Características fermentativas y estabilidad aeróbica de ensilaje de caña de azúcar (Saccharum officinarum) y su inclusión en dietas para ovinos
Características fermentativas y estabilidad aeróbica de ensilaje de caña de azúcar (Saccharum officinarum) y su inclusión en dietas para ovinos
Emanuelli-Oliver, Giovanna
Embargoed Until
Rodríguez-Carías, Abner A.
College of Agricultural Sciences
Department of Animal Science
Degree Level
La búsqueda de una fuente de fibra dietética durante la época de sequía en el trópico representa una necesidad urgente para muchos productores de carne. Debido a su disponibilidad y características agronómicas, la caña de azúcar (CA) vuelve a despertar interés como fuente de forraje útil para alimentar a los rumiantes. Esta investigación constó de dos experimentos, el primero in vitro y el segundo in vivo. El objetivo del primer experimento fue evaluar los cambios en la composición química de la CA fresca y fermentada (ensilaje de caña de azúcar, ECA) y determinar sus características fermentativas y la estabilidad aeróbica (EA). Muestras de CA fresca (31.13% materia seca, MS) y fermentadas en micro-silos (1.2 kg) por 30, 60, 90, 120 y 150 días se analizaron para determinar cambios en los contenidos de MS, carbohidratos solubles en agua (CSA), proteína bruta (PB), carbohidratos no fibrosos (CNF), fibra detergente neutro (FDN), fibra detergente ácido (FDA) y hemicelulosa (HC); también se determinaron el pH y algunos productos fermentativos. Para evaluar la EA, el ECA de cada largo de fermentación fue expuesto al aire por 3 días con monitoreo de los cambios en pH y temperatura como criterios de deterioro. La composición química (base seca) determinada en la CA fresca fue: 86.35% materia orgánica (MO), 13.65% materia inorgánica (MI), 26.50% CSA, 3.58% PB, 29.47% CNF, 49.30% NDF, 35.33% ADF y 13.97% HC, en promedio. Después de fermentados por 30, 60, 90, 120 y 150 días, los componentes de la pared celular del ECA aumentaron a 71.30% FDN, 44.88% FDA y 26.72% HC. Los contenidos porcentuales de ácido acético (3.23), ácido láctico (3.01), etanol (6.37) y N-NH3/NTotal (4.76) fueron los mayores productos de una fermentación fuertemente acídica (pH de 3.40). Exposición del ECA al aire por 24 horas resultó en marcados aumentos de temperatura y pH, indicativos de deterioro. Se concluye que durante el ensilamiento del CA, se fermentan los CNF con mucha producción deseable de ácidos orgánicos, pero que también de mucho etanol indeseable y que el ECA es susceptible al deterioro aeróbico. En el segundo experimento se estudió la inclusión de ECA, producido en bolsas plásticas de 55 galones al fermentarse por un mínimo de 45 días, como fuente de forraje en raciones completas mixtas (RCM). Se formularon dos RCM con las proporciones 60:40 de concentrado comercial (CC) y fuente de forraje (heno de gramíneas tropicales, HGT o ECA), designados T1 y T2, respectivamente. El ECA analizó un 28.75% MS, 3.50% PB, 69.63% FDN y un pH de 4. En una prueba con diseño de revisión de tratamientos, se alimentaron diariamente 8 ovinos maduros castrados con las dos RCM a un nivel de 3.0% del peso vivo (PV) en base seca. Cada uno de los períodos experimentales constó con 7 días de adaptación seguido por 5 días de recogido de las heces, en bolsas ajustadas al animal. Se llevó registro de las cantidades de RMC ofrecidas y rechazadas y de las heces excretadas y se tomaron muestras diarias de estos materiales que se combinaron para análisis químico. Los ovinos alimentados con T1 consumieron más MS (998 vs. 740 g/día) que los que recibieron T2, pero ocurrió lo contrario con respecto a la digestibilidad aparente de MS (57.35% vs. 51.24%). Se concluye que el uso del ECA como fuente alterna de forraje en RCM para ovinos es promisorio.
