BROKOA: cloud-based brokerage system for smart grids

dc.contributor.advisor Rodríguez-Martínez, Manuel Martinez-Meza, Howard A. College of Engineering en_US
dc.contributor.committee Rivera Gallego, Wilson
dc.contributor.committee Irizarry Rivera, Agustin
dc.contributor.committee Rivera Vega, Pedro I.
dc.contributor.department Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering en_US
dc.contributor.representative Araya Martin, Juan G. 2019-01-17T18:38:54Z 2019-01-17T18:38:54Z 2018
dc.description.abstract Electric energy networks provide the necessary energy to carry out daily operations in education, health care, commerce, entertainment, defense, and government. Smart grids (SG) have been proposed as a mechanism to modernize and facilitate the operation of energy grids in the presence of multiple third-parties vying to sell electricity and related services. Recently, a new concept has emerged in relation with SG: transactive energy, a framework to integrate and coordinate multiple independent suppliers of electric services in an economic marketplace that enables purchases in a way that obeys the physical constrains of the underlying energy grid. Researchers at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayag uez in the field of Social Sciences, Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering are developing a transactive energy framework called Open Access Smart Grids Services (OASIS). OASIS features a distribution-level marketplace where the underlying electric resources and services are open to access and provisioned by third parties. In this research project, we present BROKOA, a cloud-based brokerage system for smart grids, which is a critical component of OASIS. In this brokerage system, consumer energy requests, and energy bids issued by producers, are collected and matched to find a list of energy purchase orders to be dispatched to the winning producers. A central piece in the system is an energy broker software agent, which drives the bidding process. en_US
dc.description.abstract Las redes de energia electrica proporcionan la energia necesaria para llevar a cabo las operaciones diarias en educacion, salud, comercio, entretenimiento, defensa y gobierno. Se han propuesto las redes inteligentes como un mecanismo para modernizar y facilitar el funcionamiento de las redes electricas en presencia de multiples terceros que compiten por vender electricidad y servicios relacionados. Recientemente surgio un nuevo concepto en relacion con las redes inteligentes: la energia transactiva, este concepto hace referencia a un marco de trabajo para integrar y coordinar multiples proveedores independientes de servicios electricos en un mercado economico que permite realizar compras de forma que obedezcan las restricciones fisicas de la red electrica subyacente. Investigadores de la Universidad de Puerto Rico en Mayaguez en el campo de las Ciencias Sociales, Ingenieria de Computadoras e Ingenieria Electrica estan desarrollando un marco de energia transactiva llamado Servicios de Redes Inteligentes de Acceso Abierto (OASIS por sus siglas en ingles). OASIS cuenta con un mercado de distribucion donde los recursos y servicios electricos subyacentes estan abiertos al acceso y aprovisionados por terceros. En este proyecto de investigacion, presentamos BROKOA, un sistema de broker basado en la nube para redes inteligentes, el cual es un componente critico de OASIS. En este sistema de broker, las solicitudes de energia de los consumidores y las ofertas de energiaa emitidas por los productores se recogen y se comparan para encontrar una lista de ordenes de compra de energia que se enviaran a los productores ganadores. El broker es una pieza central en el sistema el cual impulsa el proceso de licitacion. en_US
dc.description.graduationSemester Spring (2nd semester) en_US
dc.description.graduationYear 2018 en_US
dc.description.sponsorship This project is funded in part by NSF, under grant # ACI-1541106 en_US
dc.language.iso English en_US
dc.rights.holder (c) 2018 Howard Andres Martinez Meza en_US
dc.rights.license All rights reserved en_US
dc.subject Electric energy networks en_US
dc.subject OASIS en_US
dc.title BROKOA: cloud-based brokerage system for smart grids en_US
dc.type Project Report en_US
dspace.entity.type Publication Computer Engineering en_US M.E. en_US