Tendencias neobarrocas y monstruos en las obras Salón de belleza y Flores de Mario Bellatin
Cuevas Ortiz, Gladys
Cuevas Ortiz, Gladys
In this thesis, the novels Salon de Belleza and Flores, written by Mario Bellatin,
were studied from the Neo-barroque perspective. In Chapter I, the theories proposed by
Michel Foucault in Los Anormales and Omar Calabrese in La era neobarroca, were
presented and applied to the characters in order to study the figure of the monster. In
Chapter II the monstrosity of the protagonist was drawn by the inverted metamorphosis
of the butterfly; in other words, the transformation of a barber to a shelter manager, and,
therefore, the transformation of his beauty salon into a dying place. However, the real
monsters end up being the State and the social institutions such as family, hospitals and
religion. Some of the monstrous cases studied in Chapter III were a father that inoculated
the AIDS virus to his son, the Kuhn twins (victims of the drug that caused them to be
born without arms and legs) and the poet Alba (adoptive mother that rejected her children
when they did not meet her expectations). The final case studied was a writer born with a
physical disability who dedicated his work to investigate the different ways sex was
practiced in the city. However, the narrative voice suggests that the real monsters are the
representatives of science.
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Research Projects
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Perspectiva neobarroca