Comparison between VR and CAD product representation on subject preference via discrete choice experimentation

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Gutiérrez Villarreal, Luis Enrique
Embargoed Until
Lugo-Ortiz, José E.
College of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Degree Level
This research compares Virtual Reality (VR) vs. Computer Aided Design (CAD) using a simple product and analyzing three factors of a coffee cup: its height, radius and curvature. The representations were conducted in 108 subjects who performed the exper-iment by interacting with two- and three-dimensional product representations. For this purpose, a study based on discrete choice methods was conducted to determine the effect, in terms of part/worth utility estimates, for each mentioned factors on subject’s prefer ences for multiple cup configurations with different values, Height, Radius and Curva-ture. These experiments were conducted through 2-dimensional virtual environments for CAD and 3-dimensional virtual environments for VR. The data analysis by mixed logit regression with Bayesian procedures provides details on the utility of each factors evalu-ated and the difference in utility from one representation to another for each subject. The results show that there are significant differences between VR and CAD. This methodol-ogy allows designers to delve into the integration of rendering technologies to capture the subject’s perception and to develop more competitive and innovative products.

Esta investigacion compara Realidad Virtual (VR) vs Diseño Asistido Por Computadora (CAD) a traves de un producto simple y analizando tres factores de una taza de café: su altura, radio y curvatura. Las representaciones se llevaron a cabo ante 108 sujetos que realizaron el experimento interactuando con representaciones bi- y tri-dimensionales del producto. Para ello, se hizo un estudio basado en metodos de eleccion discreta para determinar el efecto en terminos de utilidades parciales, de cada uno de los factores mencionados anteriormente en las preferencias de los sujetos respecto a varias configuraciones de tazas con diferentes valores en cada uno de los factores, altura, radio y curvatura. Estos experimentos se llevaron a cabo a traves de ambientes virtuales en 2-dimensiones para CAD y en 3-dimensiones para VR. El analisis de los datos por medio de regresión logit mixta con procedimientos bayesianos provee detalles de la utilidad de cada uno de los factores evaluados y la diferencia de utilidades de una representacion a otra para cada sujeto. Los resultados muestran que existen diferencias significativas entre VR y CAD. Esta metodología permite a disenadores profundizar en la integración de tecnologías de representacion para capturar la percepción de los sujetos y tener productos mas competitivos y a la vanguardia.
Discrete choice experimentation,
Product representation,
Virtual reality,
Subject preference
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Gutiérrez Villarreal, L. E. (2022). Comparison between VR and CAD product representation on subject preference via discrete choice experimentation [Thesis]. Retrieved from