Special characterization of sandy beaches in western portion of Puerto Rico
Chiqués, Gretchen M.
Chiqués, Gretchen M.
Remote sensing applications to beach system in Puerto Rico have been limited by low
spatial resolution of the available images and lack of appropriate equipment for field
validation. A GER-1500 spectroradiometer with a spectral range from 350 to 1050
nanometers was used to collect reflectance measurements in 15 sandy beaches in western
Puerto Rico. Samples of the beaches were analyzed in the laboratory to determine the
composition using sieving, XRD and grain counting to characterize the different
components of the sand sediments. Results indicate a change in magnitude in the
reflectance curve compared with the composition. Higher magnitude correlated with
more carbonate material concentration in the sand and lower magnitude correlated with
higher concentration of dark mineral. The reflectance shows a change in the slope of the
reflectance curve between 450 to 550 nanometers that is present in all 15 beaches. The
spectral slope in that range was calculated and related to the composition. The results of
the field reflectance measurements were compared to high resolution (1m) IKONOS
satellite images. Using band math these images showed a correlation with the field
measurements. A methodology to obtain information about composition in sand beaches
using remote sensing was developed using the slope of the reflectance curve. For the first
time a spectral library of beach sand sediment for western Puerto Rico was created.
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Sandy beaches, Western Puerto Rico, Carbonate material concentration