flowering. The study included the evaluation of 2 substrates (Alzamora Compost and Commercial Substrate), and 2 fertilizers (Bioflora 6-6-5 and Sol-U-Gro 12-48-8). The experiment was a triple factorial, arranged in a completely randomized block design (DBCA). The parameters evaluated were plant height (cm), plant width (cm), and chlorophyll concentration in leaves (μmol m-2). Plants grown on Alzamora substrate showed greater height, width, and chlorophyll content than those on the commercial substrate. No significant differences attributable to fertilizers were observed. In the third study, 10 varieties were evaluated under greenhouse conditions and 8 under field conditions at the Lajas Agricultural Experimental Substation. The parameters evaluated were germination, plant growth, and flowering. The highest yielding varieties were ACDC, Cherry Wine, Delta Berry, and Dutch. for each variety. Flower yield under field conditions ranged from 16 to 223 g/plant fresh yield and 9 to 61 g/plant dry yield. For the greenhouse plants, production ranged from 37 to 122 g/plant fresh weight and 13 to 40 g/plant dry weight. The Adams and Dutch varieties showed better performance in the greenhouse than in the field. Under field conditions, the percentage of pistillate flowers was: Adams, 50%; Cherry Blossom, 100%; Cherry Wine, 67%; Dutch, 50%; DB 47%, WB 37.5%. Under greenhouse and field conditions, we identified several insects that attack the hemp crop. Among these we observed several types of the order Hemiptera family Cicadellidae such as Hortensia similis known as Walker; Xyphon sagittifera (Uhler). Chlorotettix sp. prob cognitus Caldwell. We also detected a bedbug belonging to the family Pentatomidae Oebalus ypsilongriseus (DeGeer). Neem oil was applied weekly to control leafhoppers on the plants. In some plants in the field with staminate flowering, Spodoptera frugiperda larvae were found feeding on the flower capsules. The content of THC, CBD, CBN, and terpenes in the inflorescence of the 10 varieties was performed by HPLC and GC-FID. The varieties ACDC x Otto II, Cherry Blossom, Cherry Wine, Delta Berry, Dutch, and Wild Berry showed a THC content of less than 0.3%. Abicus, Adams, Berry Blossom, and Wife #5 showed THC levels above 0.3%, which does not meet the legal THC content for hemp. GC-FID chromatography detected about 14 terpenes in the varieties. The terpenes found at the highest concentration in the varieties were Beta-pinene, geraniol, and limonene. The varieties with high THC content showed higher values of Beta-pinene but the number of samples is too low to establish a good correlation. Correlations of terpenes and the different cannabinoids were performed, finding values from 0.0001 to 0.6923. The highest correlations were observed between beta- Eudesmol and CBD (0.6271) and between Geraniol and CBN (0.6923).
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Cannabis sativa L., Hemp, Cannabinoides, HPLC, Cáñamo