Rosa de Jesús., Dan A.
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Publication Modeling and simulation of energy grids under transactive energy markets(2018-05) Rosa de Jesús., Dan A.; Rivera Gallego, Wilson; College of Engineering; Rodríguez Martínez, Manuel; Arzuaga, Emmanuel; Colom Ustariz, José; Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Alers Valentín, HiltonElectric grids are an important aspect of the civil infrastructure of our society. Traditional energy grids are being modernized with the introduction of smart grids and transactive energy concepts. In a smart grid sensors, computers and communication networks are integrated into the power generation, transmission, distribution, and load elements. Transactive energy is a novel conceptual model in which distributed generators are coordinated through software, creating a type of "software-de ned" electric grid and featuring a market-based mechanism to establish prices. The main research question in this work is which methodologies and tools allow the modeling and simulation of electric grids including both physical components and energy consumption and market elements. This work then focuses on developing an optimization and simulation framework to facilitate the analysis of energy grids. The contributions of this thesis are fourfold. First, a framework to evaluate the performance of evolutionary algorithms in the context of solving smart grid related problems. It includes a set of procedures that carry out multi-objective optimization through evolutionary algorithms and a set of metrics to measure their performance. Second, demonstrate how multiple evolutionary algorithms can be applied to a demand response case study for day-ahead load forecasting. Third, a framework to evaluate how smart grid entities behave when market prices are established under transactive energy strategies. Finally, a demonstration of how multiple multi-agent systems can be applied to simulate these strategies under high-demand smart grid scenarios.