Prácticas poscosecha de hortalizas especiales y asiáticas cultivadas en Puerto Rico
Hadechiny Castillo, Ximena Paola
Hadechiny Castillo, Ximena Paola
Se evaluaron seis hortalizas para establecer las mejores prácticas postcosecha. Las hortalizas incluyeron dos especiales (i.e., tomate cherry y mini pimientos dulces) y cuatro asiáticas (i.e., bok choy, komatsuna, edamame, y cebollín). La evaluación incluyó medidas periódicas del % conservación de peso, color, textura, contenido de sólidos solubles, acidez titulable, pH, y cambios visuales en dos experimentos. El primer experimento probó tiempos de inmersión en solución de ácido peroxiacético (50 ppm) y almacenamiento a 4 ºC versus un control (sin lavado, 24 ºC). Se encontró que la refrigeración mejora considerablemente la calidad de las hortalizas independientemente del tiempo de lavado. El segundo experimento probó materiales de empaques: bolsas resellables de polipropileno, cajas de cartón corrugado, cajas de cartón corrugado con capas de papel, y empaque al vacío, versus un control (sin empaque). Se encontró que el polipropileno ayuda a mantener la calidad de las hortalizas en almacenamiento a 4 ºC. En conclusión, el lavado, empaque en polipropileno, y refrigeración mantienen mejor la calidad postcosecha de las hortalizas evaluadas.
Six vegetables were evaluated to establish the best postharvest practices. The vegetables included two specialty (i.e., cherry tomato and sweet mini peppers) and four Asian crops (i.e., bok choy, komatsuna, edamame, and green onions) The evaluation included measurements of the % weight conservation, color, texture, soluble solids content, titratable acidity, pH, and visual changes in two experiments. The first experiment tested immersion times in peroxyacetic acid solution (50 ppm) and storage at 4 ºC versus a control (without washing, 24 ºC). It was found that refrigeration considerably maintains the quality of vegetables regardless of the washing time. The second experiment evaluated packaging materials: polypropylene resealable bags, corrugated cardboard boxes, corrugated cardboard boxes with paper layers, and vacuum packaging, versus a control (no packaging). It was found that polypropylene helps maintain the quality of vegetables under storage at 4 ºC. In conclusion, washing, polypropylene packaging, and refrigeration maintain better the postharvest quality of the evaluated vegetables.
Six vegetables were evaluated to establish the best postharvest practices. The vegetables included two specialty (i.e., cherry tomato and sweet mini peppers) and four Asian crops (i.e., bok choy, komatsuna, edamame, and green onions) The evaluation included measurements of the % weight conservation, color, texture, soluble solids content, titratable acidity, pH, and visual changes in two experiments. The first experiment tested immersion times in peroxyacetic acid solution (50 ppm) and storage at 4 ºC versus a control (without washing, 24 ºC). It was found that refrigeration considerably maintains the quality of vegetables regardless of the washing time. The second experiment evaluated packaging materials: polypropylene resealable bags, corrugated cardboard boxes, corrugated cardboard boxes with paper layers, and vacuum packaging, versus a control (no packaging). It was found that polypropylene helps maintain the quality of vegetables under storage at 4 ºC. In conclusion, washing, polypropylene packaging, and refrigeration maintain better the postharvest quality of the evaluated vegetables.
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Bok choy, Komatsuna, Cebollin, Edamame