Rodriguez Matos, Luis R.
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Publication Genetic connectivity among Gorgonia ventalina of the Caribbean Sea(2022-12-12) Rodriguez Matos, Luis R.; Schizas, Nikolaos V.; College of Arts and Sciences - Sciences; Alfaro, Monica; Weil, Ernesto F.; Department of Marine Sciences; Santos, CarlosThe population connectivity of the most iconic Caribbean Sea fan, Gorgonia ventalina, was estimated from DNA sequences of the mitochondrial marker MutS Like Homolog protein 1 (MSH1) and the nuclear marker Signal Recognition Particle 54 intron (SRP54). Samples encompassed most of the species known distribution from Curacao to Florida and the Lesser Antilles to Panama. Analysis of molecular variation revealed a significant amount of population structure with the MSH1 gene; however no population structure signal was detected with SRP54. The Old Buoy and Mario Reef reefs of western and southwestern Puerto Rico, respectively, were the most differentiated sites based on MSH1 gene. Local current patterns at the reef level and/or low sample sizes are possible explanations. Comparisons with studies using microsatellites for both the purple sea fan and its associated Symbiodineaceae indicate that faster evolving genomic areas are more appropriate markers for the detection of fine scale population differentiation in Gorgonia ventalina.