Acople de HSPF - Un modelo de simulación hidrológica con CE-QUAL-W2 de calidad de agua en el Lago Cerrillos, Ponce, Puerto Rico
Castro-García, Gustavo
Castro-García, Gustavo
Este documento presenta el acople del modelo de simulación hidrológica HSPF (Hydrologic Simulation Program FORTRAN) y el modelo de calidad de agua en lagos (CE-QUAL-W2), realizado en la cuenca del Río Cerrillos y su correspondiente lago en Ponce, Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico cuenta con 44 lagos que fueron construidos con propósitos múltiples que incluían control de inundaciones, abasto de agua potable, riego agrícola, generación de energía y recreación. Debido a su importancia para el bienestar de los habitantes de la Isla, constituyen uno de los elementos más importantes en el Plan Integral de Conservación, Desarrollo y Uso de los Recursos de Agua (DRNA, 2007). En este estudio se desarrolló el modelo de simulación hidrológica (HSPF) para estimar flujo y parámetros físico-químicos como datos de entrada para el modelo de calidad de agua del lago (CE-QUALW2). Con este modelo de simulación de calidad de agua se puede predecir la temperatura y el oxígeno disuelto en la columna de agua del lago, y este acople permitiera contestar preguntas relacionadas con el manejo de la cuenca y el lago. El modelo hidrológico y de calidad de agua en el lago se utilizó para evaluar varios escenarios de cambio del uso del terreno en la cuenca del Río Cerrillos de tal manera que se puedan evidenciar como se afecta la calidad de agua en el lago. Los parámetros de calibración del modelo HSPF se obtuvieron a partir de rangos estudiados para cuencas de Puerto Rico. Los parámetros más influyentes en la calibración de modelo hidrológico fueron LZSN, INFIL, UZNS, INTFW, AGWR. Los parámetros más influyentes para la calibración de sedimentos fueron (SST) JSER, KSER, JGER, KASND, EXPSND, TAUCS y M. Para nitrato (NO3) los parámetros fueron SQO y SQOLIM, y para fósforo total (FT) fueron POTFW y POTFS. Los parámetros de calibración del modelo CE-QUAL-W2 se obtuvieron a partir de rangos de valores estudiados para lagos tropicales, y un análisis de sensitividad estimando los parámetros más influyentes. Los datos utilizados en la calibración del modelo de calidad de agua del lago fueron obtenidos del proyecto Z-247 de la Estación Experimental Agrícola de la Universidad de Puerto Rico. Finalmente, se estudiaron tres escenarios de manejo que consistieron en la reducción del área de bosque (15%, 30% y 45%). Esta reducción generó un aumento del flujo de escorrentía y de las concentraciones de los nutrientes y sedimentos a la entrada del lago. A su vez se logró observar una disminución en la cantidad de oxígeno disuelto en el hipolimnio del lago.
This document presents the coupling of the hydrological simulation model HSPF (Hydrologic Simulation Program FORTRAN) and the water quality in reservoirs (CE-QUAL-W2) that developed for the Cerrillos River Basin, Ponce, Puerto Rico. The Island has 44 lakes which were built with multiple purposes including flood control, drinking water supply, agricultural irrigation, power generation and recreation. Because of its importance to the welfare of the inhabitants of the Island, they constitute one of the most important elements in the Comprehensive Conservation Plan Development and Use of Water Resources (DRNA, 2007). In this study the hydrologic simulation model (HSPF) was developed to estimate flow and physicochemical parameters as input data for the model water quality of the lake (CE-QUAL-W2). With this simulation model water quality can be predict the temperature and dissolved oxygen in the water column of the lake, and .this coupling would answer questions related to the management of the watershed and the lake. The hydrological model and water quality model of the lake were used to evaluate scenarios of land use change in the basin of Río Cerrillos, to demonstrate how the quality of water in the lake is affected. The HSPF model calibration parameters were obtained from basins ranges studied for Puerto Rico. The most influential parameters in the hydrologic calibration were LZSN, INFIL, UZNS, INTFW, AGWRC. The most influential parameters for calibration of sediment were JSER, KSER, JGER, KASND, EXPSND, TAUCS and M. For nitrate (NO3) the parameters were SQO and SQOLIM, and for total phosphorus (TP) were POTFW and POTFS. The ranges for calibration for CE-QUAL-W2 were obtained from tropical reservoirs studies and a sensitivity analysis. The data used in the calibration of reservoir water quality model were obtained from the Z-247 project of the Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Puerto Rico. Finally, three managing scenarios were studied that involved the reduction of forest area (15%, 30% and 45%). This reduction resulted in an increased flow of runoff and concentrations of nutrient and sediments at the entrance of the lake. At the same time it was possible to observe provides reduction in the amount of dissolved oxygen in the hypolimnion of the lake.
This document presents the coupling of the hydrological simulation model HSPF (Hydrologic Simulation Program FORTRAN) and the water quality in reservoirs (CE-QUAL-W2) that developed for the Cerrillos River Basin, Ponce, Puerto Rico. The Island has 44 lakes which were built with multiple purposes including flood control, drinking water supply, agricultural irrigation, power generation and recreation. Because of its importance to the welfare of the inhabitants of the Island, they constitute one of the most important elements in the Comprehensive Conservation Plan Development and Use of Water Resources (DRNA, 2007). In this study the hydrologic simulation model (HSPF) was developed to estimate flow and physicochemical parameters as input data for the model water quality of the lake (CE-QUAL-W2). With this simulation model water quality can be predict the temperature and dissolved oxygen in the water column of the lake, and .this coupling would answer questions related to the management of the watershed and the lake. The hydrological model and water quality model of the lake were used to evaluate scenarios of land use change in the basin of Río Cerrillos, to demonstrate how the quality of water in the lake is affected. The HSPF model calibration parameters were obtained from basins ranges studied for Puerto Rico. The most influential parameters in the hydrologic calibration were LZSN, INFIL, UZNS, INTFW, AGWRC. The most influential parameters for calibration of sediment were JSER, KSER, JGER, KASND, EXPSND, TAUCS and M. For nitrate (NO3) the parameters were SQO and SQOLIM, and for total phosphorus (TP) were POTFW and POTFS. The ranges for calibration for CE-QUAL-W2 were obtained from tropical reservoirs studies and a sensitivity analysis. The data used in the calibration of reservoir water quality model were obtained from the Z-247 project of the Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Puerto Rico. Finally, three managing scenarios were studied that involved the reduction of forest area (15%, 30% and 45%). This reduction resulted in an increased flow of runoff and concentrations of nutrient and sediments at the entrance of the lake. At the same time it was possible to observe provides reduction in the amount of dissolved oxygen in the hypolimnion of the lake.
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Simulación hidrológica, Hydrological simulation