Estimación de parámetros epidemiológicos para la dinámica estacional de la fiebre del dengue en Puerto Rico utilizando datos de incidencia
López-Díaz, Gerardo A.
López-Díaz, Gerardo A.
La fiebre del dengue es una enfermedad infecciosa causada por uno de cuatro serotipos identificados como DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3 y DEN-4. El virus es transmi- tido a los seres humanos por medio de la picadura de mosquitos infectados (hembras) Aedes aegypti, principal vector de la enfermedad. En Puerto Rico el dengue es con- siderado de carácter endémico con algunos años catalogados como epidémicos. Por consiguiente, resulta de importancia estudiar la dinámica del dengue en la isla. En nuestro trabajo, construimos un modelo matemático epidemiológico con estacionalidad de ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias no-lineales para estimar parámetros epidemiológicos de una función de transmisión que depende del tiempo. Utilizamos teoría de problemas inversos en conjunto con datos de incidencia mensual de casos de dengue confirmados por laboratorio para el periodo de tiempo comprendido entre abril 2011 hasta abril 2013, siendo el periodo 2012-2013 catalogado como epidémico. Se determinan la condición umbral del número reproductivo básico Ro del sistema propuesto (sin estacionalidad), así como también la estabilidad de los puntos de equilibrio. Entre los parámetros estimados están la tasa de contacto efectiva promedio vector-humano (Bo) y la amplitud de la estacionalidad de esa tasa (n) en la isla. Para la estimación se utiliza el método de mínimos cuadrados y un modelo estadístico para medir los errores en el resultado estimado; además, mediante gráficos de residuales son validados los supuestos del modelo estadístico. Se encontró que los datos de dengue disponibles son una muestra aleatoria de una población con varianza constante donde las estimaciones de los parámetros de interés fueron Bo 0.79397/mes y 0.54799 , con intervalos del 95 % de confianza dados por ( 0.78575 , 0.80218 ) y (0.50476, 0.59121), respectivamente.
Dengue fever is an infectious disease caused by one of four serotypes identified as DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3 and DEN-4. The virus is transmitted to humans through the bites of infected Aedes aegypti (main vector of the disease) female mosquitoes. In Puerto Rico dengue is considered endemic with some years classified as epidemic. It is therefore important to study the dynamics of dengue fever on the island. In our work, we construct a mathematical epidemiological model with seasonality of non-linear ordinary differential equations to estimate epidemiological parameters from a time dependent transmission function. We use inverse problems theory with monthly incidence data of confirmed by laboratory dengue cases for the period of time between April 2011 and April 2013, where the 2012-2013 was a period classified as epidemic. The threshold condition known as the basic reproductive number R0 is computed for the proposed system (without seasonality) as well as the stability of the equilibrium points. Among the estimated parameters are the average effective vector-human contact rate (β0) and the amplitude of seasonality of that rate (η) on the island. For the estimation we implemented the method of least squares and a statistical model to measure the errors in the estimated values; furthermore, statistical model assumptions are validated by residual plots. The available dengue data was found to be a random sample from a population with constant variance where the estimates of the parameters of interest were β0 = 0.79397/month and η = 0.54799, with 95% confidence intervals given by (0.78575, 0.80218) and (0.50476, 0.59121), respectively.
Dengue fever is an infectious disease caused by one of four serotypes identified as DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3 and DEN-4. The virus is transmitted to humans through the bites of infected Aedes aegypti (main vector of the disease) female mosquitoes. In Puerto Rico dengue is considered endemic with some years classified as epidemic. It is therefore important to study the dynamics of dengue fever on the island. In our work, we construct a mathematical epidemiological model with seasonality of non-linear ordinary differential equations to estimate epidemiological parameters from a time dependent transmission function. We use inverse problems theory with monthly incidence data of confirmed by laboratory dengue cases for the period of time between April 2011 and April 2013, where the 2012-2013 was a period classified as epidemic. The threshold condition known as the basic reproductive number R0 is computed for the proposed system (without seasonality) as well as the stability of the equilibrium points. Among the estimated parameters are the average effective vector-human contact rate (β0) and the amplitude of seasonality of that rate (η) on the island. For the estimation we implemented the method of least squares and a statistical model to measure the errors in the estimated values; furthermore, statistical model assumptions are validated by residual plots. The available dengue data was found to be a random sample from a population with constant variance where the estimates of the parameters of interest were β0 = 0.79397/month and η = 0.54799, with 95% confidence intervals given by (0.78575, 0.80218) and (0.50476, 0.59121), respectively.
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Research Projects
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mathematical models, dynamics, dengue