Modelación numérica del método de cocientes espectrales y aplicación de metodología alternativa
Modelación numérica del método de cocientes espectrales y aplicación de metodología alternativa
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Odetti, Santhiago
Embargoed Until
Suárez, Luis
College of Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering
Degree Level
Una de las principales causas de los daños producidos por los sismos es la amplificación de ondas sísmicas en depósitos de suelo cercanos a la superficie. Para reducir estos daños, es fundamental que el diseñador conozca la frecuencia fundamental en la cual el depósito amplifica las ondas. Entre los métodos disponibles para determinar este parámetro, destaca el método de Nakamura, que utiliza vibraciones ambientales y el análisis de cocientes espectrales H/V para identificar la frecuencia fundamental. El objetivo de esta investigación es evaluar numéricamente el método de cocientes espectrales H/V para caracterizar las propiedades dinámicas de un depósito de suelo. Para ello, se realizaron análisis continuos, basados en la teoría de propagación de ondas, y discretos mediante un software de elementos finitos. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron concordancia con las hipótesis iniciales, respaldando la validez de las metodologías empleadas. Asimismo, se propone una metodología alternativa al método de Nakamura, que también se basa en cocientes espectrales H/V, pero emplea un impulso superficial como fuente de excitación. Esta metodología fue aplicada en dos sitios de estudio, comparándose los resultados con los obtenidos mediante el método de Nakamura, análisis numéricos y estudios previos. Los resultados fueron altamente satisfactorios, permitiendo identificar la frecuencia fundamental del depósito de suelo con el método propuesto. Las comparaciones realizadas con investigaciones anteriores evidenciaron gran consistencia en los valores obtenidos para la frecuencia fundamental.
One of the main causes of earthquake-induced damage is the amplification of seismic waves in near-surface soil deposits. To mitigate such damage, it is essential for designers to determine the fundamental frequency at which the deposit amplifies the waves. Among the available methods to estimate this parameter, the Nakamura method stands out, utilizing ambient vibrations and the analysis of H/V spectral ratios to identify the fundamental frequency. The objective of this research is to numerically evaluate the H/V spectral ratio method to characterize the dynamic properties of a soil deposit. For this purpose, continuous analyses based on wave propagation theory and discrete analyses using finite element software were performed. The results obtained were consistent with the initial hypotheses, supporting the validity of the methodologies employed. Additionally, an alternative methodology to the Nakamura method is proposed, which is also based on H/V spectral ratios but employs a surface impulse manually generated with a hammer as the excitation source. This methodology was applied at two study sites, and the results were compared with those obtained using the Nakamura method, numerical analyses, and previous studies. The results were highly satisfactory, successfully identifying the fundamental frequency of the soil deposit with the proposed method. Comparisons with previous investigations demonstrated strong consistency in the values obtained for the fundamental frequency.
One of the main causes of earthquake-induced damage is the amplification of seismic waves in near-surface soil deposits. To mitigate such damage, it is essential for designers to determine the fundamental frequency at which the deposit amplifies the waves. Among the available methods to estimate this parameter, the Nakamura method stands out, utilizing ambient vibrations and the analysis of H/V spectral ratios to identify the fundamental frequency. The objective of this research is to numerically evaluate the H/V spectral ratio method to characterize the dynamic properties of a soil deposit. For this purpose, continuous analyses based on wave propagation theory and discrete analyses using finite element software were performed. The results obtained were consistent with the initial hypotheses, supporting the validity of the methodologies employed. Additionally, an alternative methodology to the Nakamura method is proposed, which is also based on H/V spectral ratios but employs a surface impulse manually generated with a hammer as the excitation source. This methodology was applied at two study sites, and the results were compared with those obtained using the Nakamura method, numerical analyses, and previous studies. The results were highly satisfactory, successfully identifying the fundamental frequency of the soil deposit with the proposed method. Comparisons with previous investigations demonstrated strong consistency in the values obtained for the fundamental frequency.
Nakamura method,
Spectral ratios,
Soil dynamic,
Fundamental frequency,
Seismic wave amplification
Spectral ratios,
Soil dynamic,
Fundamental frequency,
Seismic wave amplification
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Odetti, S. (2024). Modelación numérica del método de cocientes espectrales y aplicación de metodología alternativa [Thesis]. Retrieved from