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Índice de satisfacción laboral de los empleados contingentes en una cadena de restaurantes de comida rápida del área suroeste de Puerto Rico

Rodríguez Palermo, Elsie M.
In recent years the use of contingent employees in organizations has increased, and Puerto Rico is not the exception. The lack of information related with contingent employees and job satisfaction was the impetus to conduct this investigation. A contingent employee is defined as an employee that works part-time, by contract or on a seasonal basis. Job satisfaction on the other hand is the way in which workers see some of their needs met and the degree in which different aspirations are satisfied. The purpose of this study is to describe the job satisfaction index of contingent employees. The Job Descriptive Index (JDI) instrument of Hulin, Smith and Kendall, (1997) was used to measure index of job satisfaction within a group of employees. A general job satisfaction question was added. The sample used consisted of 88 employees of a fast food chain in the Southwestern area of Puerto Rico, 72 were contingent employees and 16 regular employees. Descriptive Statistics, T test and Z test for two proportions were used in order to analyze the data. The results obtained reflect that the contingent employees are satisfied with the supervision and their co-workers whereas the regular employees are satisfied with the work itself, compensation, supervision and their co-workers. Regarding employment satisfaction in general, it was found that regular employees were more satisfied than contingent employees. This study can be used as the basis for future studies and as a tool for the effective planning in the use of contingent employees and its success within a company.
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Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Empleados contingentes, Satisfacción laboral
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