Evaluación de puntos críticos mutacionales de lactato dehidrogenasa en ganado Senepol y Holstein que difieren en los genotipos del receptor de prolactina asociados con el pelo corto
López Nieves, Lourdes Esther
López Nieves, Lourdes Esther
En este estudio evaluamos niveles de lactato en sangre y tejido de vacas Senepol (SEN) y Holstein (HO) genotipadas para el gen de pelo corto (homocigoto, heterocigoto y tipo salvaje). Determinamos polimorfismos de nucleótidos simples (PNS) en genes candidatos LDHs (lactato dehidrogenasa) (LDHA, LDHB, LDHC, LDHD) y se estimaron VCM (Valores de Cría Molecular) y TGP (Transmisión Genómica Predicha) para diferentes características. Además, observamos características de la médula del pelaje de estos animales. Valores inferiores de lactato fueron obtenidos en sangre (P=0.0164) y tejido (P=0.0365) para SEN homocigoto versus SEN heterocigoto, podría deberse al truncamiento del PRLR que provoca una inactivación de la expresión génica causando la reducción del tamaño del cabello. Pudimos mostrar asociaciones entre PNS en LDHs con ciertas características productivas, reproductivas y de tipo. No hubo efecto del genotipo para pelo corto sobre el diámetro de la médula e índice de la médula del área de la grupa (P=0,7259 y P= 0,0871, respectivamente), sin embargo, si en las costillas (P<0,0001) y hombros (P<0,0001). Estos resultados sugieren que el pelo corto en el ganado proporciona una mayor capacidad termorreguladora al combinar varios rasgos asociados con el pelo.
In this study we evaluated levels of lactate in blood and tissue of Senepol (SEN) and Holstein (HO) cows genotyped for the shorthair gene (homozygous, heterozygous and wild-type). We determined single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in LDHs (lactate dehydrogenase) candidate genes (LDHA, LDHB, LDHC, LDHD) and estimated MBV (Molecular Breeding Values) and GPTA (Genomic Predicted Transmitting Ability) for different traits. In addition, we observed the medulla characteristics of the hair of these animals. Lower lactate values were obtained in blood (P=0.0164) and tissue (P=0.0365) for homozygous versus heterozygous SEN, which could be due to the truncation of the PRLR that causes an inactivation of gene expression causing a reduction in hair size. We were able to show associations between SNP in LDHs with certain productive, reproductive, and type characteristics. There was no effect of genotype for short hair on the diameter of the medulla and index of the medulla of the rump area (P=0.7259 and P= 0.0871, respectively), however, there was an effect on ribs (P<0.0001) and shoulders (P<0.0001). These results suggest that shorthaired cattle provide greater thermoregulatory capacity by combining several traits associated with hair.
In this study we evaluated levels of lactate in blood and tissue of Senepol (SEN) and Holstein (HO) cows genotyped for the shorthair gene (homozygous, heterozygous and wild-type). We determined single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in LDHs (lactate dehydrogenase) candidate genes (LDHA, LDHB, LDHC, LDHD) and estimated MBV (Molecular Breeding Values) and GPTA (Genomic Predicted Transmitting Ability) for different traits. In addition, we observed the medulla characteristics of the hair of these animals. Lower lactate values were obtained in blood (P=0.0164) and tissue (P=0.0365) for homozygous versus heterozygous SEN, which could be due to the truncation of the PRLR that causes an inactivation of gene expression causing a reduction in hair size. We were able to show associations between SNP in LDHs with certain productive, reproductive, and type characteristics. There was no effect of genotype for short hair on the diameter of the medulla and index of the medulla of the rump area (P=0.7259 and P= 0.0871, respectively), however, there was an effect on ribs (P<0.0001) and shoulders (P<0.0001). These results suggest that shorthaired cattle provide greater thermoregulatory capacity by combining several traits associated with hair.
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Lactato, Pelo corto, Senepol, Holstein, Médula del pelo