The search for suitable dietary fiber sources for use during the dry season in the tropics represents an urgent need for livestock producers. Because of its availability and agronomic characteristics, sugarcane (SC) is once again attracting interest as a useful forage resource for ruminant animals. The objective of this experiment was to evaluate changes in chemical composition of fresh and fermented SC and determine its ensiling characteristics and aerobic stability. Samples of fresh SC (31.13% dry matter, DM) and SC fermented in micro-silos (1.2 kg) for 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 days were analyzed to determine changes in DM, crude protein (CP), non-fiber carbohydrates (NFC), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), water soluble carbohydrates (WSC) and hemicellulose (HC) content, also the pH and several fermentation products were determined. Sugarcane silage (SCS) was exposed to the air for 3 days while monitoring changes in pH and temperature as evaluation criteria of deterioration. The chemical composition (dry basis) analyzed in fresh SC was: 86.35% organic matter (OM), 18.65% inorganic matter (IM), 26.50% WSC, 3.58% CP, 29.47% NFC, 49.30% NDF, 35.33% ADF, and 13.97% HC. After ensiling for 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 days, cell-wall components of the SCS increased (to 71.30%, NDF; 44.88%, ADF and 26.72% HC, on average). Acetic acid (3.23%), lactic acid (3.01%), ethanol (6.37%) and N-NH3/NTotal (4.76%) represented the major fermentation products associated with a strongly acid fermentation (pH of 3.40). The SCS exposed to air for 24 h showed increases in pH and temperature, indicators of deterioration. In conclusion, during the fermentation period the NFC of the SC was fermented with a high production of desired organic acids but also of the undesirable product, ethanol. SCS is susceptible to aerobic deterioration. In the second experiment the inclusion of SCS, produced in large plastic bags of 55 gallon capacity during at least 45 days of fermentation, was evaluated as a forage source in total mixed rations (TMR). The SCS analyzed 28.75% DM, 3.50% CP, 69.63% NDF and had a pH of 4. Two TMR were formulated with a 60:40 ratio of commercial concentrate (CC) and forage source (tropical grass hay, TGH or SCS), designated T1 and T2, respectively. In a feeding trial with a reversal of treatments design, 8 mature rams were offered the experimental TMR at a rate of 3.0% bodyweight on a dry basis daily. Each experimental period included 7 days of adaptation followed by 5 days of fecal collection in bags fitted to the animal. Data collected included feed offered, orts and fecal excretion; samples were collected daily and composited for chemical analysis. Rams fed TMR T1 (TGH + CC) had higher DM intakes (998 vs. 740 g/day) than those fed T2 (SCS + CC), whereas the opposite was true of apparent DM digestibility (51.24% vs. 57.35%). In conclusion, the use of SCS may prove to be a viable alternative forage source in TMR for rams.
The search for suitable dietary fiber sources for use during the dry season in the tropics represents an urgent need for livestock producers. Because of its availability and agronomic characteristics, sugarcane (SC) is once again attracting interest as a useful forage resource for ruminant animals. The objective of this experiment was to evaluate changes in chemical composition of fresh and fermented SC and determine its ensiling characteristics and aerobic stability. Samples of fresh SC (31.13% dry matter, DM) and SC fermented in micro-silos (1.2 kg) for 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 days were analyzed to determine changes in DM, crude protein (CP), non-fiber carbohydrates (NFC), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), water soluble carbohydrates (WSC) and hemicellulose (HC) content, also the pH and several fermentation products were determined. Sugarcane silage (SCS) was exposed to the air for 3 days while monitoring changes in pH and temperature as evaluation criteria of deterioration. The chemical composition (dry basis) analyzed in fresh SC was: 86.35% organic matter (OM), 18.65% inorganic matter (IM), 26.50% WSC, 3.58% CP, 29.47% NFC, 49.30% NDF, 35.33% ADF, and 13.97% HC. After ensiling for 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 days, cell-wall components of the SCS increased (to 71.30%, NDF; 44.88%, ADF and 26.72% HC, on average). Acetic acid (3.23%), lactic acid (3.01%), ethanol (6.37%) and N-NH3/NTotal (4.76%) represented the major fermentation products associated with a strongly acid fermentation (pH of 3.40). The SCS exposed to air for 24 h showed increases in pH and temperature, indicators of deterioration. In conclusion, during the fermentation period the NFC of the SC was fermented with a high production of desired organic acids but also of the undesirable product, ethanol. SCS is susceptible to aerobic deterioration. In the second experiment the inclusion of SCS, produced in large plastic bags of 55 gallon capacity during at least 45 days of fermentation, was evaluated as a forage source in total mixed rations (TMR). The SCS analyzed 28.75% DM, 3.50% CP, 69.63% NDF and had a pH of 4. Two TMR were formulated with a 60:40 ratio of commercial concentrate (CC) and forage source (tropical grass hay, TGH or SCS), designated T1 and T2, respectively. In a feeding trial with a reversal of treatments design, 8 mature rams were offered the experimental TMR at a rate of 3.0% bodyweight on a dry basis daily. Each experimental period included 7 days of adaptation followed by 5 days of fecal collection in bags fitted to the animal. Data collected included feed offered, orts and fecal excretion; samples were collected daily and composited for chemical analysis. Rams fed TMR T1 (TGH + CC) had higher DM intakes (998 vs. 740 g/day) than those fed T2 (SCS + CC), whereas the opposite was true of apparent DM digestibility (51.24% vs. 57.35%). In conclusion, the use of SCS may prove to be a viable alternative forage source in TMR for rams.
Características fermentativas,
Estabilidad aeróbica,
Saccharum officinarum,
Estabilidad aeróbica,
Saccharum officinarum,
Usage Rights
Persistent URL
Emanuelli-Oliver, G. (2014). Características fermentativas y estabilidad aeróbica de ensilaje de caña de azúcar (Saccharum officinarum) y su inclusión en dietas para ovinos [Thesis]. Retrieved from