Propiedades geométricas de marcos finitos y ajustados en espacios de Hilbert de dimensión finita
Seoane-Correa, Fabián
Seoane-Correa, Fabián
En el presente trabajo se estudian conceptos de la teoría de marcos en espacios de Hilbert de dimensión finita. Esta teoría tiene sus origen en el trabajo de Duffin y Schaeffer en la década de los años 50 [1]. Se presenta la perspectiva analítica de los marcos finitos, propuesta por Benedetto y Fickus [2]. Mas concretamente se estudian los marcos ajustados de Rd o C d , los cuales se caracterizan como los minimizadores del marco potencial. Esto también se puede ver como un problema de distribución de puntos sobre la esfera. Además se estudia el grupo simétrico de un marco, definido por Waldron et al [3]. Este grupo revela la riqueza geométrica de estos sistemas. Se estudia la relación entre ambas teorías y damos la siguiente conjetura: “Todo mínimo del potencial de Coulomb es un marco ajustado normalizado”. Presentamos alguna evidencia a favor de la conjetura.
In this work we study the concepts of frame theory in finite dimensional Hilbert space, which has its origins in the work of Duffin and Schaeffer in the decade of the 50s [1]. We present an analytical perspective of the finite frames, proposed by Benedetto and Fickus [2]. More specifically, we study the tight frames in Kd , which are characterized as the minimizer of the frame potential. This is a problem of distribution of points on the sphere. Furthermore, we explore the symmetric group of a finite frame, defined by Waldron et al [3]. This group will reveal the geometric richness of these systems. We will study the relationship between the two theories and give the following conjecture: “ Every Coulomb potential minimum is a finite normalized tight frame.” We present evidence in favor of the conjecture.
In this work we study the concepts of frame theory in finite dimensional Hilbert space, which has its origins in the work of Duffin and Schaeffer in the decade of the 50s [1]. We present an analytical perspective of the finite frames, proposed by Benedetto and Fickus [2]. More specifically, we study the tight frames in Kd , which are characterized as the minimizer of the frame potential. This is a problem of distribution of points on the sphere. Furthermore, we explore the symmetric group of a finite frame, defined by Waldron et al [3]. This group will reveal the geometric richness of these systems. We will study the relationship between the two theories and give the following conjecture: “ Every Coulomb potential minimum is a finite normalized tight frame.” We present evidence in favor of the conjecture.
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Geometric properties, Hilbert spaces, Finite frames