Amortiguamiento en estructuras de acero utilizando materiales viscoelásticos
Amortiguamiento en estructuras de acero utilizando materiales viscoelásticos
Gil-Peláez, Jhon J.
Embargoed Until
Suárez, Luis E.
College of Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering
Degree Level
En esta tesis se evaluó la efectividad de materiales viscoelásticos para disipar energía en edificios de acero mediante simulaciones numéricas con elementos finitos. El material se aplicó con tratamientos a cortante y utilizando amortiguadores viscoelásticos. Para estudiar el tratamiento a cortante se partió de la formulación propuesta por Rao y con ésta se estudio el efecto de los distintos parámetros que afectan el factor de pérdida. Se usaron además modelos de elementos finitos desarrollados en el programa ABAQUS para verificar los resultados y conclusiones y para estudiar casos más complicados. Los
resultados encontrados mostraron que la efectividad del tratamiento tiene una fuerte dependencia con las características geométricas del elemento base. Se presentó un método sencillo basado en las ecuaciones de estado y los autovalores complejos para determinar los factores de pérdida globales logrados con amortiguadores viscoelásticos. Estos resultados se verificaron con los obtenidos de modelos de elementos finitos tridimensionales.
This thesis examined by means of numerical simulations with finite elements the effectiveness of viscoelastic materials as a means to achieve energy dissipation in steel buildings. The material was applied by using shear treatments and viscoelastic dampers. The formulation proposed by Rao was used to study the shear treatments. This method was applied to investigate the effect of the different parameters that affect the loss factor. In addition, finite element models were developed in the program ABAQUS to verify the results and conclusions and to study more complicated structures. The results showed that the effectiveness of the damping treatment has a strong dependency on the base element geometry. A simple procedure based on the state equations and the complex eigenvalues was introduced to determine the global loss factors obtained with viscoelastic dampers. The results of the method were verified by comparing them with those obtained from three-dimensional finite element models.
This thesis examined by means of numerical simulations with finite elements the effectiveness of viscoelastic materials as a means to achieve energy dissipation in steel buildings. The material was applied by using shear treatments and viscoelastic dampers. The formulation proposed by Rao was used to study the shear treatments. This method was applied to investigate the effect of the different parameters that affect the loss factor. In addition, finite element models were developed in the program ABAQUS to verify the results and conclusions and to study more complicated structures. The results showed that the effectiveness of the damping treatment has a strong dependency on the base element geometry. A simple procedure based on the state equations and the complex eigenvalues was introduced to determine the global loss factors obtained with viscoelastic dampers. The results of the method were verified by comparing them with those obtained from three-dimensional finite element models.
Materiales viscoelásticos
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Gil-Peláez, J. J. (2007). Amortiguamiento en estructuras de acero utilizando materiales viscoelásticos [Thesis]. Retrieved from